The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3731: Alarming Dan Yuanjing

Chapter 3731 alarmed Dan Yuanjing

Ling Hong and Jiang Yingying rushed up to block the attack from Zhu Bo.

However, Xu Feng’s power of the Holy Spirit broke out to the extreme.

He practiced the five elements of the heart.

Practice to the realm of the third floor.


The corner of the mouth rose and there was a sneer on his face.

"The water is continuous."

With the third layer of the five elements of the heart, the golden light, once again bathed in Ling Hong and others.

The strong momentum and constant impact, Ling Hong and Jiang Yingying's breath, climbed up straight.

The rest of Lin Biao and others, the momentum is also a huge improvement, several people are crazy attack Zhu Bo.

Zhu Bo's face became very gloomy, his face was iron, and he was already at a disadvantage.

A little careless, very likely to be seriously injured.

You must know that the Aoki Sanctuary is open soon.

If he is seriously injured.

Later in the Aoki Sanctuary, fear is hard to do.

This time, the Aoki Sanctuary opened, which is related to the inheritance of Luo Ze.

It can be said that it matters a lot.

He can't be in such a stall.

Any errors have occurred.

"Ling Hong, are you really crazy? I am the chief disciple of Haoyuanmen. Do you still want to continue?"

Zhu Bo was gloomy. When he said this, everyone was already aware of it.

Obviously, Zhu Bo has some fears, afraid to continue fighting, and there are real casualties.

This sentence is obviously to give Xu Feng and others a step, everyone will stop here, do not have to continue to fight.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng said slowly: "Since the shot, naturally, it is not dead."

Ling Hong and Jiang Yingying, crazy shots, every move is all-out, completely ruined Zhu Bo.

Zhu Bo was gloomy and said: "What are you still doing? Don't you hurry to help me?"

Zhu Bo burst into a bang, he knew that if he continued this way, he was afraid that it was dangerous.

To the many young people in Haoyuanmen, they screamed and asked for help from other disciples of Haoyuanmen.

"Hurry up!"

Several young people in Haoyuanmen also joined the battle.

For a time, the battle became confused.

Jiang Yingying and Ling Hong, as well as Lin Biao, attacked Zhu Bo at the same time.

Xu Feng's soul skills, the power can not be underestimated.


Zhu Bo spit out blood.

By Ling Hong’s palm, the bombardment was on the chest.

He had to be distracted from the swordsmanship from Lin Biao, but he was able to take advantage of Ling Hong.


Zhu Bo was shocked and tumbling, and continued to retreat, watching the attack of Ling Hong three people, blink of an eye.

Many people frowned slightly and said: "Do these people really want to kill Zhu Bo?"

"If Zhu Bo is killed, I am afraid that it will be Hao Yuanmen, it will be completely crazy! It is the chief disciple who spends countless resources and cultivates."

The three major seven-order forces are very clear. It is necessary to cultivate a top-notch genius disciple to demonstrate the power and majesty of the three major seven-order forces.

Therefore, regardless of Zhu Bo, Dai Hongyan, and the chief disciple of Qing Leizong, the resources obtained are not other disciples and can be compared.

If Zhu Bo is killed, it will cost Haoyuanmen a huge price and he will not get any benefit.

Haoyuanmen is bound to be crazy.

Seeing that Zhu Bo is in danger.

A violent momentum appeared in the autumn altar.

This person is the elder of Haoyuanmen.

The moment of appearance.

The air waves on the body fluctuate instantaneously.

It is worthy of being a strong Dan Yuan, the moment that a palm suddenly shot, making Ling Hong and others all flew out.

"Four elders!"

Zhu Bo looked at the old man who appeared, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said hello to the old man.

Wei Haozhong is the four elders of Haoyuanmen. It is a Danyuan environment. It is impossible to see Zhubo in danger.

"Since it is a tea party, why do you have to fight for life and death? Why not stop here, how?"

The appearance of Wei Haozhong made the scene completely quiet and stunned.

Who can think of a small tea party, which actually alerted the strong man of Dan Yuanjing.

Moreover, it is still the four elders of Haoyuanmen, whose status is very high.

You must know that the three major seven-order forces.

It is only able to barely rank among the ranks of the seven-order forces.

Those powerful seventh-order forces must have many high-ranking Dan Yuanqiang.

However, Luo Ze led the three seventh-order forces.

Several elders are only low-level Dan Yuan.

You must know that the soul of the soul, want to enter the Dan Yuanjing.

It is very difficult.

The cohesion of the soul of life, how to unite into Dan Yuan.

This is very difficult for many warriors.

The momentum of Dan Yuan contains far more than the soul of life.

"What are you doing? You said that you will stop after you stop! Are you a shameless person in Haoyuanmen?"

"Have a small, old one to suppress others? No, this is your Haoyuanmen, the purpose of holding a tea party?"

Xu Feng stared at Wei Haozhong, and there was no fear at all. Wei Haozhong was the roar of his face.

The people around them were stunned, and they finally realized that Xu Feng’s mouth was very powerful.

Wei Haozhong was full of anger and said: "I don't know if you don't think that the old man doesn't dare to kill you?"

I know, at this time, a more overbearing voice sounded.

"Wei Haozhong old dog, my disciple who has no thoughts said it is good, you Haoyuanmen really shameless."

"So we will hold a tea party, and the junior is not an opponent. It will become a defeat, but it will let you suppress this old one."

"You really thought that I can't bully without reading!"

Said, a gray figure, appeared in front of Xu Feng.

The powerful momentum erupted from the other side.

Lian Hui and others are suddenly standing up.

No one thought of it.

The two elders who have no sects, the three swords flying Feiyan, have appeared here.

Wei Haozhong was gloomy.

There are still taboos in the depths of my eyes.

The strength of Feifeiyu is not covered.

"Since you want to bully me without a disciple, then don't blame me and kill your Haoyuanmen disciple."

Fei Feiyu’s voice is arrogant and arrogant, and the words are absolutely unique. Obviously no one doubts his words.

"You have no sect, it is a shame. Since you have no such love to fight, I will accompany you today."

Said, in the hands of Fei Feiyu, a magnificent sword, suddenly emerged.

The swords are criss-crossed, and the long sword points to Wei Haozhong, who is opposite. He said: "If you want to fight, start!"

Wei Haozhong is very clear, fighting with Feifei, he does not take any advantage, and may suffer.

Immediately said: "Yu Feiyu, the matter between the juniors, do you have to intervene?"

Fei Feiyu said coldly: "Are you not a joke? It is obvious that you will intervene first, and I will naturally be welcome."

The momentum of the body erupted, the power surged, and it was completely a battle to fight.

Everyone present was stunned.

The temper of Feiyu is really violent.

(End of this chapter)

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