The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3538: Cut the fate of the soul

Chapter 3538, the relationship between the two souls

"Xu Xiong's talent, I am afraid that the whole Ming Xuan collar, can not find a second."

Guan Sheng looked at the back of the mountain, Xu Feng constantly waved the Aurora magic knife, the knife of the road, it is like tearing the sky.

Among the voids, the knives that Xu Feng cast out were shrouded, bringing a powerful momentum.

The horror of the Aurora Magic Knife is revealed, together with the sixth-order supernatural spirit of Xu Feng.

The horror of "Aurora killing knife", accompanied by the Aurora magic knife, is fully integrated.

Xu Feng practiced the knife in the back of the mountain, bringing violent knives, as if into the world.

Guan Sheng’s eyes are awe and admire.

Xu Feng's knife talent is not what he can compare.


"The life of the six seasons!"

"The life is sixfold late!"

"The six peaks of life!"

Among the Aurora Magic Knives, the spiritual power that rushed into Xu Feng’s body made Xu Feng’s cultivation break through the six peaks of his life.

Even if Xu Feng himself, some of them were unexpected, and his cultivation was like a realm.

Xu Feng uses the creation of Ding, constantly refining the spiritual power in the body, so that the pure spiritual power is integrated into the meridians.

His cultivation is a breakthrough in the six peaks of his life, and the most urgent task is to consolidate the realm.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

The best way to consolidate the realm is to cultivate this knife.

The use of the sixth-order supernatural spirit knives requires awesome spiritual power.

The whole body is insanely surging.

In this way, Xu Feng continued to use the knife method and familiar with the knife method.

At the same time, his cultivation is completely consolidating in the realm of the six peaks of his life.

He took a step and walked under the back hill. The Aurora Magic Knife in his hand was taken away by him.

"Xu brother, congratulations, get such a knife." Guan Sheng expressed congratulations to Xu Feng and his fist.

Xu Feng looked at Guan Sheng with gratitude and said: "Guan Xiong, you can rest assured that when Xu Feng is in his nine days, he will not fall."

During the talk, Xu Feng came to the place where Guan Yu was, saying: "Predecessors, younger generations would like to ask you for a favor."

Xu Feng’s words rang, Guan Sheng was surprised, I don’t know what Xu Feng wanted to do?

Guan Yu also had some doubts. He said: "Little guy, what else do you need to help me? You know, you just succeeded in collecting the Aurora Magic Knife, and I promise you to help you deal with Li."

Xu Feng touched his head: "I want to fight a battle with my predecessors, I hope the seniors will educate us."


Guan Sheng is shocked. You must know that the ancestors are the two peaks of life.

Xu Feng now, actually want to challenge his ancestors, this is simply crazy, right?

Guan Yu was a sneak peek, and immediately laughed and said: "Okay, there is courage! It is not afraid to destroy the young genius of Li's family. The old man promises your request, even if you are at ease."

As for the natural look, Xu Feng wants to use his own self to consolidate the six peaks of the life of the newly upgraded life.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng thanked Guan.

He is very clear that although he saved the life of Guan Sheng.

However, he now charges the Aurora Magic Knife, and it is reasonable to say that the two have been cleared.

However, Guan Yu is willing to help himself, but his sentiment.

Xu Feng is not a person who is ungrateful.

"Let's go fight next!"

Whether you want to destroy your fish ponds, as well as thatched cottages, and those well-planted lotus flowers.

After the two men in tandem, facing the back of the home, a wide and incomparable place, the area is very wide, enough for two people to fight.

"let's start!"

The spiritual power of the body is stirring, and the whole body is looming, and it is obviously reserved.

The incomparable violent outburst of the air, bringing a violent incomparable breath, crazy shocking the world.

"I don't want to be the second peak of the life of the soul, the strength is really strong." Xu Feng's heart is dark and shocking.

But there is no fear and fierce battle. The gods are incomparably fighting ideas, and the whole body is spiritually flowing.

"Predecessors, offended!"

Inside Xu Feng’s hand, the Aurora Magic Knife suddenly emerged.

The knives of the body spread out.

The Aurora Magic Knife felt the singularity of Xu Feng's knife, and made a sound of humming sounds, as if the dense knife and knife spread.

The incomparable air and waves are madly spreading, and Xu Feng’s cultivation is upgraded to the peak of life.

The Aurora Magic Knife in the hand bursts out of the violent knife mans, and instantly displays the fifth-order Shangpin Spirit.

"Three feet!"

The three-knife display, the knife's righteousness and the second-order killing, and the second-order gravity, are also integrated into the Aurora Magic Knife.

As for the feelings of Xu Feng, there are two kinds of second-order ambiguous powers. It is simply horrible.

The endless knives spread, bringing shock and turmoil, as if the whole world was wrapped in Xu Feng's knife.

Guan Sheng felt the momentum of Xu Feng’s explosion at the moment, and his sighs and shocks.

I have to say that the knife method Xu Feng showed at this moment has far exceeded him.

"Two kinds of second-order esoteric, it is really amazing!"

Guan Yu did not dare to care about it. Above the head, the soul of the life burst into golden light, and the soul of life was wrapped in two apertures.

Forming a violent temperament, I saw his hand, and there was a knife with a silvery glow.

Wherever the blade went, the knife method of Guan Yu was also cultivated to a very high level, and it was swept out.


Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife is filled with knives and knives.

The two knives collided, as if the sparks were splashing, and the knives spread wildly toward the square.


Xu Feng's footsteps went backwards one after another, but he was not hurt by the knife method of Guan Yu. It was only the repair of the strong and powerful, and the shock was retrogressive.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng did not have any pauses, and the three-knife continued to display.

The second knife stretched several dozens of knives, and the Aurora Magic Knife was really horrible. At this moment, Xu Feng showed the power of three-knife, which was more powerful than before.


Guan Yu is still the Xu Feng shocked to withdraw, followed by the third move of the three-knife.

Instead of causing any harm to Guan Yu, Xu Feng consumed a lot of spiritual power.

"Predecessors, be careful, then, I will use the Aurora Magic Knife to inherit, Aurora kills the knife!"

Xu Feng reminded Guan Yu.

The second-order killing of the righteousness and the second-order gravity of the mystery, at the same time broke out, the first-order knife of the righteousness, into the Aurora magic knife.

The knives of the knives and shackles went out like the heavens and the earth, and they were torn apart.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

"The Promise!"

The first type, the endless light, seems to be the endless light, condensed into a knife.

The shadows of the knife and the criss-cross, shocking the momentum of the heavens and the earth, endless, violent and invincible, a knife out, the heavens and the earth are opened.

(End of this chapter)

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