The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3738: Don't die, don't die

Chapter 3738 is not dead and will not die.

Four people, such as Songxiang, spread the news of the Lingquan cultivation platform in the foothills and spread them crazy.

As a result, there are some relatively strong presences around the entire mountain.

These people are all coming to the Lingquan cultivation platform. Their purpose is simple and they are improved.

"A very good Lingquan cultivation station, where the heavens and the earth are rich and powerful, I should not miss it."

A young man with a six-pointed peak in his life, with a faint smile on his face.

It is really good for him to know the news of the Lingquan cultivation platform in the foothills.

Chang Yi is a disciple of Hao Yuanmen. His strength is very good. He feels that the Lingquan cultivation platform in front of him is none other than him.

"Hey, isn't this Changyi brother? How come you?" A young man following Song Xiang, when he saw Chang Hao, deliberately asked.

He naturally knows that Changyi must have heard the news of Lingquan cultivation platform before he came here.

They all know that entering the Aoki Sanctuary is a random transmission, and there are bound to be many warriors around the foothills.

"Zhou Yi, how are you here?" Chang Hao asked Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi stood there, pretending not to know Lingquan cultivation station.

"Chang Hao, brother, I heard that some people say that there is a Lingquan training station here, so come and see."

"However, since Chang Hao’s brothers are here, I must have tried my strength and strength, and I don’t think much about the Lingquan cultivation platform."

Zhou Yi’s words are very clever, and it’s just a secret slap in the face.

The implication is that Chang Hao’s strength is so strong.

Come here, Lingquan cultivation platform is not yours.

"Haha... Zhou is reassured by you. After I have finished my cultivation, Lingquan cultivation station will be yours."

Chang Hao looked at Zhou Yi, and his eyes were full of color.

For such a practice station, the high-order life is obviously not interested.

However, his cultivation is the six peaks of his life.

It is natural to take the Lingquan cultivation platform.

"That would like to thank Chang Hao brother!"

The depths of Zhou Yi’s eyes are twinkling with a cold color.

"Hey, when you all lose both, then we will take advantage of the fishermen."

Zhou Yi is very clear that the purpose of spreading the news is to make everyone and Xu Feng lose both.

A few of them are among them, fish in the water, and take advantage of the fishermen.

Playing well is a good wishful thinking.

"I used to see what is the situation of this Lingquan cultivation station?"

Chang Hao immediately walked toward the center of the mountain.

Zhou Yi did not follow Changyi.

Instead, I immediately went to meet with Song Xiang and others.

"Zhou Yi, who is your side?"

In the depths of Song Xiang’s eyes, they are all sneer.

"Chang Hao!"

Zhou Yi replied.

"Yes! It seems that the efficiency of our message is still very fast. I am here with Zhu Xijie from Qing Leizong."

Another young man said: "I am here to have no sects, and I am a life-stricken soul."

"Hey, I have to look at this, how can the kid deal with it." Song Xiang’s face is a gloating expression.

"Go, we used to watch the show!"

Song Xiang thinks that what he can't get, others can't think of it.

Four people walked towards the center of the mountain.



"It's not rumored, is there a Lingquan cultivation station here? Why didn't I see it?"

Chang Hao came to the center of the mountain, with doubts on his face. Can't see anything in front of him?

Immediately, several other young people, not far from Changyi, they all frowned.

"You just stayed here, and said, what happened? Isn't there a Lingquan cultivation station here?"

Chang Yan clearly felt that the spiritual intensity of the center of the mountain is far more than other places.

This shows that there is a special place in the center of the mountain.

A young man does not dare to violate the meaning of Changyi.

I stepped forward and said, "I don't know what's going on? We saw that there is a Lingquan training station here, everyone wants to compete."

"A young man who is at the peak of his life has emerged, and he has smothered Dong Heng and seized the Lingquan cultivation platform."

"Then he went to the practice station on top of the crowd, and then we discovered that the cultivation station disappeared."

When the youth finished, Chang Hao’s face was full of anger.

A slap in the face of the other's cheeks, screaming in the past.

"Do you dare to play me?"

There is anger between Chang Hao’s look.

When is the peak of life and death can kill Dong Heng?

The youth only felt that the cheeks were hot.

Full of grievances.

"Where can I play with you? My truth is true, don't believe you ask them!"

The youth are all 100,000 grass mud horses drifting.

How can you be so unlucky?

It was called by Chang Hao to ask questions.

Chang Yan looked at the expression of the youth and immediately looked at other people.

See those people nod.

Chang Hao was full of anger and slammed toward the youth with a kick.

"Why don't you say that early?"

The young man fell to the ground and his heart was again "grass mud horse".

You are the opportunity to tell me!


Not far away, a young man with a six-pointed soul, staring at the center, said: "Chang Hao, if I expected it to be good, I am afraid there is a law, it will lead us to see the Lingquan cultivation station."

"However, the layout of the array is also very rough, which will lead to the leakage of spiritual power, let us also find the formation."

"In this way, as long as we join forces and join forces to attack the central region, we will be able to tear the formation."

Youth's words, with confidence.

The other few people can't wait.

"In this case, it is not too late, we have to hurry, first break the formation of the law and then say. I want to see what kind of life, the peak of life, even so evil?"

Chang Hao and other four people walked toward the center of the mountain.

The spiritual power in them flows wildly.

The gust of wind is constantly whizzing past.

They each exerted a powerful Holy Spirit.

Crazy attack towards the void.


Double life soul!

Xu Feng’s double life soul is condensed.

He felt between himself and the soul of life.

It seems to be the feeling of flesh and blood.

"It’s finally a breakthrough to the soul of the soul. This feeling is really amazing." Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

The momentum of the double soul is erupting.


A burst of violent sound came.

Xu Feng’s eyes appeared in the depths of the cold.

"I really don't die if I don't die. Since you want to die like this, I will fulfill you!"

Xu Feng’s mouth swelled slightly, his body’s momentum broke out, and the two souls of life, growth and death, were integrated into the momentum.

In an instant, Chang Hao and other four people felt that the whole body blood seemed to be in a frantic retrograde.

One by one, they suddenly fell back, and they were all terrified in their eyes. They didn't know what happened just now.


With the flow of spiritual power, Lingquan cultivation station appeared.

However, the flow rate of Lingquan has become much slower.

The level of spiritual power is far less than when it first appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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