The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3468: Earthen gate elder

Chapter 3468, the elders of the earthen gate

Xu Feng’s heart is regrettable. It seems that even if it is such a powerful force as the Holy Gate, there is no chaotic Wuji.

If you can get the lower part of the chaos, this is a big help for Xu Feng.

Chaos is incomparably powerful, and once it is cultivated, the improvement is also great.

However, as the mysterious woman in the body said, I want to get the lower part of the chaos, I am afraid I can only take chances.

"Little guy, the projection left by the old man is about to disappear, I look forward to your future."

After that, the old man gradually turned into a virtual shadow from the eyes of Xu Feng and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Xu Feng looked at the sacred order in his hand, and his mind was moved, and the sacred order disappeared.

Looking at the palace in front of him, Xu Feng took a deep breath and walked outside the palace.

His next task was to kill Li Pinghe.

With his current cultivation and strength.

Killing Li Pinghe is not too difficult.

"Li Pinghe, since you want to kill me, I am also time to recover some interest."

Xu Feng’s heart was filled with majestic killings, his cheeks became awkward, and his eyebrows were suffocating.

Li Pinghe wanted to put him to death five times, and now he is the servant of the Mozu.

Xu Feng has to kill the other side in order to resolve his inner anger.

"Don't come over... don't come over..."

A little bleak voice sounded.

I saw not far away, a young girl with a pale face.

Being forced by a gray-haired old man to the wall.

Her look is desperate.

"Oh... I haven’t enjoyed your taste for a long time, and I can’t think of my luck.”

Liu Chao is the elder of the Dimension.

The cultivation is more of a mid-term realm.

Both eyes are greedy.

The young woman in front of her eyes made him feel that his heart was shaking.

This feeling is really great.

"Don't come over... don't come over..."

"I beg you……"

"do not come……"

Among the young women’s eyes, tears flowed out and the whole body shivered.

Liu Chao looked at the woman's performance, and the heart was more excited. The more the other party reacted, the more happy he was.

Da da……

Xu Feng did not expect that he would meet such a vicious person when he was just sacred.

Since he chose to join the Holy Gate, it is his mission to smother and slay evil.

Staring at the opposite old man, there is killing inside.

What he hates most is to bully the weak.

What's more, this old thing is obviously the beauty of the other side.

"Who? Get out of Laozi! Don't you want to live?"

Liu Chao heard the footsteps, and there was a killing in the eyes. The eyebrows were hot.

He turned and looked at the place where Xu Feng was, and his mouth was slightly upturned.

"Is really impatient. With a kid like you, do you want to learn other heroes to save the beauty?"

Liu Chao said coldly, the look is disdain and disdain, I feel that Xu Feng is coming to die.

Xu Feng looked at each other and said plainly: "I am not a hero to save the United States. My strength is not good, but killing you is enough."

Liu Chao heard that, first of all, a slap, and immediately laughed: "It’s ridiculous. The district is full of life and wants to kill the old man. You are afraid to talk about it!"

"It's really not self-reliant!"

Liu Chao, the elder of the Divine Gate, is where the Ming Xuan leads.

When is the trio of the tricycles in the district, dare to be in front of themselves, so arrogant.

"I will let you see if you want to die, I will let you watch, how do I abuse this woman."

Among Liu Chao’s voices, there is anger and extermination of humanity, as if in his eyes, life is not worthy of awe.


Xu Feng’s life-long three-fold repair was an outbreak, and the spiritual power began to flow, and both eyes were killing.

Liu Chao completely angered Xu Feng.

"I don't know the dead boy, I want you to die!"

Liu Chao didn't think that Xu Feng was so arrogant that his life was round-the-clock.

Immediately, in his hand, a knife suddenly emerged, and the knife was swept away.

A knife filled with spiritual power and knives, toward Xu Feng's chest, sly.

Knife Mang seems to tear Xu Feng's body, the woman in the corner is scared and pale.

Only Xu Feng’s mouth raised and his face was calm, saying: “But so!”

After that, the broken knife emerged.

Second-order killings!

"Fantasy knife!"

The fourth-order Chinese product of the Holy Spirit was displayed, and the knives and mans swept through it, and the knife slashed toward Liu Chao.


Liu Chao’s eyes narrowed and contracted. He thought that it would be easy to kill Xu Feng.

I know that with the moment the two knives collided, he felt his arm tremble and his body tumbling.

The power of Xu Feng’s knife was really terrifying, and he had to go backwards.


Seeing Liu Chao successively backwards, his face became ugly, and the woman in the corner was bright.

"I thought how strong you are? It’s just like this, it’s really a shame."

Xu Feng’s voice seemed to be a sharp sword, so he pierced Liu Chao’s heart and made Liu Chao’s face look awkward.

"I don't know the dead boy, you succeeded in angering Laozi, I will let you know that I am amazing."

Liu Chao is a mid-term rehabilitation of the eight-year life. His strength is naturally impossible.

Immediately, the whole body is as if it is flowing water, and when it flows, it brings a shocking wave.

Knife Mang came down from both sides, as if forming a pair of scissors, holding Xu Feng in the center.

"be careful!"

The woman looked at Liu Chao’s performance of such a holy spirit and was scared to exclaim Xu Feng.

"I sent it to my door to find death, I really admire your IQ!"

Xu Feng couldn't help but shake his head. This Liu Chao is really looking for himself to die.

It is important to know that Xu Feng’s fifth-order sacred spirit is not a vegetarian.

Once the three knives are displayed, the closer the distance is, the more powerful the explosion of Xu Feng's knives.

"Three feet!"


The knives were completely boiling, and in a moment when they went out, the heavens and the earth seemed to collapse instantly.

Knife Mang attacked him, and Liu Chao’s eyes were opposite, and the knife in his hand was still hanging.

His knife has not attacked Xu Feng, and he feels that he is alive and is severing.

Above the broken knife, the blood drips down.


Liu Chao is dying and does not know.

Why are the young people in front of you so strong?

He suddenly thought of something, pointing his finger at Xu Feng, the voice was intermittent: "You are... you are... Xu... Peak..."

It is a pity that his last peak has not been finished, and he has completely died.

(End of this chapter)

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