The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3554: Liyang Town Zhujia

Chapter 3554, Zhuyang, Lieyang Town

"What is the identity of Big Brother?"

"A strong and powerful momentum!"

Zhu Xi also refines two red blood fragrant fruits, and her cultivation is promoted to the peak of the nine fate.

She felt the violent volatility that came from Xu Feng and did not continue to practice.

Zhu Xi’s eye is moving, staring at Xu Feng, with a deep horror.

She does not understand, Xu Feng looks.

It is not much bigger than myself.

How could it be so powerful?

"God? Isn't the big brother a strong player?" Zhu Xi looked at the life wheel that appeared on the top of Xu Feng. Her father also had a life wheel, but Xu Feng was not as terrible.

Xu Feng did not know Zhu Xi’s inner thoughts. His cultivation was a breakthrough in his life. He felt the momentum of unprecedented power.

Immediately, it began to operate "melting fire", constantly improving its own cultivation and realm.

Taking some medicinal herbs has also begun to consolidate the realm.


Liyang Town.

Zhu Jia.

There are two major forces in Liyang Town, namely Sen Luozong and Zhu Jia.

Sen Luo Zong is more powerful than Zhu Jia.

The Zhu family is mainly engaged in the business of spiritual materials.

"Lie, what are you talking about?"

Zhu family is inside a yard.

A middle-aged man with a slightly blessed figure.

His face was angry and unwilling.

"Oh, we are not the opponents of **** numbs. In the end, I and Liu Dage rushed out."

"But my sister is..." Julie did not continue to say that she was angry in her heart.

From small to large, her father loved Zhu Xi and was very strict with her.

It can be said that although Zhu Xi and her are sisters, the treatment of the two is a world of difference.


Zhu Lin couldn't help but retreat. The entire huge body was heavily squatted on the chair behind him.

His face is pale, and his heart is filled with sorrow: "Blood pock, my Zhu family and you have no enmity, if you dare to hurt my daughter, in any case, my Zhu Lin is even ruined, but you have to die. Ground."

Julie began to say: "Father, the **** numbs are hot and the sister is afraid of being fierce and less..."

Zhu Lin immediately stood up and said: "The old fish, trouble you to go to the mountains in person, in any case, to see people, to see the dead."

"Lie, you take the fish old, go where you meet the **** maze, no matter what the requirements are, you promise him, as long as the child can come back safely."

Next to a white-haired old man, the breath on his body, even vaguely more powerful than Zhu Lin.

"Master, **** pocks, this person is very hot-hearted, his repair is but the six peaks of life, I am afraid..."

The old eyes of the fish are also with a touch of fear.

In Liyang Town, who does not know the fierce name of the blood.

In case you get angry with the blood.

He must be fierce.

Zhu Lin heard that the heart is helpless.

Although the old fish is the offering of their Zhu family.

However, he can not accept his orders.

The old repair of the fish is the six peaks of the life of the wheel. It is reasonable to say that it is really possible to meet the **** pock.

"Fish is old, as long as you are willing to run this trick for me, whether you are dead or alive, as long as you know the news, I will give you the one you want, the fragrant fruit."

The Department of Xiang Yuan Yuan, can make the old fish repair, break through to the life of the seven.

This is also why the Zhu family can make the fish old and do the offerings in their homes.

Julie heard the words, and a few people next to them, all stood up and said: "Homeowner, Department of Xiangyuan, is that the key spiritual material that you break through?"

The depths of the fish's old and old eyes are all shining.

What he waited for was Zhu Lin’s remarks.

"As long as the children are alive, our Zhu family has hope."

"The fish is old, go ahead, it will change later!"

Zhu Lin said to the old fish.

"Missy, take the lead!"

The fish went to Julie’s body.

Julie slammed her feet. She didn't expect her father to be willing to spend such a big price in order to listen to Zhu Xi's news.

The Department of Fragrance, Yuan Yuan, but his father, looking for a long time, only to find the spiritual material that can break through to the seven-wheeled life.


"Big brother, I am called Zhu Xi, you can call me a little girl!"

Zhu Xi’s face was smiling.

The realm of Xu Feng has been completely consolidated.

He did not forget the purpose of his coming to the mountains this time.

Look for the pulse.

"Well, you can call me Xu Big Brother!"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "I want to walk around the mountains. You will follow me first. When you leave the mountains, you can go back to Liyang Town!"

"Thank you, Grand Brother Xu!"

Zhu Xi is very excited.

She wants to see how dangerous it is in the mountains.

In this way, Xu Feng with Zhu Xi.

In the mountains, at the fastest speed.

Almost everywhere, he was explored by Xu Feng.

The terrain of the mountains is clear to the heart.

The ring dragon shouzhu big array is not an ordinary formation, but it is a very powerful use of the heavens and the land and the people.

It’s not a bit sloppy, not to mention the spiritual materials that are needed, and Xu Feng naturally needs to explore.

"It's a pity! In the mountains, I couldn't find a thread?" Xu Feng frowned.

If there is a mountain in the mountains, there will be a spiritual pulse. If he arranges the gathering of the spiritual array, and the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth brought by the spiritual pulse, it is a huge improvement for the formation.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days, blink of an eye.

"Small, let's go!"

Xu Feng opened his mouth to Zhu Xi.

After three days of getting along, Xu Feng pointed to Zhu Xi from time to time.

The talent of this little girl is also good, and there is a vague tendency to break through to life.

"Xu Big Brother, if you want to go out of the mountains, you and I will go to our Zhu family to sit down!" Zhu Xi was very grateful to Xu Feng for pointing.

What's more, Xu Feng also gave her a sword of the fifth-order Chinese spirit, which is a treasure for Zhu Xi.

Throughout the town of Liyang, only Sen Luozong has a fifth-order holy spirit, and it is still the next product.

Xu Feng thought of Liu Wei, who had met before. For this Sen Luozong, he also heard some news from Zhu Xi’s mouth.

This Sen Luozong is in Liyang Town, but it is somewhat overbearing.

However, Xu Feng is now in control of Ziyuan City.

Nature does not allow the following, there is such a strong bullying, the power of bullying the hegemony exists.

"it is good!"

Xu Feng immediately wanted to meet with Luo Luozong, and he promised it.

"That's great!"

Zhu Xi heard Xu Feng promised to go to Lieyang Town with himself, and he was elated and his face was filled with sunshine.


Zhu Xi is only a 16-year-old little girl, with a simple mind and a good heart.

Otherwise, Xu Feng is too lazy to pay attention to Zhu Xi.


"See the host!"

Sen Luozong is the most powerful force in Liyang Town.

The lord Liu Yuan is even more serious in his life.

The veritable fierce town of the first strong.

At the moment, he is kneeling on his knees.

Standing in front of him, a middle-aged man in a red robe.

The breath on the other side is even more terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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