The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3455: Six-star killer

Chapter 3455 Six Stars Killer

The man in the cloak smiled and his mouth raised: "There is only a round of life. If it is for other people, it is naturally difficult to break through."

"But, for the deity, as long as you really trust me, don't just say that it is a life-threatening thing, even if it is a life-threatening thing, it is also a thing in the bag."

The voice of the man in the cloak made Li Pinghe very heart-felt.

The man in the cloak knows that Li Pinghe is moving.

"If you believe in me, follow it! You will know, am I kidding you?"

The cloak man took the lead in the front.

Li Pinghe looked at the other side's back and slammed his feet. After all, he still chased the man in the cloak.

Not much time.

The two came to a remote place.

There are no other people.

The man in the cloak said: "Li Pinghe, do you want to be a real powerhouse, vertical and horizontal?"

Li Pinghe’s natural opening: “Whoever wants to be a strong person naturally thinks.”

Immediately afterwards, the cloak man, a horrible momentum, rose up.

The violent momentum made Li Pinghe shocked and only felt bloody.

"Magic? Devil?"

Li Pinghe's eyes wide open, staring at the opposite man in the cloak, the magic of the other side, he felt very clear.

The man in the cloak said faintly: "Yes, the deity is a demon!"

Li Pinghe did not expect that there was a demon in the mysterious secrets of Xuan Bing.

"If you are willing to be the servant of the deity, your cultivation will be promoted immediately."

"And, in the future, you can swallow the warrior and use it to improve your cultivation. You can imagine how terrible your progress will be!"

The cloak man said to Li Pinghe with a seductive voice.

"I know that you must be thinking, the Mozu is the enemy of the Terran."

"Unfortunately, you are really wrong!"

"This is a world where the strong is respected. Only when your strength is getting stronger, you have the right to speak."

Speaking of this, the man in the cloak swayed: "Just put it, you fall from the road of the sky, if your strength is strong enough, how do you need to look at the face?"

"In addition, what is wrong with being a demon? In the future, if you become the master of Ming Xuan, who will care, is it the Mozu?"

The cloak man looked at Li Pinghe and said: "Do you think for yourself! I believe that it will take a long time for Xu Feng to let you die without a place to die."

Li Pinghe finally understood thoroughly why the man in front of the cloak would find it inconvenient to start with Xu Feng.

It is the Mozu who dares to love him.

If he does this to Xu Feng, it may be exposed.

At that time, he will inevitably die in the mysterious secrets.

"I will give you a small half hour to think, tell me clearly!"

"I can help you Li, win the Ming Xuan collar!"

"At the same time, in the future, your Li family may also become the master of the Northern Territory!"

The man in the cloak walked to the side and let Li Pinghe continue to meditate. He had no extra words.

Li Pinghe frowned, and the inner secret said: "Xu Feng, everything is forced by me, I will make you my nourishment."

As long as you become a servant, you can devour the flesh and blood of the warrior and use it to improve your self-cultivation.

Li Pinghe thought very clearly that he could only kill Xu Feng if he became a servant.


"Life is threefold!"

On the double life wheel of Xu Feng, three halo emerged, and the momentum of one is stronger than the other.

After breaking through the triple life of the life, Xu Feng’s body is deep and the strength is greatly increased.

He felt the spiritual power gathered around him, and then dispersed. The spiritual power absorbed in his body was completely transformed into the halo above his life wheel and integrated into his body.

Xu Feng has some regrets in his heart. He said: "Unfortunately, I can't find the next part of the Kowloon Refining Body. My body is stuck in the peak of the fate of life. I can't go any further!"

Xu Feng clearly knows that if you want to unite the body of the life wheel, you must have a refining method.

However, the entire Lingshen continent is said to have been popular in physical training, which is the mainstream.

Physically repairing the body, it is extremely dangerous, and many physical repairs have been practiced and died in the middle.

Over time, the cultivation methods of physical training are few and far between, and they are all controlled by the top forces.

As for the four pillars that won the Kowloon Refining Body, it was also Xu Feng’s luck that they could just meet the heritage of the Kowloon Refining Body.

"Forget it, since the repair is a triple breakthrough in life, it is not very interesting to stay here."

Xu Feng stood up, he took a deep breath, looked at the Guan Sheng below, and said: "Chou brother, you are careful, I will go down the road from heaven!"

Xu Feng knows that Guan Sheng is bound to continue to walk through the road of heaven, and he does not have to delay time here.

Guan Sheng is now a breakthrough, and the number of people who can easily kill him is not many.

"Xu brother, you too!"

Guan Sheng replied to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng took a step and left other places.

The palace is large in size.

The assessment of Tongtian Road is meaningless to Xu Feng, he can only choose to go to other places.

Walking and walking, Xu Feng's eyelids are a little beating. I don't know why, there is always a bad feeling in my heart.

"What the **** is going on? Why is the heart uneasy?" Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Moving forward, just in an instant, a silver-and-white sword, facing the back of Xu Feng, suddenly pierced.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, and the heart screams instantly: “Damn, it’s a killer!”

By this time, Xu Feng naturally understood why he was uneasy.

Dare to love, starting from his way out of the sky.

This killer has been following him.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is flowing wildly, and the body of the destiny bursts with golden light, and the whole person is madly avoiding.

However, the sword was attacked from the back, and Xu Feng wanted to avoid it, but it was not simple.


The long sword pierced Xu Feng's back and the body of the destiny was pierced.

Xu Feng’s eyes were cold and killing.

Staring at the man not far away, the sword in the other hand is still bleeding.

"Good reaction ability, it is only a minor injury, no wonder Dongye Wangsan, willing to spend such a big price, please let us kill the floating door!"

The man did not hide.

Anyway, in his eyes.

Xu Feng is a dead person.

Let a dead person understand that he can die.

It is also a good thing.

Xu Feng heart, heart: "Dongye Wang San, I can't think of you so mean and shameless, arrange for so many strong people, but also go to the floating door, please kill, you give me waiting, sooner or later, I want your blood debt to pay ""

Xu Feng felt that the opposite man was repaired, but it was the peak of his life. He was relieved.

"Kid, I don't waste time with you, die!"

The killer sword, instantly smashed out.

(End of this chapter)

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