The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3760: Death game

Chapter 3760 Game of Death

Xu Feng's eyes swept across the opposite side of Haoyuanmen. He couldn't help but shake his head. He really couldn't give any heart.

These people are the followers of the horses, and they are weak and weak.

It is really difficult for him to let Xu Feng kill these people. In particular, he is too lazy to get his hands.

Immediately, look at Nie Hong and others, said: "Nie brother, are you interested in killing them?"

"If you want to kill them, just do it, I am too lazy to do it."

Xu Feng shook his head and said, looking at the look of the fears, Xu Feng felt that killing these people was a shame to him.

"I don't have much interest in it!"

Nie Hong’s slow road.

"In this case, leave the storage ring and hurry!"

Xu Feng said to a few people.

Several people are reluctant to look at each other.

There is no way.

I was only able to take down the storage ring, and after I handed it to Xu Feng, I went back to the place just now, and I dared not act rashly, fearing to anger Xu Feng.

"go away!"

Xu Feng opened the road.

Immediately, several people were relieved and turned and fled away.

"Xu Shidi, can't see it, you are quite prestige!"

Jiang Yingying smiled and smiled.

Xu Feng laughed haha.

"Look at what's inside these storage rings, it's still the old rules, the spirits are mine, and the rest are for you."

Nie Hong asked a little strangely to Xu Feng: "Xu Shidi, you need so many spiritual materials, are you from a certain alchemy family?"

"Do you see me like it?"

Xu Feng touched his nose and asked.

Nie Hong shook his head. In his impression, those alchemy families passed down the ancient family, but all the alchemy teachers, especially the young geniuses, were very proud.

Although Xu Feng is also somewhat arrogant, it is not the kind of conceit, but the self-confidence derived from its own ability.

"Tell me the truth! I am an alchemy teacher. These spiritual materials are naturally useful to me."

Xu Feng looked at a few people who were very curious and immediately said.


Jiang Yingying slammed out.

Looking at Xu Feng.

"You are an alchemy teacher?"

Someone did not dare to think about Jiang Yingying, or asked: "Don't the medicinal herbs you gave us are your own refining?"

Jiang Yingying stared at Xu Feng. If it is true, it is too abnormal.

The martial arts talent is not so bad, or the sixth-order elite alchemy teacher, the entire Luo Ze collar does not have a few sixth-order elite alchemy teacher!

"Is it so surprising? If it weren't for me to refine, do you think that I will be so generous and give you so much medicine?"

Xu Feng asked.

Indeed, those medicinal herbs are placed in the hands of others and are precious.

Like Xu Feng, it’s really impossible to take out a large pile of people.

Of course, if Xu Feng refines himself, it is another matter.

After all, as long as there is enough spiritual material, Xu Feng can refine the medicinal herbs, but it is not very precious.


Jiang Yingying and others, once again gave Xu Feng two words.

Xu Feng is really speechless.

"Xu Shidi, anyway, we don't know where we are going, let's go slowly together!"

Jiang Yingying looked at Xu Feng, followed by Xu Feng, this guy must be eating meat and soup, the benefits are many.

Xu Feng heard Jiang Yingying's invitation and did not refuse. He said: "No problem, everyone walks together, it is very lively."

"Otherwise, the experience in such a mystery is quite boring."

Having said that, Xu Feng’s eyes are full of worries.

Where did you go before, no matter how dangerous.

There is a kitten to accompany him.

Today, kittens are still life and death.

"Xu Shidi, do you have any thoughts?"

Jiang Yingying looked at Xu Feng's eyes and revealed that she was sad. She was afraid of mentioning Xu Feng's sadness, and immediately asked with some concerns.

Xu Feng shook his head slowly and said: "Nothing, just suddenly think of a brother before."

For Xu Feng, the kitten is his brother.


Xu Feng urged the road.

Jiang Yingying and others originally wanted to ask.

However, he found that Xu Feng did not want to say, and he did not continue to speak.



A burst of sound came.

Jiang Yingying and other seven people came from Qingmulin all the way.

I also met a lot of warriors.

At this moment, watching a few rushed figures.

Jiang Yingying suddenly frowned and said: "Is there any situation in front of him, why are such people, such a hurry?"

"Look for a personal question!"

Nie Hong immediately rushed out and found an individual, saying: "What are you doing so urgently?"

The man was stopped by Nie Hong, and some unpleasant words: "Dare to block the way of Laozi, are you afraid of being tired?"

"Come on, what is the situation?"

Jiang Yingying and others came forward and surrounded the man.

At first, the man looked very imposing, and felt that Jiang Yingying’s life was nine-fold, and suddenly he fell.

"You still don't know? It is said that there is a canyon in front. It is very strange. As long as people who can come out from there can get a treasure, many people are now rushing into the Grand Canyon, for fear of going late. No more."

The reason why men did not want to say is fear, Xu Feng also went to fight for treasures.

After all, the more people who compete for treasures, the less likely they are to acquire treasures.

“There is such a place?”

Jiang Yingying brows a pick.

"Yeah! I am also very curious, but I heard people say that people who enter the canyon and can't get the treasure will die inside."

The man continued to speak.

"Go, let's go and join in the fun." Jiang Yingying nodded and said to the man: "You lead the way, we follow you."

"Don't play tricks, or you will die very badly."

Jiang Yingying reminded the man.

In this way, about half an hour.

Sure enough, it’s very lively, surrounded by people.

The most important thing is that they are all strong.

There is a huge canyon in front of you, and the inside of the canyon is a piece of scorpion. You can't see what it is.

Even Xu Feng, his powerful ability to perceive, can't even extend out, just like being blocked.

"I have brought you here, can I leave?"

The man looked at the canyon and couldn’t wait.

"go away!"

The man suddenly walked toward the Grand Canyon below.

"Are we going?"

Jiang Yingying looked at Xu Feng and asked.

"Let's have a lively look."

Xu Feng said.

Immediately, several people marched toward the Grand Canyon.

Not far from a small hill.

I saw a figure wearing a black robe.

Among the eyes, they are all dark.

"Using the greed of these Terran, this time I will completely collapse them and cultivate a new batch of servants of the E-Men."

Before they were in the depths of the Great Wilderness Desert, they suffered heavy losses.

This time, you must find enough servants.

(End of this chapter)

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