The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3562: Although far away

Chapter 3562, though far away

Xu Feng killed the old man, without any feelings.

He walked into the manor of the old man.

I saw that those who were embarrassed, looked at Xu Feng with a horrible look.

Above the manor of the old man, all the people are women.

Moreover, these women are all very good.

"He old man and his disciples are killed by me. Where are you from? Where are you going?"

Xu Feng said to these women.

They were all captured by the disciples of the old man and contributed to the old man.

"Thank you for your grace..."

“Thank you for your kindness!”

Many women, one by one, bowed to Xu Feng.

Some of them even have tears.

At the same time that they were arrested here, most of the people and family members were also killed by those who arrested them.

Xu Feng left the manor of He Laotou.


Ziyuan City.

The house of the Li family has been completely renewed.

Hanging above is the two characters of Xu Fu.

Xu Feng walked on the street of Ziyuan City, and he was proud of his heart.

The eyes swept across the street and found Ziyuan City. Now there are many specifications and it is very lively.

When Xu Feng came to Xufumen, he would take a step and walk toward the mansion.

"Stand up! Who are you? Here is Xu Fu, not free to come close!" A young man, it seems that Xu Fu just recruited the guard, he blocked Xu Feng's way.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite young man, first a glimpse, and immediately said: "I..."

"Dong Han, what are you doing?"

Just as Xu Feng was preparing to introduce himself, a younger man yelled at Dong Han.

"See the owner!"

The middle-aged man had seen Xu Feng before. He did not expect Dong Han to dare to stop Xu Feng.

Dong Han looked at Xu Feng, his eyes were worship and awe, saying: "You are the owner of the house?"

Dong Han said with excitement: "I am your fan. I heard you destroy the deeds of Li. I came to Xufu and wanted to serve you. My parents died in the hands of Li."

The middle-aged man thought that Xu Feng would blame Dong Han and quickly whispered: "The head of the house, Dong Han was just passed the assessment yesterday, and he joined the **** of Xu Fu. I also ask you to ignore the villain. Don't worry about his offense. The sin."

Dong Han thought of this, before he blocked Xu Feng.

He said with a certain tone: "The head of the house, I made a mistake before, you can punish me, as long as you don't let me leave Xu."

Xu Feng laughed haha.

Reaching out and patted Dong Han’s shoulder.

"Guarding Xu Fu is your duty. Since you don't know me and stop me, it is your responsibility. Why blame it?"

Xu Feng’s face is all appreciated.


The middle-aged man’s face is a smile.

I have long heard of the head of the house, the character is easygoing, treating people around me, very loyal, and just right, now it seems that rumors are so.

The middle-aged man is very clear that if they are replaced by those of the Li family, they are afraid that Dong Han will not die, but also peel off the skin.

Not to mention Dong Han like Xu Feng.

"Work hard in the future, Xu Fu's **** duties, I will give it to you, practice well! Get more medicinal herbs, I will tell Master Chou, give you more remedies!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the middle-aged men next to them all looked envious and hateful.

Dare to think that Dong Han not only did not sin Xu Feng, but was recognized by Xu Feng, it was a great blessing.

"Thank you for the owner!"

Dong Han shouted at Xu Feng's back.


Xufu, the hall of the council.

Xu Feng sat on it.

The following are Dong Wei and Cang Jingnian, as well as Qian Qian Wang and others.

In particular, Cang Jingnian and Dong Wei, all of them are scowling.

"The government, we just received the news. The three forces united, and soon after three days, we want to destroy our Xufu!"

Dong Wei reported to Xu Fengzhen.

Sure enough, as they expected.

The mantle gate, the bliss mountain village, the heart of the door, can not sit and watch Xufu grow up.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Since the three forces are united and want to destroy our Xufu, let them not even have to come over!"

Xu Feng waved his hand and did not continue to entangle in this issue. Instead, he asked: "I have you collected the spiritual materials, are you collecting them?"

Cang Jingnian reported: "The owner, the spiritual materials you need, have been collected almost, only the last one."

"Make sure, when you are in the sunset, you will be able to send it. When you need it, the 237 kinds of spiritual materials will be collected."

Xu Feng heard the words of Cang Jingnian, and he also sighed in his heart. Sure enough, if you have money, you can do things well.

Of course, the premise is that there are so many people. If you change to Xu Feng alone to do these things, I am afraid that it will not be completed in two or three months.

"Cang Master... Cang Master... The big thing is not good..."

Just at this time.

Outside the hall of the House of Representatives, there was a rush of voice.

I saw a middle-aged man, his face panicked.

Go to the hall of the council.

“What is the system of flustering?” Cang Jingnian screamed, “What?”

The middle-aged man saw Xu Feng sitting on it and took a breather: "Cang Master, you are not letting us buy twenty-four spiritual materials from Yunlou City? We have collected a total of twenty-four spiritual materials."

"But, when we just came out of Yunlou City, we were directly stopped by the Guards of the Cloud City City, and all the spiritual materials were confiscated. We also slandered our theft and killed our three brothers."

“Is there such a reason?”

Cang Jingnian was furious.

Xu Feng stood up and said: "Yunlou City knows that you are Xufu people?"

The middle-aged man saluted Xu Feng, and they did not dare to be disrespectful to this young house owner.

"The owner, we have already said that we are the people of Xufu, and the spiritual materials are also spent a lot of spirits before they are purchased."

"The other party said that regardless of Xufu, or what forces, in the Yunlou City, they must obey the rules of the Yunlou City Master and confiscate the spirits."

Xu Feng finally heard it.

This cloud city, it is necessary to be right with Xu.

"Since the other party is not giving face, if it is our Xufu, it is not moving, it seems that some can't be said."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and the words were filled with cold killings.

"I Xu has never taken the initiative to provoke others, but you have to remember that if there are days, friends and relatives who are hurt by other forces! Xu Fu, whenever and wherever, must avenge!"

"Although far away!"

The momentum of Xu Feng’s body broke out, especially the last one was far from the four words, and it was the blood of the people in the hall.

Even if it is a thousand hands, the ghost king can not help but growl at this moment.

Even if he once peaked on the North Coast, he still felt warm.

"Reorganizing the manpower, I personally went to Yunlou City, hanging the head of the Yunlou City Master, hanging on the wall of Yunlou City, and paying homage to the three brothers you died!"

The middle-aged man did not expect that Xu Feng would be so passionate.

These people are all adventurers who are worthless.

At the moment, I am very touched. ,

"Thank you for the Lord!"

The middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng and suddenly fell down.

(Thank you for your support, a lot of people have just found a class recently, a little busy, wait a lot to slow down this tone, will restore the previous update speed, thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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