The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3534: Aurora Magic Knife

Chapter 3534 Aurora Magic Knife

However, Xu Feng did not blame Guan Jie.

After all, Guan Jia is not the most powerful force in Ming Xuan.

As a leader of Guanjia, it is natural to consider it for Guanjia.

Guan Jie immediately ordered his subordinates to prepare meals.

Not much time.

Spicy dishes, as well as fine wines, come up.

Until the wine has passed three patrols.

Xu Feng did not drag and drop directly into the theme.

"The owner of the house, Xu wants to see and see the Aurora Magic Knife, and also ask the family to be able to get along."

Xu Feng knew that the Aurora Magic Knife was on the back hill of the Guanjia Mansion, which was above a mountain peak.

If you don't have the approval of the home, you can't go to the back of the home, let alone see the Aurora Magic Knife.

Guan Sheng also said at the side: "Father, Xu brother has a life-saving grace for me. His knife is in the mysterious secrets and is damaged."

"He wants to try it, can he get the recognition of the Aurora Magic Knife and want to collect the Aurora Magic Knife."

Guan Sheng’s words rang, Guan Jie’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Win, you don’t know, the Aurora Magic Knife is a big deal.”

"It's not that you are jealous of me, you can't be the master. This is a matter of convening everyone to discuss."

There is obviously some unwillingness between Guansheng speech.

The Aurora Magic Knife is for Guanjia.

Maybe it is really a burden.

However, as a master of Guanjia, how can Guan Jie sit on such a powerful spirit and fall into the hands of others?

Moreover, he is still unclear about what this Xu Feng origin is.

I know this time.

Outside the yard, two old figures quickly came.

The two are the elders of the Guan family and the two elders.

The breath of the body is the pinnacle of life.

The two came to the yard and saw that Guan Jie was entertaining Xu Feng and others. His eyes flashed and his eyes were worried.

"The big elders, the two elders, sit down and drink, they are friends who win in the mysterious secrets."

Guan Jie stood up and looked at the coming elders and elders. They were preparing to introduce Cang Jingnian and Dong Wei, but they were interrupted by the elders: "Homeowners, do you know that Guanjia has been in great trouble?" What is it?"

Xu Feng sat on the seat and heard the words of the old man. He snorted and he had an ominous premonition.

The two must be coming to wait for themselves and others. It seems that it is not a simple matter to collect the Aurora Magic Knife.

"The big disaster is coming? How do you say this?"

Guan Jie is a bit wrong.

They are closed, and in the Ming Xuan collar, it is also a presence of a face.

Any force that wants to destroy their homes must be prepared for both losses.

The elder elders fell on Xu Feng and said: "Homeowner, you know, who is he?"

When the elders spoke, they pointed to Xu Feng, and there was anger between them.

"This little brother is called Xu Feng. He is a friend of Sheng Er. Is there a life-saving grace for Sheng Er?"

Guan Jie opened the way.

The elders shook their heads, and looked like a terrible one: "Homeowner, you don't even know, he is indeed called Xu Feng. But the little brother in your mouth is not."

"He was locked in the heart of the lord, Tono, looking at the three, using the Millennium Danxia, ​​and the purple moon fairy to kill."

"As long as you kill this son, you can get these two kinds of treasures, and you can also get other conditions promised by Mr. Tono."

The words of the elders sounded, even if it was Guan Jie, they were all stunned.

Ziyue Xianlin and the Millennium Danxia Fruit are all treasures.

Ziyue Xianlin is a tempting temptation for the half-step sorcerer.

Even if it is Guan Jie, the heart will come out to kill Xu Feng, in exchange for the idea of ​​Ziyue Xianlin.

"Homeowner, you don't think that he just provoked Dongye Wangsan. In the secret of Xuanbing, he is said to have killed the son of Hong Xiaoquan, the master of the door. Before the secret of Xuanbing, he also killed the four guards of the Bole Villa. Two."

"The most surprising thing is that the twelfth son of Sun Donghai, the rumored leader of the Sun family, was also killed by Xu Feng."

When the elders said that they were behind, they did not understand, and in the end, where Xu Feng came from, he also offended so many powerful forces.

He feels that they must be separated from Xu Feng as soon as possible, otherwise they will not know how to die.

Guan Jie’s final face also became ugly, and it was shocking to Xu Feng’s strength and talent.

Xu Feng was able to kill the protection of the Bole Villa, but it was a half-step life.

That is to say, even if he is an outstanding hand, he has no certainty and can kill Xu Feng.

Guan Sheng also stood up and said: "Father, Xu brother is a derogatory person and has a life-saving grace for me."

"Those people want to provoke Xu brother, but they are killed by Xu brother. It is dead and deserved."

"Our Li Jiahao is also the three major families of Ming Xuan, isn't it necessary to be a tortoise?"

When the elders heard the words of Guan Sheng, they immediately screamed and said, "It turns out that it is really coming to our home to take refuge."

The elders looked directly at Xu Feng: "Xu Feng, don't think about our home, we will have any cooperation with you."

"Don't be delusional, I advise you to take the initiative to leave the switch house now. Otherwise, if we really want to do it, it is not a good thing for you to shut us down, and you must have self-knowledge."

Guan Sheng’s face is full of anger.

He never imagined that the elders would come to Xu Feng like this.

Dong Wei and Cang Jingnian around Xu Feng, as well as Ling Qingyi, they were angry at Monday.

You know, they are coming to shut down, but they are not coming to avoid, but the invitation to win.

Xu Feng reached out and stopped the people around him, and stood up and said: "The things you said before are all right, but the latter is wrong. At the same time, it is said to be missing."

"Hey, don't be too talented, we can't accommodate your god."

The elders did not give Xu Feng face.

He does not believe that he is shutting himself up.

How does Xu Feng dare to treat himself?

"First, I am not coming to the house to seek refuge. If you are not welcome, I can change the way."

"Original, I want to give you a decent home. I didn't expect you to want this decent. I am not too polite. My purpose is very simple. That is, I want the Aurora Magic Knife. You block it, block it, Aurora Knife, I must take it."

Xu Feng’s voice is filled with hegemony, the kind of power that gives me who I am, and the elders and others are shocked.

Guan Jie has some mistakes in his heart. He did not expect Xu Feng to look so young, but he is so domineering.

The meaning of Xu Feng's words is very obvious. I came to close your home, but it is not to take refuge. You are not qualified to take refuge.

The elders and the two elders, the old bodies, are all shaking, and their faces are angry.

However, they did not dare to start with Xu Feng. They were very clear that the half-step life of the Bliss Mountain Villa was killed by Xu Feng.

What's more, they are just the pinnacle of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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