The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3457: Great compassion

Chapter 3457 Great Sadness and Breakthrough


Wang Yi wants to escape.

The spiritual flow of the body quickly fled toward the side.

Looking at the escape of Wang Yi, Xu Feng mouth raised.

"Under the second-order gravity, I want to see, how long can you hold on?"

Xu Feng does not like the killer of the floating door.

The former Ling Qingyi, now also joined Xu Fu.

Moreover, since this Wang Yi, want to kill himself.

Then, of course, you can’t be merciless.

After all, killing this person is not too difficult.


Xu Feng also chased Wang Yi.


The spiritual power of Wang Yi’s whole body flows madly. Under the suppression of the second-order gravity, his body is very heavy.

The same speed of movement, now consumes spiritual power, at least three times the usual.

"Since you want to kill me, do you still want to run now? If you don't kill you, how can Xu Feng be worthy of myself!"

Xu Feng’s voice was filled with cold and savage, and the moment when the knife broke out, he went to Wang Yi in front and smashed out.

The knives are torn apart, and the knives are condensed on the knives, accompanied by the second-order killing.

"Damn, this Xu Feng, actually practiced the knife method!" Wang Yi's heart was completely messy.

Feeling the knives behind him, he knew that if he continued to escape like this, his back would be smashed by Xu Feng’s knife.

Xu Feng's heart is full of joy, the original feeling of chasing others is so cool.

He was chased so many times, and it was his turn to chase people.

"Xu Feng, since I have chosen to escape, why do you want to kill them?"

Wang Yi’s face is full of anger, and there seems to be a flame in the eyes.

The heart is really depressed.

I thought that it would be easier to kill a young man.

I know, it turned out to be a dog.

It was so embarrassing to be chased by the other party.


At the moment when Wang Yi turned around, the long sword slashed out of Xu Feng’s slashing knife, and the sword smashed out and the sword collided, emitting fire.

"Fantasy knife!"

Xu Feng does not want to stay in love, the knife's ups and downs completely broke out, and the knife method becomes illusory.

It seems to be an illusory knife, and then smashing out with a knife and a knife, making the voids screaming.


"The knife is righteous!"

Wang Yi’s heart completely vomited blood. He finally understood why Dong Yewang had asked them to float the door to the six-star killer of Ming Xuan, all of them.

Dare to love this Xu Feng is not a good, but a thorny rose.


The sword is constantly colliding, Xu Feng's broken knife is amazing, and he keeps smashing out.

Just as Wang Yi was used to the attack of Xu Fengtian's magic knife, Xu Feng immediately converted the knife method.

"Three feet!"

The fifth-order upper-class sacred spirits were displayed, and the knives became quick and incomparable in an instant.

Knife Mang’s natural power is stronger, and Wang Yi’s body recedes a little slower.


Knife Mang from his shoulder, instantly cut through, blood flowing out, his eyes are full of horror.

"The fifth-order upper knife method, your boxing method is also practiced, and the knife method is also cultivated. How old you are, how can you do this? Do you start practicing from the mother's womb?"

What Wang Yi sent was all embarrassment. It was really the fighting power that Xu Feng showed, beyond his expectations.

His heart is full of resentment. He knew that Xu Feng was so powerful, even if it was more precious than Ziyue Xianlin, he would not come back to kill Xu Feng.

Such a genius, if it grows up, does not say that he exists like this, even if it is Dongye Wangsan, it is also a place of death without burial.

Wang Yi did not pay attention to the blood marks on his shoulders, and his inner feelings became dignified. He knew that Xu Feng would not be merciful.


As he thought, Xu Feng’s double-life round, the death of the life-cycle talent broke out.

The life wheel of Wang Yi’s head is obviously eight halo, but it is suppressed by Xu Feng’s life wheel.

Especially on the peak of Xu Feng's life, the light of death erupted toward Wang Yi's life, and swallowed away.


Wang Yi spurted out blood, his eyes were horrified, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "What is your life, why your life wheel can launch such a strange attack."


Answering Wang Yi’s is a knife. Xu Feng’s smashing out of the way makes Wang Yi, the opposite, injured again.


Wang Yi’s body was heavily squatting on the wall. His eyes were desperate and his heart was unwilling.

"Don't I Wang Yi, the six-star killer in the hall, will you die here?" Wang Yi looked at Xu Feng, who was walking step by step, and he knew that he was dead.


Xu Feng slammed and slammed his knife out, and the knives were torn apart to form a wave of air.

Wang Yi did not give up, grabbed the long sword in his hand, and displayed the Holy Spirit skills, constantly resisting.

The whole body is tumultuous, and the depths of both eyes are unwilling.

"It’s really a break from the iron shoes, it’s all time!”

A sound followed.

Xu Feng only felt that there was a strong wind on the back and a fierce attack.

The person who came here to shock is the one under the three seats of Dong Yewang.

When I watched Xu Feng and Wang Yi fight, my heart was shocked, just in the hope of swearing.


Xu Feng did not even go back to the past, the knife toward Wang Yi, he went out, he wants to kill Wang Yi.

As for the promising palm print, when the knife went out, Xu Feng’s other hand, at the same time, punched a slap in the back and greeted him.


A scream broke out.

Wang Yi’s arm was smashed down by the brush.


Xu Feng was repulsed by the promising palm print.

娄 瞪 瞪 瞪 , , , , , , , 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你

I did it, but I watched Xu Feng with my own eyes. I fell from the top of the Killing Bridge. I didn’t expect it to fall.

Instead, the cultivation is progressed in succession and is upgraded to the triple life.

Seeing that there is something to do.

Wang Yi was full of face and felt the pain of the left arm.

"We teamed up to kill this child!"

Wang Yi reluctantly grasped the sword, and he did not hesitate to do it. The palm of his hand was displayed as if it were a mountain peak, and it was very stable.


In this way, Xu Feng took an enemy and did not fall into the wind.

"Great Sadness!"

When the sorrowful sorrow was constantly exerted, Xu Feng’s inner sea suddenly became clear.

The golden light above the Great Compassion, it seems to be a sorrowful word, toward the opposite Wang Yi, smashing out.

"Not good, his fifth-order supernatural spirit, the realm has broken through!" Wang Yi greeted him.

Feel the power of Xu Feng's great sorrow and the horror of the sorrow, and the heart is full of screams.

(End of this chapter)

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