The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3464: Holy gate

Chapter 3464 Holy Gate

Mi Li's eyes narrowed slightly.

He has been in the Ming Xuan collar for so long.

Can be upgraded to the life of the sevenfold.

Nature is a bit resistant.

Staring at Xu Feng's back, he whispered: "It is said that Xu Feng established Xu Fu in Ming Xuan collar. If I can join this new force, maybe in the future, I can go further."


Xu Feng did not know the thoughts of Mi Li’s heart.

He just felt that there was a call in the depths of the palace.

I don't know why, he walked toward the depths of the palace.

“What is the situation? The closer you are to the depths of the palace, the stronger the shouting.”

Xu Feng is very surprised inside.

It’s such a cry, it’s too weird.

Although he wants to figure out what is going on.

But it is also very clear.

Most likely, dangerous.

After all, there are many monuments in this mysterious secret.

What's more, this palace is even more complicated.

No one knows, there are monsters in the depths of the palace.

"No matter how much, since I am calling me, I have to look at it. If I can't do it, I will use a blood knife."

The so-called art is daring.

Xu Feng kept walking towards the depths of the palace.

That call has become more and more intense.


Xu Feng paused and looked at the place not far away.

It is a somewhat quaint palace.

Inside the eyes of Xu Feng, they are filled with surprises.

It is really filled with breath, too horrible.

Immediately, Xu Feng took a step.

Going inside.

A burst of horrible killings, filled the air.

Xu Feng only felt that his mind exploded instantly.

"what happened?"

Both eyes are blood red light, and the second-order killing seems to be uncontrollable.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking. I really don’t understand what it is.

"No, I can't be controlled by killing. Once it is controlled by killing, I become a murderous demon."

There is firmness in the heart, letting the killing outside, how strong, Xu Feng is still standing still.

If Xu Feng’s willpower is firm, I am afraid that it will really be swallowed up by such a terrible killing.

Xu Feng is aware of the existence of the killing of the righteousness, he is very clear, as long as the killing is swallowed.

He will become a murderous demon, and there will be no independent willpower, no doubt.

If it is replaced by other warriors, fearing that the peak of life is there, it may not be able to withstand such a killing atmosphere.

Xu Feng’s willpower is different from ordinary people. He combines the pains of the heavens and the earth, and he has experienced many hardships in life and death.

Naturally, it is impossible to be controlled by the killing.

Xu Feng completely resisted the killing atmosphere.

He suddenly found that the surrounding killing temper gradually disappeared.

The palace is still not far away.

His eyes sparkled.

“Is this an assessment into the palace? I don’t know what is in the palace?”

Xu Feng continued to move toward the palace, walking and walking, and the environment in front of him suddenly changed.

His eyes are full of horror and unwillingness, knowing that everything in front of him is a fantasy.

However, he still couldn't help but want to sink.

"A lot..."

Xu Feng stared at the figure, his daughter, the daughter who was taken away by Ling Bingrong.

I saw Xu Duo Duo at the moment, it is already a slim girl. Counting the time, Xu Duo Duo is also fourteen years old.

Fourteen years old is in the mainland of Lingshen, an adult.

At the moment, Xu Duoduo, the breath of his body, made Xu Feng feel chilly.

It is a dark breath.


Ling Bingrong is a man of the Dark Temple. Her daughter was taken away by her. It is very possible to cultivate the practice of the Dark Temple.

"A lot..."

Xu Feng’s eyes are both struggling and hot.

"Ling Bingrong, you are so vicious!"

Xu Duoduo is his daughter.

"A lot..."

Both of Xu Feng’s eyes are shaking.

At this moment, Xu Duoduo is killing and killing. The eyes are cold and chilly.

As if in her eyes, the people who killed them were ants, and they did not need sympathy at all.

As long as the people that Xu Duoduo saw were killed by her, the breath on her body was really terrible.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

In the side of Xu Duoduo, there is a virtual shadow, which is the figure of Ling Bingrong.

Ling Bingrong at the moment, the whole body is dark clothes.

Inside her eyes, all the smiles are coming out.

The sound that comes out, where there is a half of the gentleness.

It’s all creepy sounds.

"A lot, do a good job, these people are weak, you should be killed... you did a good job..."

Ling Bingrong made a compliment to Xu Duoduo.

Xu Duoduo turned and looked at Ling Bingrong.

Immediately, he said: "Thank you for the cultivation of Master, the disciples can't forget."


Xu Feng looked at this scene, his heart was about to collapse, and both eyes were unwilling. He knew that this was a fantasy.

However, he couldn't help but wanted to continue to look down. He wanted to see his daughter.


In the body of Xu Feng, the sacred rotation of Xu Zhi Ding constantly makes Xu Feng feel calm inside.

Xu Feng is a person who is passionate and righteous, not to mention his own daughter. He originally felt that Xu Duoduo and her mother Li Tingting were too much.

When Xu Feng and Li Tingting were dewy, they did not expect Li Tingting to become pregnant.

Later, he did not have much time to accompany Li Tingting and Xu Duoduo.

After he solved the problem in the southern continent, Xu Duoduo was taken away by Ling Bingrong.

"A lot! You must not go astray!" Xu Feng's heart with a sigh.

Both eyes are blood red killing, heart: "Ling Bingrong, this account I Xu Feng will be clear with you."

On the way to the rotation of the Ding Ding, Xu Feng’s eyes were gradually clear, and slowly separated from the illusion.

The illusion disappeared completely, and Xu Feng’s eyes looked at the palace that was close at hand, and he walked toward the palace.

In the palace, a piece of purple-red token is engraved with two words, as if it contains the righteousness of the heavens and the earth.

"Yes, you can freely swear in the killing, you can come and go freely in the illusion, this person's state of mind is enough to accept the inheritance of the Holy Gate and become the holy door." Above the token, a faint illusion emerges.

The entire huge palace, from the beginning to the beginning of all the people into it, everything is under his control.

He is the Holy Gate. Now that he is dead, he needs to find a holy door.

Holy Gate - Killing the world of wicked people!

Xu Feng stepped into the palace.

The eyes stay in the center, above the token.

It is the breath of the token, too pure.

Even if it is Xu Feng, I feel that kind of breath, like the body and mind, are baptized.

(End of this chapter)

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