The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3418: Gu Jia Siege

Chapter 3418, Gu Jia Siege

Xu Feng looked at Gu Yunhai opposite, really did not understand, the courage of the other side, to come out and challenge themselves.

The area is round and round, and in the eyes of Xu Feng, it is a knife, you can kill.

The existence of a punch is not worth mentioning.

"Who gives your courage to challenge me?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, there is a lot of sorrow.

Since coming to the Xuan Bing Bridge.

As long as you dare to provoke him, you must kill it.

Otherwise, he will only be troubled by the source.

These people think that he is a soft persimmon.

Gu Yunhai stared at Xu Feng, his mouth raised, with a sneer, and said: "The area is destined to be repaired, whoever gives you the courage to arrogate in front of me."

"It is said that killing you, you can get Ziyue Xianlin, I am very heart-warming!"

"I really don't know, what is the value of your life, what is the value of Ziyue Xianlin?"

In the voice of Gu Yunhai, with the killing and irony, the whole body is full of spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yunhai’s momentum exploded, and the life wheel emerged, condensing four halos.

Xu Feng’s spiritual flow, looking at the opposite side of Gu Yunhai, cold and cold: "If I can support my three swords, I will not kill you!"

"It’s so crazy!"

Many people heard Xu Feng’s words and were shocked.

This Xu Feng's tone is too arrogant!

However, people who know the strength of Xu Feng.

I think this is a normal language.

Just kidding.

The five-fold cultivation of the floating son’s life was easily killed by Xu Feng.

What's more, Gu Yunhai is only a four-wheeled life.

"court death!"

Gu Yunhai did not expect that Xu Feng dared to ignore himself and surpass the moment of spiritual power.

The palm turned into a claw, as if it were a monster, rushing toward Xu Feng.

The claws bring a strong illusion, and the void seems to have been clawed, tearing a crack.

"Three feet!"

Xu Feng’s spiritual flow, the repair of Tian’s tenth peak, is not covered.

With the outbreak of the first-order knife, it contains a strong knives, and above the broken knives, it is all cold.

In an instant, a knife went out and the knife was swift.

Gu Yunhai still has a sneer on his face.

"What do you fight with me?"


It’s a pity that Xu Feng’s eyes went out, and Gu Yunhai’s eyes were full of horror.

Before he had come back, Knife slashed his claws and smashed it toward his chest.

Gu Yunhai's eyes widened and he continued to retreat. He wanted to avoid the knives that Xu Feng had hit.

He is shocked inside, and he doesn't understand why Xu Feng's knife is so powerful.

A knife will break his holy spirit, and it is still invincible.


Gu Yunhai’s chest was torn apart by a broken knife, and the blood rushed out. The whole person flew out.


Xu Feng is on the top of his body. He hasn't waited for Gu Yunhai to return to his heart. The broken knife has already reached his chest.

Only need a little effort, Gu Yunhai will die.

Those who know the strength of Xu Feng are all deeply convinced.

They have long known that Gu Yunhai is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

However, people who don’t know the strength of Xu Feng are all stunned.

It’s unheard of for the four seasons of reincarnation.

Inside Xu Feng's eyes, there is a sparkle of irony.

"Why do you kill me?"

Gu Yunhai’s throat is swaying and his heart is unwilling.

Based on what Xu Fengtian's life is cultivated, the strength is so strong.

"Xu Feng, the people of our family, are here, if you dare to kill me, my father and my family will not let you go."

Gu Yunhai bit his teeth.

The strongest of the family is on the Xuan Bing Bridge.

Presumably, there is an accident in Gu Yunhai here. It will take a long time for the strong person of the family to come.

Gu Jia is the eighth-order force. The most powerful one is the family of the family.

"Do you know what I am most disgusted with?" The knife cuts against Gu Yunhai's chest and Xu Feng's mouth is upturned.

Gu Yunhai said in a speech: "What do you hate most?"


Xu Feng's broken life knife, instantly pierced Gu Yunhai chest.

Gu Yunhai's big eyes are incredible.

He felt that Xu Feng could not kill himself if he moved out of his home.

They care for their families, although they are not as powerful as the three big families of Ming Xuan.

It is also the big family of the Ming Xuan collar, the top number.

After knowing his identity, Xu Feng still killed him.

"I hate others for threatening me!"


Gu Yunhai spurted out of blood and his face became pale.

The eyebrows revealed that they are all resentful.

"You will... die very badly!"

After Gu Yunhai finished, he was completely killed.

Xu Feng took Gu Yunhai's storage ring down.

The heart is full of excitement, the heart said: "Yes, there are actually seven Lingzhu, the harvest is good!"

As for the threat of Gu Yunhai, Xu Feng did not care.

Above this Xuan Bing Bridge.

If the family wants to break the net, the two lose.

He is not afraid of nature.


"What do you say, someone dares to kill my son!"

A burly man with a national face and a loud voice.

"The owner, the young master was killed by Xu Feng, just on the other side."

The person reporting the news said to Gu Fan.

Gu Fan burst into a drink and said: "I will call the Gu Jiawu immediately, I will kill this Xu Feng!"

Gu Fan’s spiritual power surged and rushed out to the place where Gu Yunhai died.


The people around the road were moving, and many people raised their eyes slightly. The heart said: "There is a good show."

Gu Fan is only a son of Gu Yunhai, and now Gu Yunhai is killed by Xu Feng, it must be desperate.

Xu Feng looked at a lot of people around, his eyes were calm and there was no fear.

On the periphery of the Xuan Bing Bridge, obviously there will not be a strong person.

Those who are truly high-ordered.

Presumably the goal is deep in the Xuan Bing Bridge.

Gu Fan looked at Gu Yunhai's body, his eyes were angry, said: "Haier, you can rest assured, I will give you revenge and hate!"

Gu Fan’s voice with anger, stood up and stared at Xu Feng: “Xu Feng, you dare to kill my son, I want you to die without a place of burial!”

Gu Fan’s body, the six-fold peak of the life circle broke out, the life wheel emerged, and six halo surrounds.

Obviously, Gu Fan’s cultivation and momentum are much stronger than the previous Gu Yunhai.

Around, there are many warriors of the family, the life of the four-wheeled, and the life of the five rounds.

"Your son wants to kill me, of course I will not be polite." Xu Feng browed, no fear.

The words are extremely calm. Since Gu Yunhai wants to kill him, he certainly will not be merciful.

Gu Fan was angry and said: "In this case, I will kill you today and avenge my son."

"Everyone listens to the order, give me all together, I want this kid, it is better to die!"

Gu Fan will not talk to Xu Feng about the righteousness of the rivers and lakes, and a lot of warriors against the family, a command.

(End of this chapter)

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