The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3753: Collective cultivation!

Chapter 3753 Chapter cultivating!

Everyone knows the preciousness of the fruit of the righteousness.

Xu Feng each assigned a fruit of the righteousness.

Look at Jiang Yingying and others.

"Several people, there are still three fruits of the righteousness, I have to give it to everyone, and it is not very useful."

"How do you see how to distribute?"

Xu Feng said slowly.

Nie Hong was slightly indulged and said: "Xu Shidi, I think the merits of getting the fruit, you and Jiang Shijie are the biggest."

"Jiang Shijie's strength is the strongest, and you are very smart, not as good as the remaining three righteous fruits, you two people look at it!"

"In any case, everyone taking the second fruit, presumably it doesn't have much effect."

Nie Hong said with a hearty heart.

Jiang Yingying smiled and said: "Xu Shidi, this fruit does not give me much use. If you want, keep it."

"However, Xu Shidi, you have to be careful, and the husband is guilty of sin."

Jiang Yingying knows very well that such fruits are precious enough to make many people desperate.

Xu Feng did not expect that everyone is so derogatory.

Immediately said: "Since everyone is so refreshed, I will not let everyone suffer."

I saw Xu Feng taking a few bottles of medicinal herbs from the storage ring and said: "These bottles of medicinal herbs are all remedies that can save lives. They are the sixth-order best sacred spirits. As long as you are not seriously injured, you can take them. Dan medicine, you can recover seven seven eight eight."

"Is the quality of this medicinal drug, I am afraid to reach 90%?" Jiang Yingying widened her eyes and stared at the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng took out.

You must know that the medicinal herbs taken out by Xu Feng, if there is no sect, are simply treasures.

Even if they are the core disciples without a sect, they want to get such a drug, unless it is at a critical juncture of life and death.

"Well, almost!"

These medicinal herbs are all when Xu Feng has time to refine it in case of emergency.

After all, these remedies are healing, or rehabilitated remedies, which are often taken.

"The value of these remedies, although compared with the three fruits, there are still some gaps."

"However, it is almost the same. And, this fruit, you take it for sale, may not be able to exchange so many remedies."

“How do you feel?”

Seeing a few people is very refreshing and very sincere.

Xu Feng is naturally not an excessive person.

The medicinal herbs that are taken out are very precious.

"Xu Shidi, these medicinal herbs are too precious, we can pick a few!"

Jiang Yingying is very clear that the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng took out may not be very precious for Xu Feng.

However, for Jiang Yingying, these warriors, it is the treasure of life at a critical moment.

"Jiang Shijie, I have a lot of these remedies, you should not be polite with me, choose them each!"

Xu Feng is firm.

Indeed, these remedies.

For Jiang Yingying and others, it is very precious.

Yes, for Xu Feng.

It is just the difficulty of finding spiritual materials.

Seeing Xu Feng insisted.

Jiang Yingying and others, still divided the medicinal herbs.

Xu Feng alone got four fruits, and his heart was excited.

Those medicinal herbs are not too valuable for him.

However, the fruit of the righteousness is very precious.

For example, Lin Biao, the true meaning of his sword, realized the second-order realm.

If Xu Feng gave him an esoteric fruit, it is very likely that his sword will go further.

Moreover, Xu Feng is very clear that in the near future, he will inevitably go to the southern continent, and bring Dongling Lingyue and others to the Lingshen continent, and then he will need a lot of cultivation resources.

The medicinal Xu Feng can be refining at any time, but the fruit of the ox-up is basically a state of pricelessness.

When you really want to find it, the difficulty will be even greater. Why not collect more resources when you are in peacetime.

"Gu Heng and Han Haijun are afraid that they will not be willing to give up. Although we have achieved fruit, our situation is not optimistic."

Jiang Yingying's eyebrows, there is concern.

She is very clear that she is afraid that Han Haijun and Gu Heng will join forces.

When they get to the bottom of the stone wall, it will be very dangerous.

Xu Feng heard that the mouth was raised.

A faint saying: "There is no optimism, we will refine the fruits here and enhance our strength."

"At the time, if they are still waiting, we will fight them."

Xu Feng is very clear, as long as they are seven people, refining the fruits of the righteousness, the strength will inevitably increase greatly.

At that time, even if Gu Heng and Han Haijun joined forces, they also had a battle.

"In this case, it is not too late, we all have to hurry to practice!" Jiang Yingying urged.

Everyone knows that the situation is extremely serious, so they find the empty position and stand apart.

Everyone understands that if you get a treasure this time, you will lose your life because of the treasure.

The following groups of people, all of them can't wait to peel them up.

Simply, the area of ​​this platform is not small.

If seven people come apart, there will be no big interference.

In the depths of Xu Feng's eyes, a glimmer of light emerged.

He is somewhat hesitant. He does not know whether it is necessary to raise the second-order peak to kill the mystery, or to raise the gravity of the righteousness, or the space of the righteousness, and the ambiguity of his sword, and also stay in the first-order realm.

If you choose to improve the second-order peaks and kill the mystery, it is very possible to refine the fruits of the righteousness, and his killing will be promoted to the third-order realm.

Once the killing of the righteousness is promoted to the third-order realm, Xu Feng’s strength will inevitably lead to a great improvement.

"But, first upgrade the knife's righteousness!"

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled with light. After the decision was made, he did not have any drag.

I began to sit on my knees and began to use the fruits of the Huai Ding to refine the fruits of the righteousness.

The pure spiritual power surging out, and the sin of the sword of Xu Feng is also absorbing the power of the righteousness.

The fierce momentum of the body has become even more horrible, and the rest of the people are also vying for time to practice.

Under the stone wall, Gu Heng and Han Haijun's face became gloomy. They looked at Xu Feng and others, and they did not come down.

"They seem to be practicing above?" Yue Yunju looked at Xu Feng and others, could not help but frown.

"It’s damn, I can’t think of that place, there is such a platform, give them cultivation!”

Gu Heng bit his teeth, can not wait to rush immediately, kill Xu Feng and others.

However, he is very clear that although they can join hands, they will never believe each other.

If you can't believe each other, you will naturally be unable to climb the stone wall. You can only wait for Xu Feng to come down here.

Han Haijun slammed and said: "When they get down from above, I want them to die without a place to die."

Han Haijun’s temper was violent, and he immediately became angry.

Not far from Hu Mingchen, his eyes flashed.

He wants to go up and persuade Han Haijun, don't be against Xu Feng.

However, he is very clear that Han Haijun will not listen to him.

(End of this chapter)

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