The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3571: Blood nourishment

Chapter 3571 Blood Nourishment

The bliss ghost Buddha took the lead with the people of the bliss mountain village, rushing out toward the Ziyuan City, and the spirit of the body stirred.

The cultivation of the bliss ghost Buddha is the triple realm of the life of the soul. When the spiritual power flows, it is like a gust of wind blowing.

The warriors of the Bliss Villa near him have all avoided the wind around the body of the bliss.

Seeing the blissful ghost Buddha rushing out toward Ziyuan City, Hong Xiaoquan did not hesitate and rushed out.

The whole body's spiritual power surged, and the eyes were filled with cold and killing intentions. "Xu Feng kid, you dare to kill my son. Today, I want you to die without a place to die."

Jia Dingmei also sighed at the people around him and said, "Do it, remember what I told you before."

In the depths of Jia Dingmei’s eyes, she flashed a cold and violent killing. She not only wanted to destroy Xufu.

It is also necessary to destroy the mantle gate and the bliss mountain village. By then, the entire Ming Xuan collar is the world of Xindanmen.

Just because Jia Dingmei’s cultivation has already broken through to the four souls of life, she has such an idea.

"The three major forces of the military are really too strong, it seems that Xu Fu is fierce and less!"

"Hey, if I had Xu Feng, I should have fled, why should I stay and die?"

"His talent is so powerful that it only takes time to grow up, and it will certainly be able to destroy the forces such as the Bliss Mountain."

"It’s the old saying that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger. This guy is estimated to feel that he is going to kill Li, and he can do whatever he wants."

Seeing the Bliss Mountain Villa, the Dim Gate, and the strong man of Xindanmen, they came to Ziyuan City.

Many Wuyuan City warriors could not help but feel that they felt that Xu Feng’s stay in Ziyuan City was tantamount to death.

In particular, I felt that Hong Xiaoquan, Jia Dingmei, and a few people from the blissful ghosts and spirits were so powerful that they felt that Xu’s murder was too much, and that Xu Feng would die.

Just then, the sky shook.


With Hong Xiaoquan and the bliss ghosts and other people, they rushed out toward Ziyuan City.

I saw Xu Feng standing in the sky above Ziyuan City, the moment when his hands floated.

Throughout the entire Ziyuan City, there was a rumbling sound, and the wind and the clouds surged, and the heavens and the earth were insanely violent.

"What is that kid doing?"

The bliss ghost stayed in the footsteps, and he suddenly felt that a very depressed atmosphere emerged.

Intuition tells him that this breath is very dangerous.

Hong Xiaoquan and Jia Dingmei are also strong.

They are also staring at Xu Feng.

I saw Xu Feng's hands, still dancing, and a strange mark, moving into the sky above Ziyuan City, constantly integrated into it.

"Why do I feel that the spirit of heaven and earth seems to be passing away?" Hong Xiaoquan had some hesitation.

Jia Dingmei’s old eyes are all condensed, saying: “When is the Ziyuan City, there is a big guardian?”

Jia Dingmei had seen the big bail before, but I didn’t expect that there would be such a formation in Ziyuan City.

"There is a big battle in the city? How is it possible? I am very familiar with Li's family. I don't know that Ziyuan City has a big guardian city."

Hong Xiaoquan immediately denied.

Jia Dingmei said: "This kid is obviously in the control of the law, we quickly find a way to kill him."


Jia Dingmei screamed, and the person with the heart of Danmen wanted to break into Ziyuan City and kill Xu Feng as soon as possible.

Who knows, Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, said: "I just arranged a successful moat, I will use your inspection and test, the power of this array of methods, in the end?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, Jia Dingmei and others were furious: “The kid, you can’t say anything, you will arrange the array. Do you think we will believe it? I think you are just bluffing, want to scare us and let us back.”

"Kill it!"

Jia Dingmei urged, the feeling of danger became more and more intense, and she had a bad feeling.

"Ah! I know why Xu’s owner has always been fearless. It turns out that he has arranged for the three days and three nights.

"God! The big city guards, so to say, Xu may not be able to stop the attacks of the three forces."

"A person has not vowed to say that Xu will inevitably die. Will Xu Feng die?"

"Why don't you continue to scream now? It's a shame, I advise you to get out of Ziyuan City as soon as possible."

"The arrangement of the Xufu masters has brought benefits to all of us. While you enjoy the benefits, you are still not good, it is damn."

"Yes, get out of Ziyuan City!"

Those who have just gloated in disasters have caused public outrage.


"help me!"

Just then, a scream rang.

I saw that the mountains in the far distance of Ziyuan City were madly shaking.

With a gust of wind sweeping, a huge palm print, toward the bliss ghosts and other people, smashed away.

The huge palm prints seem to tear the void, forming a horrible wave of turmoil, bursting out of a booming sound.

The momentum is magnificent, the earthquake is soaring, and the power of the ring dragon guarding the big bangs at this moment is fully revealed.

I saw a warrior with a high-order life, and this was a huge palm print, and it was instantly destroyed.

Some warriors, even in the void, appear cracks, directly devour, the bones are not saved.

Blood ran outside the city of Ziyuan.

Just a little while.

There are dozens of people killed and injured.


The bliss ghost Buddha roared. He looked at Hong Xiaoquan and said: "Hong Xiaoquan, Ziyuan City has such a powerful guarding city array, you don't even know, let us follow you to die!"

Jia Dingmei’s eyes were also cold and killing, and the people who saw him came to death.

Blood is flowing, and those people are dead, they can’t enter Ziyuan City.

It is terrible to use the ring of the dragons in the ring, and use the pressure in the mountains. Suddenly, in the sky, the shadows of the mountains that are endless are suppressed downwards.

"Run! Let's run!"

Jia Dingmei and others, at this moment, there is still the idea of ​​destroying Xu Fu, and they all want to escape quickly.

However, the horror of the ring dragon guarding the squad is here.

Those who enter the battlefield want to escape, unless they break open.

The ring of law is a ring, as if it is an endless array of methods.


The shadow of the mountains was suppressed.

"Lord, save me..."

The old man who killed the soul of the earthen gate, he made a miserable snoring, the shadow of the mountains that were born, the bones of the suppression were not saved, and the blood flowed on the ground.

Outside the Ziyuan City, the rich **** smell seems to form a gusty wind.

The ring dragon Shouzhu big array began to devour the blood on the ground.

These warriors can all be strong.

As the array uses the energy of these warriors, it becomes even more horrible.

Xu Feng looked at his own arrangement of the ring dragon Shouzhu big array, just like enjoying it, a piece of art.

There was a shallow smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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