The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3475: Third-order soul division battle

Chapter 3475 The Battle of the Third Order Soul Master

The huge palace, shaking wildly.

The warriors in the palace also know.

The palace is about to disappear.


In the secret of the Xuan Bing, the momentum of the palace gradually disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that this palace has never appeared.

It just disappeared.

Everyone is looking at each other.

"Big brother!"

Guan Hao saw Guan Sheng and was excited.

When someone saw Xu Feng, they were afraid and respectful.

Guan Sheng and Guan Hao are all coming up to Xu Feng.

"Xu brother..."

Guan Sheng’s face is shocking. “It’s amazing. Who can think of it? You can kill Li Pinghe and the five strong Li family. If Li Zhen knows it, he will vomit blood!”

Guan Hao also heard about Xu Feng's affairs. One person alone fought the Li Jia six strong players, including Li Pinghe, the Ming Xuan collar, the first day of arrogance.

However, they were all killed by Xu Feng, and they were still strongly crushed. It is said that Li Pinghe was suppressed by Xu Feng from beginning to end.

How was Li Pinghe arrogant, but he was killed by such a genius, and it was unfortunate to meet such a genius as Xu Feng.


Xu Feng couldn't help but laugh happily.

However, his brow is still tight.

The eyes continued to sweep around.

As the palace disappears, he wants to see.

Will the kitten appear?

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

The kitten did not appear.

"Xu brother, do you seem to have something to worry about?"

Guan Sheng found that Xu Feng’s face was a bit unsightly.

Xu Feng nodded and his face was dignified.

"I don't want you to say that the reason why I killed so many people in Li is because my good brother is not known!"

Speaking of this, Guan Sheng and Guan Hao are both surprised and do not understand what Xu Feng means.

As far as they know, Xu Feng is a good brother with his two brothers. When is the good brother.

Xu Feng said: "The kitten on my shoulder, you have seen it, he has been with me for many years!"

Xu Feng's words are cold and fierce. If the kitten is really dead in the mysterious secrets, he will let the whole Li family flow into the river and give the kittens a funeral.

Guan Sheng and Guan Hao were impressed with the kitten.

They thought that the kitten was a pet of Xu Feng.

I know that the strength of the kitten is very strong.

Obviously the monster is different.

Unexpectedly, the kitten unexpectedly appeared.

"Xu brother, don't worry too much, maybe the cat has another chance!" Guan Sheng comforted Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded secretly, and when he swept his eyes, he found that Ling Qingyu did not appear.


For Ling Qingyi, Xu Feng is still somewhat worried, although the other side is Xuanbing Han.

However, her cultivation is still too weak. If she meets a strong opponent, she will be sure to die.

The palace has disappeared, and Xu Feng has no choice but to pray for her goodness.

"Well? Good to kill!"

Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, feeling the cold and the killing of the attack, the heart is a shock.

It seems that in the secret of the mysterious soldiers, it is really impossible to calm down. It seems that there are people who want to kill themselves.

Ziyue Xianlin is precious, don’t these people know that there is nothing left when they die?

Looking at the place where the killing came down, Xu Feng’s eyes were all shocked, it was a bald head.

It is the four elders of the bliss mountain village, and the four elders are hiding.

"What a horrible killing, who is that bald head?"

Someone stared at the place where the vacant space was, and made a scream.

However, the person next to him whispered, "You can't talk about it, but the four elders of the Bliss Villa are empty!"

"What, hiding?"

Only then said that the empty space is a bald person, can not help but sweating, if his bald word.

If you are caught in the air, you are afraid that it will die very badly.

You must know that this emptiness is a monk who has never let go of his biological parents and adoptive parents.

Guan Sheng’s face changed greatly and said: “Xu Xiong, things are not good, how can this person appear here?”

Xu Feng stared at the empty space and felt the other person's eyes sharp and sharp. He asked, "Do you know him?"

Guan Sheng immediately said to Xu Feng: "This person is a full-fledged monk. He personally kills his adoptive father and mother, and kills his biological parents. It is a heinous person."

"It is the four elders of the Bliss Villa, ranking fourth, but the third-order soul master."

When Guan Sheng’s words rang, Xu Feng suddenly realized and understood.

Why is this hidden look so sharp?

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a third-order soul master.

Xu Feng’s heart gave birth to an idea.

He also broke through to the third-order soul master for a long time, and he really looked forward to being able to fight with the third-order soul master.

Zangkong took a step and walked over to Xu Feng. His hands were together: "Amitabha!"

"Xu Feng, the donor, someone let me kill you, are you committing suicide, or am I going to do it myself, how can you overtake it?"

The sound of hiding is unquestionable, as if he had already killed Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “If you want to kill me, just look at it. Can you catch up?”

Xu Feng does not want to tell everyone that he is a third-order soul master. Since he is going to fight with the air, he has to choose a secret place.


Immediately, the spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body moved toward his legs, and he quickly fled.

The smuggling eyes are cold and fierce, chasing them out toward Xu Feng. His speed is not slow, catching up with Xu Feng, morning and evening.

"Do you want to catch up and see?"

Some people are hesitant.

"There is nothing but a slap in the air, I guess Xu Feng is so fierce, I can't catch up."

The person next to him said.

Guan Hao looked at Guan Sheng and said: "Big Brother, do we want to catch up and help Xu Big Brother?"

Guan Sheng shook his head and said: "Xu Xiong told me that I don't have to chase him, let us pay attention to safety."


The speed of the air and Xu Feng is very fast. Those who want to catch up, after chasing for a while, dare not continue to chase.

At the top of a mountain, the wind blew and blew away, and there was a chill between the heavens and the earth.

The bald head of the emptiness is accompanied by a sly face, and both eyes are turbid blood.

"Xu Feng, Lord, are you not running?"

The empty mouth opened his mouth and asked.

Xu Feng cracked his mouth and smiled and said: "Don't run, you should not continue to survive if you kill the father and aunt."

When Xu Feng just fled, he found the task of killing this hidden air above the altar of heaven and earth, but fifty good values.

Immediately without any hesitation, he took this task next.

"Amitabha... The past is already awkward... The donor is so worried, it is not a good thing... good thing..."

After the words of the good things in the air have just been finished, in an instant, a cold and sigh of breath, toward Xu Feng's chest, they will go through.

It can be said that it is hot!

Xu Feng’s eyes were cold and fierce, and he punched out.

The spread of the waves.

On the empty body, the spirit of the Holy Spirit broke out.

The golden Buddha relic, but the blood red.

It can be seen that the depth of the murder is deep.

(End of this chapter)

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