The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3481: Put your hands on

Chapter 3481, hands are served

"Do not……"

At the same time as the screams, Wang Chaoan’s body flew out and slammed on the ground.

The ground is cracked.

Lu Junwei and other three people all took a breath.

They did not expect to just play for a moment.

Xu Feng killed Wang Chaoan.

Xu Feng's eyes swept across the opposite three.

The corners of the mouth rise, with contempt: "It seems that your strength is just that!"

Han Dapeng stared at the double-life wheel at the top of Xu Feng, and the two life wheels were completely different.

"Damn, this kid turned out to be a double-lived round, and he probably still awakened his life-round talent!"

"When Wang Chaoan was killed by him, it was the breath of his other life wheel, and the death of Wang Chaoan!"

Han Dapeng and others are very clear.

The life wheel is the most powerful means of life.

Once the life wheel is suppressed.

It is equal to the strength of the big discount.

Lu Junwei's old face, wrinkles slightly trembled, and the eyes were full of anger.

He did not expect that Hong Sheng actually let them, here to deal with Xu Feng alone, but he is not.

If you don't think of the identity of Hong Sheng, Lu Junwei really wants to kill Hong Sheng now.

Now, in such a situation, it is Hong Sheng, I want them to fight with Xu Feng.

"This flood, it is really a good poisonous heart!" Lu Junwei secretly hates.

At this moment, there is no other way to say: "Put it together, don't be bound by his life wheel!"

"All show the strongest holy spirit skills, don't hide the private, if you keep your hands, it is equal to death!"

Among Lu Junwei’s voices, they are all dignified.

The long sword attacked Xu Feng.

The sword is turned into dozens of swords.

Spirituality is moving toward the sword and condensing away.


Xu Feng’s fist is still a great compassion.

"The fifth-order best of the Holy Spirit, cultivation to the realm of fire, this kid is really abnormal."

Gong Zichen also had to sigh at this moment.

Xu Feng’s boxing method is simply unsolvable.


Lu Junwei was boxed by Xu Feng, his feet were on the ground, and they went backwards one after another. The footprints on the ground were all footprints.

"Hou Zichen, now is not the time to feel the pain, kill this child!" Lu Junwei could not help but urge.

Gong Zichen and Han Dapeng both shot.

However, Xu Feng’s mouth was raised.

"Wait for a long time!"

Xu Feng’s eyes looked at Han Dapeng.

At the moment of the spiritual flow, the moment when Gong Gongchen flew out, the hand inside the home, the broken knife appeared.


It is just three feet of the knife, the fifth-order Shangpin spirit.

How can Han Dapeng be Xu Feng’s opponent.

Xu Feng’s three-knife rule is now cultivated to the realm of fire.

A knife is thrown out.

Invincible at close range.


Han Dapeng’s eyes were filled with fear and suddenly regressed.

Who knows, his body is oppressed by the second-order gravity.

The speed of his retreat was suppressed by gravity, how could it be faster than Xu Feng's three-knife!


Han Dapeng spurted out a blood, from where the chest was spread, the knife marks spread to the lower abdomen.

The internal organs are constantly rolling down from his body, and his eyes are still turning.

"I can not be reconciled……"

A bang.

The voice has not fallen, and it has already died.

"Han elder..."

Lu Junwei's face became iron blue.

At this moment, Gong Zichen could not continue to sigh.

The strength of Xu Feng is toward the expectations of both of them.

"Lu Chang, this guy is too strong, we both join hands, afraid that it can not kill him?"

Gong Zichen's face is a bit blue.

This time, they were really put together by Hong Sheng.

"Now escape, it will only die faster, fight for a fight!"

Lu Junwei is very clear.

Xu Feng was able to kill Li Pingqiang and other Li Jiaqiang.

How could it be, let them go!

Escape, it will only die faster.

Xu Feng grabbed the broken knife and desperately went to attack Lu Junwei.

When Gong Zichen saw it, he suddenly screamed: "Death!"

He wants to attack Xu Feng as quickly as possible.

Xu Feng did not pay attention.

"Kid, you are crazy, do you want to fight with me?"

Lu Junwei looked at Xu Feng, regardless of the attack of Gong Zichen behind him, he even had to fist to himself.

Just in the fist of Xu Feng, when he reached Lu Junwei's moment, his mouth was slightly upturned.

"Fire Thunder Umbrella!"

The power of the fifth-order elite Lingbao broke out, and the flame accompanied the thunder and lightning, and the body of Gong Zichen came to the ground.

The thunder of the fire and thunder umbrella was above the head of Gong Zichen, which made Gong Zichen not returning to God.

Has been shaken by the fire thunder umbrella, he did not expect to die.

Xu Feng actually has such a powerful Lingbao.


Lu Junwei was pale.

Xu Feng stared at Lu Junwei and said: "I am really curious, who is that Hong Sheng, can you command so many powerful people to come and kill me?"

Lu Junwei bit his teeth and said: "Boy, your strength is very good. However, I advise you, it is best not to provoke Hong Sheng."

"He is not something you can afford!"

Xu Feng heard the words, a faint saying: "It seems that you are still very loyal, do not want to say?"

"If you don't say it, then die!"

Xu Feng has no mercy.

Rushing up, the Great Compassion is madly bombarded.

After several dozens of punches, Lu Junwei spurted blood.

The internal organs are all smashed by bombardment.

He widened his eyes and did not expect Xu Feng to be so decisive.


"It's a few wastes!"

Hong Sheng felt that the aftermath of the battle disappeared, and the spiritual power of his body flowed toward Xu Feng's position and quickly rushed out.

Xu Feng put away the storage rings of several people, such as Lu Junwei, before they could find out.

A strong wind, surging, the air, filled with **** breath.

"Xu Feng, you really are beyond my expectations! Can be so fast, kill them four wastes!"

When it comes to the word waste, Hong Sheng’s tone is hot.

He thought that Lu Junwei and so on.

Even if you can't kill Xu Feng.

However, it is ok to consume Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, the battle ended so fast.

Xu Feng felt the blood of Hong Sheng, and the sixth-order bloodthirsty monster in his body was just around the corner.

"It seems that you are Hong Sheng?" Xu Feng eyes slightly raised, said: "I seem to meet you for the first time, no enmity, you want to kill me?"

Hong Sheng heard the words, haha ​​smiled.

"You and I really have no innocence."

"But, the husband is not guilty, and with the guilt of his sin, you can't understand it!"

Hong Sheng's **** red eyes are shining.

"What do you want from me?"

Xu Feng did not know Hong Sheng, remembering what treasures in his body.

Hong Sheng coldly said: "Don't squint and understand, your repair is so fast, I don't believe, you haven't used the sixth-order bloodthirsty in your body!"

Xu Feng heard that almost no blood spurting, dare to love this Hong Sheng, turned out to be a sixth-order bloodthirsty monster.

"You open your mouth early, as long as you can take it out, I will offer it in my hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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