The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3733: Wish to complete

Chapter 3733 Wishing to complete

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. Before Meng Meng wanted to return to the wish of no sect, he wanted to talk to 褚飞宇.

After all, now Meng Xi’s cultivation is also a breakthrough in the soul of the soul. If you can’t be an elder, you can still be a deacon.

"Three elders, disciples have something to ask the three elders to approve."

Xu Feng came to the front of Fei Feiyu.

Since I promised Meng Xi’s things.

Xu Feng naturally will not forget.

He is a man of words and trust.

Yan Feiyu’s impression of Xu Feng is very good.

On the opening of the Tea Party, it can be said that it is the strongest of the three major seven-level forces, and they are all secretly observing.

We must know that the three major and seven-order forces compete with each other in the Luo Ze collar. Such a tea party is also the time for the three major seven-level forces to find each other's young talents.

Although Xu Feng joined the time of no reading, but the character is very good, can have the courage and Zhu Bo to do it, it can be said that the righteousness is stunned.

In addition, Xu Feng is so young, not only is the realm of boxing and high, but also the method of repairing the knife. It is really not easy.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng is actually a third-order soul master.

Such a talent, even the entire northern kingdom territory, the top seven-order forces.

Presumably, for Xu Feng, it is also very important.

He is a high-ranking person without a thought.

Naturally, I dare not ignore Xu Feng.

I immediately smiled and looked at Xu Feng, not knowing what the other party had.

"You have something, but it doesn't matter."

Fei Feiyu is one of the elders who speak very well.

He is very tolerant to the disciples who have no thoughts.

Xu Feng immediately confronted Fei Feiyu and told Meng Fei’s affairs to Yu Feiyu.

Fei Feiyu’s face is smiling, saying: “For so many years, I have no thoughts, and I have cultivated countless talents. Even if I am out of no sect, I am now in the core area of ​​the Northern Territory. ""

"I have never abandoned any disciples. And this Meng Yu, because of his talent, he has not really been degraded, but he has continued to work hard and can rise to the seven realms of life."

"I don't think he has such a mind. He wants to return to no sect. Even if he doesn't, I want him to join the sect."

"After all, it seems very instructive to convey his story to a disciple who has no new entry to the sect."

Fei Feiyu didn't even hesitate for a moment, and said directly to the voice, the words are all appreciative of Meng Yu.

Fei Feiyu is very clear. He has taught many disciples for decades without his thoughts. The impression of Meng Xi is not very profound.

Xu Feng did not expect that Fei Feiyu promised so happy.

Immediately said: "Since the elders promised, I will find someone to bring him a letter to him, so that he will come to the ancient city of Aoki on the same day, when the elders are around, it is also to help the elders, just play the miscellaneous."

Xu Feng’s opening, Fei Feiyu’s first glimpse, immediately looked at Xu Feng and smiled: “You kid, there are so many ghosts!”

How does Feifeiyu not understand, Xu Feng wants to fly Feiyu, and later in the absence of the sect, a lot of promotion of Meng Hao.

Although Meng Xi is generally gifted, but there is an amazing willpower, saying that there is no future in the past, there is still some achievements.

If you always get the cultivation of Feifei, the future achievements will naturally be higher.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Two elders, I am really not a ghost idea, but consider the future for no thoughts."

"In my opinion, a force can last forever, depending on many decisions made by the helm."

"And, nowadays, there is no middle-class sect, and it is difficult to find a suitable leader."

"But, Meng Hao, this person, for no chanting, has absolute loyalty, coupled with his willpower, it is not difficult to break through to Danyuan."

"Maybe, he will give you some surprises, maybe?"

Xu Feng's analysis is extremely thorough.

However, Fei Feiyu is a bit strange.

He did not expect that Xu Feng came to no sect, and in just a short period of more than ten days, he even gave the understanding of the situation without any thoughts so thorough.

In particular, the high-level non-Lecture is now thinking about a problem, that is, after Shang Qi, who will choose the responsibility for inheritance without a sect.

Dai Hongyan and other ten disciples, talents are different, and it is impossible to stay in no future.

However, other disciples, although talent is good, but it is very difficult to find a person with good heart.

As for some other elders, although there are also a few good candidates, they are also in the ointment.

Of course, Fei Feiyu does not know, what is Meng Feng recommended by Xu Feng?

Immediately said: "Since you have analyzed this, do you think I can refuse?"

"Then you have to go to the letter and let him come to the ancient city of Aoki as soon as possible, and then I will be with me."

Fei Feiyu naturally gave Xu Feng a face.

What's more, Yu Feiyu also has his own ideas.

Xu Feng is so talented that in the future it will be nine days.

However, Xu Feng constantly recommended Meng Hao.

Prove that the relationship between the two is good.

If there is no sect, there can be one, in the northern king's territory, can be said to be the strong backstage, no sect can at least lead in Luo Ze, standing for a hundred years.


Since Fei Feiyu promised to come down.

Xu Feng quickly came to the ancient city of Aoki.

Write a letter and find a warrior.

Give the other party a certain amount of compensation.

Let the other party quickly send to Yunfeng City.

In a blink of an eye.

It is three days.

Shang Qi, with no other sects, also came to the ancient city of Aoki.

The three seventh-order forces are each in their own base camp.

I also brought my own disciples, as well as elders and others, together.

Xu Feng and Ling Hong and others are no more than living in Ling Hong’s house.

Meng Hao received a letter from Xu Feng in Yunfeng City.

At the fastest speed, I quickly rushed to the ancient city of Aoki.

"Xu brother, my business, really solved it?"

It is too strong for Meng Yu to return to the wish of no sect.

So much, he did not believe it, this is true.

"Don't worry! I will take you to see the elders when I am, he will allow you to play with him in the future!"

Xu Feng said to Meng Hao.

In the depths of Meng Yu’s eyes, tears are shining.

He did not expect that Xu Feng not only saved his life.

He also has such kindness to him.

It is simply a reinvention.

Years later.

When Meng Yu became the ancestor of the sect, he merged the three seventh-order forces led by Luo Ze into one family, and he was infinitely emotional.

If it wasn't for the thought of the year, he couldn't meet Xu Feng. I am afraid I will die long ago.

Not to mention being the helm of the Seventh Power, it seems that all are in a dream.

Xu Feng took Meng Hao and found Yu Feiyu.

Fei Feiyu saw Meng Hao, but it also had some subtle impressions.

However, the impression is not profound.

After all, in the eyes of Fei Feiyu, the impression of those geniuses is naturally much stronger than other disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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