The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3680: I was robbed when I first arrived!

Chapter 3680 was just robbed when he came!

"Master Xu, with your talent, if you can get the inheritance of Luo Ze, it is not a icing on the cake!"

Meng Hao said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at Meng Hao, his eyes were curious.

He does not understand.

If Meng Meng was before, give him the soul crystal and the spiritual material, but repay his kindness.

Now, Meng Hao told him these things, fearing that there are other attempts.

Looking at the eyes that Xu Feng delivered.

Meng Hao smiled.

"Master Xu, I don't want you to say. I used to be a foreigner who had no chanting. Just because my talent was too bad, I had to leave without a sect and go to Yunfeng City to create a Meng family!"

"For so many years, I have a wish, that is, in the future, I can get recognition without a sect."

"If Master Xu joins the Nothing, and if you don't make a contribution, you can return to Nothing."

The words of Meng Yu sounded, but Xu Feng was somewhat admired.

This person is also a person who is passionate and righteous.

"Don't worry! Since you have such a desire, even if I can't make a contribution to the untitled, I will find a way to let the no-sentence promise your request." Xu Feng promised to Meng Hao.

"Thank you Master Xu!"

Meng Hao got Xu Feng’s promise and was extremely excited.

I almost have to kneel down to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng gave Meng Hao a pull and did not let the other party bow down.

"Don't thank me! I believe that if you don't have a high-ranking high-level, know that you can go to the present realm and cultivate, you will also promise you to join the no-request. After all, your strength is in no sect, be a The elders of the outer door are enough!"

Xu Feng said.

"Right, have you ever had no thoughts, can you have any Master, or a responsible person?"

Xu Feng asked.

Since he is going to go to Nothing, he helps Meng to go back.

At that time, no one else knows who Meng Hao is.

How do you let Meng Hao go back without a sect?

Meng Hao’s eyes sparkled with a sigh of sadness, and immediately took a deep breath. “Master Xu, I didn’t want to say that I was a teacher. It’s really my reputation as a shameful teacher.”

"My master is a second elder who has no ancestry. He is famous throughout the whole of Roze."

"People say that flying smoke three swords fly Feiyu!"

Meng Hao said here, there is a touch of pride in his eyes.

Even the three elders are surprised.

He followed Meng Hao for so many years.

I never knew that Meng Hao actually came from no ancestors.

Moreover, Master is still Feifei.

Fei Feiyu broke through to Danyuan three years ago.

At that time, it was a famous reputation.

Also banqueting the whole of Luo Ze's strong, to participate in the celebration banquet.

"Well! In this case, you can rest assured! After I go to Nothing, I will find a way to help you ask Fei Feiyu."

"Maybe, he still wants you to join the Nothing, and maybe."

Xu Feng said to Meng Hao.

The heart is sighing.

"Nothing is the seventh-order power, the strong man like Fei Feiyu, the disciple under the hand, I am afraid that there are dozens."

Meng Hao was just a disciple of no ancestors. Perhaps Fei Feiyu had forgotten him.

However, it is also rare for Meng Hao to have such a sentiment and attachment.

In any case, Xu Feng is also helping Meng Hao to complete such a wish.

"Thank you Master Xu!"

Meng Hao is deeply envious of Xu Feng.

"Going to break through, I also left Yunfeng City!"

Xu Feng urged Meng Hao to say.

"Master Xu, this is the map of Luo Ze collar, you bring it on your body, it is convenient."

Meng Hao handed Xu Feng a copy and appeared to have some yellowish maps.

Xu Feng glanced a little and found the map in great detail.

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng is also very appetizing for Meng Yi.

Unfortunately, the talent of the other side is also extremely good.

He wants to help, and there is no way to do it.

Moreover, Xu Feng's biggest goal is the top power of the Northern Kings, Purple Pavilion.

He can't waste time in a small place like Yunfeng City.

There is no hesitation.

Going to the place where the ancient city of Aoki is located, take a step.

The map that Meng Hao gave him just now.

They were also deeply imprinted by Xu Feng.


In a blink of an eye.

Three days, quietly passed away.

At the top of a mountain, the sun rises.

The sun shines on the clothes, revealing a touch of light.

However, a young man sits cross-legged.

Above the top of the head, there is a golden shadow.

From time to time, the horror of the king is exuding.

It is the soul of the three souls of the Holy Spirit.

The Taikoo Dragon Soul is the king of the Soul Master who awakens the Holy Spirit.

The youth is the Xu Feng who came to the outside of the ancient city of Qingmu.

Xu Feng three days, refining two Xuan Yin Rong soul Dan.

Five lines of the Holy Spirit are added.

The holy soul line reaches one hundred and five.


Take a deep breath.

Stand up and come.

Xu Feng looked at the distance, the city that looked quaint and desolate.

Outside the wall, it looks like a blue-colored ancient pine, carved.

"I don't think of this ancient city of Aoki, but it also has a bit of charm."

Xu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Outside the walls, they are all blue.

The ancient city of Aoki seems to be wearing a blue coat, but it adds a bit of mystery to the ancient city of Aoki.

Xu Feng walked down the mountain and went to the ancient city of Qingmu.

Walking in the forest.

There is no monster.

Some figures can be seen from time to time.

“It seems that the ancient city of Aoki is really lively!”

Xu Feng can see it.

The look of many warriors is the scent of the servant.

Obviously, these people are also coming from a long journey.

Xu Feng came under the mountain.

I found an endless stream of pedestrians.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he found several figures not far away, staring at himself with no good intentions.

Inside the dark road: "It seems that it is not very peaceful wherever you go, it is estimated that people are eyeing!"

Xu Feng did not care too much, but still walked toward the front.

"That kid is really a girl, I was stared at by those people, and dared to die, I really admire his courage!"

"This group of people has killed nearly 30 people in the past three days outside the ancient city of Aoki."

"They are all robbing young people who come to the ancient city of Aoki. These young people are all worth a lot."

Today, no sect is recruiting disciples.

However, there are two other forces.

Hao Yuanmen and Qing Leizong also made exceptions from time to time, collecting some talented young people from other places in Luo Ze.

Just to prepare for the opening of the Aoki Sanctuary.

The strength of this group of people is not weak.

It is also a good means to rob young people in the past.

"Kid, give us your storage ring, you can live!"

A middle-aged man.

Both eyes exude a fierce light.

It is the seventh mid-term peak of the soul.

"It is said that the leader of this group of people is the elder of Haoyuanmen. Later, he made a mistake and was expelled from Haoyuanmen. It was repaired to be the eighth peak of the soul, and did not know the true and false?"

Some of the surrounding warriors whispered.

Xu Feng's eyes are calm.

"If I don't give it?"

Answer slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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