The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3565: Prepare the array

Chapter 3565 Preparing for Array

The cultivation of the Bundesliga is the triple peak of the life and soul.

He asked himself that no one was his opponent.

Xu Feng’s eyes are extremely cold.

He never imagined that the city owner of Yunlou City had turned into a magic servant of the Mozu.

However, since B9 jumped out of his own eyes, his eyes sparkled with the cold.

If you kill this demon in front of you, you can get five hundred good and evil values, and his good and evil value can be increased to 1,320 points.

A distance of five thousand good and evil values ​​goes further.

Xu Feng is now extremely eager to get the practice of the body of the life wheel.

"I have been a dragon for nine days, why do I need to be with the Mozu!" When it comes to this, Xu Feng’s mouth rises. He now knows a little about the Mozu. He laughs: "I must have you, the Evil, in the Devil's domain." In the middle, are you afraid of being a weak demons?"

"If you are strong enough, why should you come to such a small place like Ming Xuan, and seek development?"

Xu Feng knows that the demons in the demon domain are also divided into many races, which are different.

Of course, the powerful race of the Mozu is naturally strong, and the opposite Emei is obviously not very powerful.

Yi Jiu did not expect to be seen by Xu Feng at first glance, angered: "I don't know how to lift the kid, you are looking for death!"

The momentum of the three peaks of the body's life is erupting, and it is full of magic, constant riots, bringing strong air waves.

Only Xu Feng's face is calm, and the double-life wheel at the top of his head emerges. If he does not break through to the seven-fold life, he is still somewhat jealous of B-9.

Now, his cultivation has already broken through to the seven-fold life, plus the Aurora Magic Knife, and two second-order killings.

What's more, Xu Feng's sixth-order sacred spirit, the aurora smashing the knife, also cultivated the first two knives.

In the face of the triple peak of the life of the soul, there is no fear in his look.

Instead, it is awe-inspiring.

"I don't know the dead boy!"

The body of the ninth body infiltrated, the dark arm burst suddenly, and a strong air wave suddenly attacked Xu Feng.

When the gas waves roll, it seems to be a hurricane, in a mad surge, bringing a wave of horror.

I saw that the arm of B-Jiu was like a black paw, and it made a squeaking sound, tearing the void out of a crack.


The body of the ninth body is bursting with magic, and the soul of the head is even more radiant, and the body is full of suffocation.

"Good to come!"

Xu Feng burst into a bang, and it was full of golden light, and the breath of the body of B-June formed a sharp contrast.

The Aurora Magic Knife appeared in the hands of Xu Feng, forming a strong knife impact, even if it was a void, it was torn.

"Three feet!"

The Aurora Magic Knife forms a strong shock wave.

Many people hold their breath.

They all clenched their fists, and did not expect such a small place like Ming Xuan, but also the demon.

The Terran of the Lingshen continent knows that the Mozu wants to occupy the spiritual world of the Terran, and wants to devouring the Terran to enhance itself.

For the Mozu, they feel hate, but they also fear.


Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife, as if it were dozens of rays, went to the claws of B.

The claws and the aurora formed the knives, and the collision of the scorpions, like the void, made a squeaking sound.

The wind is surging around, even if it is a life-threatening weapon, it can't help but go backwards.

Not to mention other warriors.

The darkness of the black and white eyes flashed, and the heart was full of horror: "This kid is obviously a seven-year-old repairer. Why is the fighting power so terrible, it is damn!"

Just as B-9 was still hesitating, Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and violently said: "The battle has just begun!"

"Aurora kills the knife!"

"The Promise!"

As the spiritual power of Xu Feng surging, immediately after, the second-order killing of the righteousness and the second-order gravity of the righteousness, at the same time diffuse out.

The killing of the righteousness condenses toward the aurora magic knife, forming a strong wind, the knife will be empty, as if to tear.

When B-9 felt the knives that were hit, both eyes were condensed and the whole body was bursting.

The arm fluttered to form a fierce violent wave, and the knife stalking toward Xu Feng was resisted.


However, Xu Feng’s performance of the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit is a horror.

Knife Mang is invincible, coupled with the second-order killing of the righteousness and the second-order gravity of the righteousness, B9 continues to retreat.


B9 said it twice in a row.

More horrible knife, suddenly attacked.


B-9 is not a slap in the soul of the soul of the three peaks, a moment of blood spurting, the body of black magic surge.

It was just an injury, but it was a decisive act. The depths of the eyes were filled with sorrow, and he had to leave alive.

Ming Xuan Ling has such a peerless genius as Xu Feng. They want to occupy the Ming Xuan collar. They must do everything they can to get rid of Xu Feng.

Never let him grow up.

"Xu Feng, you are waiting for me, the E Mozu will kill you!"

On the other side of the city, the whole man went to the outside of the city hall of Yunlou City and fled.

Xu Feng's eyes sparkled with killing, and the wings of Zhai Peng were damaged in the secret of Xuan Bing.

Now that I have not found a suitable wing, it is very difficult to repair the wings of Kuangpeng.

If Xu Feng owns the wing of Kunpeng, if he can turn the 鲲鹏九九, and practice to the third turn, he will certainly be able to chase after the ninth.

Now, the wing of Kun Peng is damaged, and he wants to catch up with B-9, which is almost impossible.

"Clouds, where are you going?"

Xu Feng could not catch up with B, but he could kill the cloud as a servant.

"Xu Fuzhu, don't kill me... don't kill me... I know it's wrong, it's all B-9 to make me..."

Xu Feng walked to the front of the cloud and said: "You talk carefully, how did you meet the Evil?"

Yun Lin did not dare to hide, telling Xu Feng about the cause of the matter.

It turned out that Yunlin was also inadvertently met by B9.

Only he knows that the E-Devils seem to have stronger people, and they are also within the scope of Ming Xuan.

Xu Feng knew the news and his eyes became dignified. He said: "Since you are willing to become a servant, you will die!"


In the mind of the cloud, there is only one thought of running away.

But did not run a few steps, was completely killed by Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife.

"Hurry to collect spiritual materials, we immediately go back to Ziyuan City, ready to deploy."

Xu Feng urged Dong Wei and others.

In this way, a group of people, Hao Hao swayed toward Ziyuan City.

The people in the entire cloud city are shocking.

Who can think of it, just half a day.

The city owner of Yunlou City was smashed and killed.

Back to Ziyuan City, Xu Feng did not delay the slightest time.

I began to prepare a large array of rings and dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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