The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3559: Three major forces

Chapter 3559, the three major forces


The claws of the red robe man, heading toward Xu Feng’s chest, slammed.

The claws seem to be hollowing out and tearing open.

Looking at the paws, it is necessary to attack Xu Feng.

If the claw hits Xu Feng's neck, I am afraid that Xu Feng will not die.

Some people, instead of Xu Feng, pinch a cold sweat.


I know, Xu Feng’s moment of reaching out.

The golden light of the body broke out, just like this, grabbing the wrist of the red robe man.

The strength and momentum of the powerful force made the paws of the red robe man unable to go further.


The red robe man’s face was amazed, and he did not expect the youth in front of him to be so powerful.

Immediately, I slammed and wanted to pull back my arm. I know that Xu Feng’s whole body broke out.


Xu Feng spit out the dead words in an instant, let go of the palm of his hand, the palm of his hand became a fist, and punched out to the man in the red robe.

"Do you dare to take the initiative?"

The red robe man did not expect that Xu Feng dared to take the initiative.

He feels that Xu Feng is at best, that is to say, the power is slightly stronger.


With the red robe man, wave his arm and resist Xu Feng’s fist.


The red robe man's eyes widened and he only felt a horrible force, accompanied by endless spiritual power.

Suddenly, a spurt of blood, both eyes are shocked, heavy flying out, kneeling on the ground.

The ground was cracked with several cracks, and the red robe man was unwilling: "Why?"

He thought that he was about to break through to the soul of life and become the strong man of Ming Xuan, but he did not expect that he would die in the hands of such a young warrior, with inner incomprehension and remorse.

For the man who killed the red robe, Xu Feng did not have any mood swings, his eyes flickered slightly.

"I have to look at it, who is it, planting bloodthirsty species in your body? Is it Ziyuancheng, and bloodthirsty people?"

Xu Feng is now in charge of Ziyuan City and established Xufu.

Nature does not allow people who have bloodthirsty below.

I saw Xu Feng walked to the edge of the red robe man's body.

The sacred spirit of his body shone with light and began to search for the soul of the red robe man.


Xu Feng discovered that this blood-stained red robe man, his bloodthirsty demon species, was planted by a scattered warrior in Ziyuan City.

This person is known as the old man.

It is a very powerful martial artist in the area of ​​Ziyuan City.

"Is the soul of the warrior?"

He Laotou has a residence in a place outside Ziyuan City.

Since Xu Feng is in charge of Ziyuan City, he also knows about the scattered warriors in the Ziyuan City area.

This crane old man can be said to be the most powerful existence of the scattered warrior within the scope of Ziyuan City.

Before the Li family, many times wanted to recruit the old man, but he was categorically rejected by this person.

"Not bad! Killing the old man's task, you can get two hundred good and evil values!"

Xu Feng’s consciousness sank into the altar of heaven and earth and found the task of killing the old man of the crane.

Everyone watched Xu Feng leave Liyang Town.

Zhu Lin is in a dream.

With the death of Sen Luozong.

Later, Lieyang Town is the world of their Zhu family.

Everyone knows that the reason why Zhu Jia and Xu Feng are related is because of Zhu Xi.

"Hey, you really made a great contribution to Zhu Jia this time." Zhu Lin looked very excited.

Zhu Xi stared at the back of Xu Feng's departure. She secretly clenched her fist and said: "Xu Big Brother, you can rest assured that I will not let you down."

Zhu Lin looked at her little daughter's demeanor, but her heart sighed silently. How many young talents and young girls can resist the charm he brought?

However, Xu Feng’s arrogant son, the woman who can be with him, must also be stunning.

However, he does not think that his daughter can make Xu Feng tempted, even if it is a little bit, it is impossible.


Bliss Mountain Villa.

Today, it has become very lively.

Above the face of the bliss ghost Buddha, it is fierce.

Where is the appearance of a half-high sorghum.

The bliss ghost Buddha sits at the front.

Among the halls, the top of the Ming Xuan collar is the strongest.

It’s so loud that everyone gathers together.

On the left and right sides of the bliss ghost Buddha, they are the main gatekeeper Hong Xiaoquan, and the owner of Xindanmen, Jia Dingmei.

The following are sitting in turn, all of them are the helm of the eight-order forces of Ming Xuan Ling, and some strong ones.

"You, since everyone is here, I don't waste time with everyone, no more nonsense!"

When the bliss ghost Buddha was sitting in danger, his shackles broke out.

Directly said: "Things that must have been destroyed by Li family, everyone has heard of it!"

"The Li family was destroyed, Ziyuan City was overbearing, and there was a force called Xu Fu!"

"Everyone knows why I invited you to gather at my Bliss Villa, and I don't hide it!"

Speaking of this, the bliss ghost Buddha swept a circle inside the hall: "Xu Fu does not die, Xu Feng does not die, you are afraid to be like a needle felt."

"Today, Xu’s family is the Li family. It is inevitable that in the future, Xu’s death will not be you and me.”

"It’s better to sit down and wait for it to sit down and wait for it."

"Kill this threat in the cradle, so as not to have a long night dream, what do you think?"

In the words of the bliss and ghosts, they are all killing.

With the three elders of the bliss mountain village, they were all killed by Xu Feng.

The four elders he painstakingly cultivated now only have the great elders possessed swords.

Moreover, Xu Feng’s talent is so horrible.

If you let Xu Feng continue to grow.

I am afraid that it will not be three years, Ming Xuan collar is Xu Feng's world.

These people, who want to compete with Xu Feng, are simply idiotic dreams.

After all, their cultivation and strength have already touched the bottleneck.


The crowd is full of turmoil.

Although everyone has long guessed that the purpose of the invitation of the bliss and ghost Buddha will inevitably have a relationship with Xu.

Unexpectedly, the killing of the blissful ghost Buddha is so strong.

I think that the three elders of the Bliss Mountain Villa were killed by Xu Feng.

They also seem to understand why the bliss ghost Buddha wants to destroy Xu Feng.

Hong Xiaoquan took the lead to stand up: "I think the words of the ghost owner are justified. Let's start with strength."

"My son is also dead in the hands of this kid. The nine guards of our martial arts are also killed by Xu Feng."

"Don't kill this son, I am Hong Xiaoquan, how can I be willing?"

Hong Xiaoquan’s words are all angry.

He only had a son of Hong Sheng, but he was killed by Xu Feng in the secret of Xuan Bing, and the heart of revenge was extremely strong.

The eyes of the bliss ghost Buddha and Hong Xiaoquan fell on the heart of the Danmen Gate, Jia Dingmei.

Jia Dingmei's strength can not be underestimated. Although she is a female flow, she can fight, and she is not weaker than Hong Xiaoquan and others.

"What do the two look at me like this? You want to kill Xu Feng, and he has hatred, and my heart is not."

Jia Dingmei squinted and faint.

(End of this chapter)

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