The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3569: Are you all here?

Did Chapter 3569 come together?

"The owner? You still don't know? The leaders of the three forces are the three strongest players in the soul. We Xuchu now, wanting to confront the three forces, is tantamount to hitting the stone."

Cang Jingnian seems to be anxious. He just saw Xu’s growth, but he did not want Xu to burst.

Immediately, the voice became a little nervous. He felt that Xu Feng thought the three forces were too simple.

Xu Feng smiled and walked to the front of Cang Jingnian. He said, "Master Cang, do you think, when did I say a big talk?"

Cang Jingnian heard the words and shook his head.

Although Xu Feng is young, he is not a self-employed person.

Xu Feng laughed happily: "This is right. Since I said that the more they come, the better. Naturally, the more the better."

"The floor is the door, the bliss mountain villa, the heart of the door is the three top eight forces of Ming Xuan collar."

"Early or late, we Xufu must have conflicts with the three forces. Instead of waiting for them to go to Ziyuan City, they will be wiped out. At that time, our Xufu is in the whole Ming Xuan collar, which is worthy of the name. The first major force."

Among the voices of Xu Feng, they are all overbearing.

As if in his eyes, the three forces are not worth mentioning.

"The owner, you can fight against a life-threatening triple, but the three forces join forces, there are three!"

Cang Jingnian has some concerns.

They don't know that they are very popular.

Of course, if it is not Xu’s life and death.

Xu Feng will not let the old man shoot.

Otherwise, Xufu people do not experience the hardships of life and death, how to grow? The Xufu he wants is a force that can experience the wind and rain and grow up. It is not limited to the eight-order forces of Ming Xuan Ling.

"When will I tell you, I want to fight with them personally?" Xu Feng said faintly.


Cang Jingian has some doubts.

How can you defeat the three forces without fighting in person?

Dong Hao smiled beside him: "The owner, what do you mean, the ring dragon guarding the big array that you arranged before, can you fight against the three forces?"

Cang Jingnian suddenly realized.

Xu Feng said: "Since the three forces joined forces, I just checked and tested. The cost of the ring dragon Shouzhu big array that cost such a large price, in the end, can also shock the small, let those people, dare not feel free to us Xufu Hands-on."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Cang Jingnian patted his head and said: “The owner, you said earlier, this is really worrying me.”

Xu Feng said: "I am not sure, if you are defeating the three forces, you have to go down and tell everyone to prepare for the battle. !"

Xu Feng is extremely confident in the ring dragon Shouzhu big array, but he also knows that he is not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it.

Therefore, he wants everyone in Xufu to be in a state of tension and make all the preparations.

Subsequently, Cang Jingnian and Dong Wei went to prepare for the battle.

Xu Feng walked outside Xufu.

He came to Wanghelou.

Many people have greeted Xu Feng.

Now Xu Feng, walking in the Ziyuan City, is the object of worshipping everyone.

Some bold women are even invited to send love to Xu Feng. Unfortunately, Xu Feng is unmoved.

It is a lot of girls in the flower season, I feel very sad.

"You are old!"

Xu Feng came to the top of Wanghelou and looked at the old man.

"You kid, now in Ziyuan City, but very popular, so many beautiful women, don't pick one?"

The old man laughed with a joke.

Xu Feng shook his head and looked at the distant sky.

There is some confusion between the looks.

Are they still okay in the Oriental Lingyue of the Southern Continent?

"Oh! I almost forgot, the little girl called Ling Qingyu around you is also good, but the people are Xuanbing Han body, the talent is also very strong, and you are very fond of you?"

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the old jokes. For Ling Qingyi, he did not have much emotional fluctuations.

"You are old, I will help you clean up the poison of the sky." Xu Feng is facing the old road.

The old face is full of smiles, and the poison of his body is temporarily unable to be cleaned up.

However, Xu Feng can help him to suppress it, and from time to time to clean up, but it reduces his pain.

Until the sunset.

Xu Feng stood up and took a deep breath.

The atmosphere of the old man was deep and a little deep.

"Xu Feng kid, thank you!"

The old man opened his eyes and said sincerely.

Xu Feng laughed and said: "Don't be so polite, I am also trying to let you guard Ziyuan City and protect Xufu!"

After Xu Feng finished, he went to the center of the Bauhinia Lake.

After checking it, I left the Bauhinia Lake.

The old man looked at Xu Feng's back and was grateful in his eyes.

"The old man in this life, if he is most grateful to the strong person. This kid has a reinventing grace and a life-saving grace for me."

The tour is very clear, if it is not to meet Xu Feng.

He is afraid that he is already a dead man.

The poison of the former yin has been integrated into his internal organs.

Now, Xu Feng suppresses the toxins.

Almost every once in a while, help him clear a little bit.

"You heard that there is no, the door of the door of the door, Hong Xiaoquan with the strong man of the floor, now outside the Ziyuan City, ready to enter the Ziyuan City, want to destroy Xu Fu."

"What? The door is very strong, it seems that they are still unwilling to see Xu Fu grow up."

"Xufu is a good man, but unfortunately Xufu is too sharp and stunned. After all, it will bring disaster."

The warriors of Ziyuan City have all discussed.

The cellar door is in the Ming Xuan collar, but it is famous.

Many people are very clear that the Lijia Gate is much stronger than the Li family that Xu Feng has destroyed.

This time, Xu’s government wants to resist the attack of the Tuen Mun Gate. It is difficult to climb the sky.

"You may not know! It is not a force in the earth. It is said that the bliss mountain villa and the heart Danmen also threatened to ask the Li family to return to justice, destroy Xu Fu, and kill Xu Feng!"

"Three major forces join hands?"

"It seems that Xu is too fierce."

"A while ago, I still thought, Xufu recruited guards, I still want to go to the assessment? Now it seems that it is really worth celebrating without going to the assessment."

Hong Xiaoquan stood outside the Ziyuan City, his eyes flashed with sorrow: "Xu Feng, you dare to kill my son, today is your death, you Xufu people, still not fast to die?"

Xu Feng stood on the wall of Ziyuan City and said: "Are you Hong Sheng's father Hong Xiaoquan?"

"Yes, it is me, is it very regrettable now, should not kill my son." Hong Xiaoquan said, the life of the three souls of the soul broke out, the wind whistling.

Xu Feng glanced at him and said, "You want to kill me? Are you helping me to find the helper?"

"Good madness."

"It is said that the head of Xufu is very arrogant. Now it seems that it is."

"I don't think he thinks that Xu can compete with the three forces? It's ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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