The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3766: Killing the car

Chapter 3766 smashing the rut

The E-devil strongman around Yi Xuan appeared, his face became extraordinarily ugly.

He stared at Xu Feng in the Death Valley.

Speaking to Yixuan: "The Lord, this son's strength is not simple, or do you want to solve it yourself?"

The strong demon of the Devil wants to make a shot and make up for their own negligence.

He is very clear, precisely because of his negligence.

Only after such a consequence.

"It is very simple to kill him. Are the magic servants who have been demonized, can they just be used?"

"It is just better to test and test their strength. If this is the only thing that can kill them, then I will let him be my servant. Isn't it better?"

Yi Xuan has a well-rounded mind.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Xu Feng.

After all, he could not escape his palm.

After all, his strength is very strong.

The strong man of the E-Gen family looked blank and said: "The dog thing, how can He De be the servant of the Lord?"

The strong demon of the E-devil is very clear, the servant of Yi Xuan, for the entire E-devil, countless people are rushing to do it.

"It is really not easy to kill opponents across so many levels. I have this qualification."

Yi Xuan also had to admit that Xu Feng's talent is very good enough to get his approval.

For the existence of the more difficult to surrender, the more the heart of Yi Xuan is excited, I can't wait to surrender immediately.

"Go and arrange it! Don't talk nonsense!"

Yi Xuan urged the road.


The rut didn't know why, there was always a mysterious voice that oscillated in his mind.

As if the voice was the command of the rut, he wanted to violate it at first, but as the cultivation progressed, the time passed, he already felt that the voice was taken for granted.

Immediately, he took the step, and the spiritual power of his body flowed, and it was already the peak of the soul.

His speed is very fast, and he quickly rushes out to the point where the voice is pointing.


"Do not kill me……"

A pleading sounded.

Only Xu Feng was calm and stepped out of the moment.

Both of them are determined to kill.

There is no meaning of mercy.

A punch hit.

The magic servants who had just been demonized by the past ten were completely killed by Xu Feng, and no one survived.

There are no mercy in Xu Feng’s eyes, and these people are willing to become the servants of the E-Men.

If you do not kill these people, only more people will die in the future.

Kill one person and save 100 people.

This is a matter of merit.

the most important is.

Xu Feng killed these ten servants.

Xu Feng’s value of good and evil increased to 33,000.

As the value of good and evil increases to 330,000, Xu Feng can redeem the cultivation method of the soul of the soul from the altar of heaven and earth.

If you can get the practice method of the soul of the soul, Xu Feng can quench the body of the soul.

This is a great advantage for Xu Feng's strength improvement.

He is naturally a little excited.

Immediately, sinking into the heart.

Going to the altar of heaven and earth.

On the huge light curtain of the heaven and earth altar, there are various treasures that Xu Feng can now exchange.

However, Xu Feng’s goal is ultimately locked in the practice of the soul of the soul.

Just as Xu Feng was preparing to redeem, a violent and terrifying breath, towards him, has already hit.

Xu Feng suddenly converges his heart, his eyes staring at the sound that appears not far away, his face is cold.

He knew the figure that appeared, and the other party had appeared at Jubo’s tea party before.

The rut, the core disciple of Haoyuanmen.

However, the current rut, repairing is already the peak of life.

It is possible to condense Dan Yuan at any time.

You can break through to Danyuan.

Xu Feng’s face also became dignified.

Simply, his cultivation is a breakthrough to the soul of the soul.

Otherwise, in the face of the peak of the life of the rut, he is really not sure whether it is the opponent of the other side.

"I thought who it was, dare to take my chance, it turned out to be your waste."

When the rut saw Xu Feng, his face appeared mocking.

He knows Xu Feng's cultivation.

There is not much interest in killing Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly smiling.

As long as the car is arrogant, he is stunned by him.

The chances of killing the rut will be great.

"The rut, the core disciple of your seven-step power Haoyuanmen, but willing to become a slave to the Mozu, you really lose the face of the seven-order power."

Xu Feng stared at the rut and gave a cold drink.

The car is also a core disciple, but the mind is not determined.

The rut heard the words of Xu Feng, and there was a struggle in the depths of the eyes.

However, the dark magic in the eyelids.

It completely replaces the struggle, and some are suffocating.

"I am doing things, but I still can't teach you. Next, I will let you know what death is."

The car was so powerful that even he himself did not find it, and his spiritual power had turned into a dark color.

There is not much difference between the magical spirit and the breath of the whole person. It is even more horrible.

The woods of the first-order peaks of the body also emerged, bringing them to be full of vitality.


The car stepped out one step at a time, and a punch suddenly slammed out. It was his fifth-order best holy spirit.

The boxing method is like the wind, it seems to be endless, a fist is like a wave, the waves are stacked.

Above the fists are horrible momentum, as if with fists, to completely swallow Xu Feng.

"Great Sadness!"

Xu Feng's face is unchanged, his body's spiritual power is surging, and his fist is golden yellow.

A fist contains emotions that are not sad or unhappy, so a shot is blown out, as if the world is shaking.

"A good boxing method, but unfortunately your cultivation is only a life-and-death." The rut felt the magical spirit of Xu Feng, and his face was despised.


Just in the two punches, the moment of the collision.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is surging.

Powerful strength, shocked out.

The heavens and the earth seem to make a squeaky voice.

The sorrowful color on the rut of the rut turned into iron and blue.

Just because Xu Feng’s boxing method contains the power to destroy everything.

Power rushed toward his arm.

Among his eyes, he was shocked.


The whole person was continually shaken out and the arms hang down, all of which trembled.

The rut did not expect that the Xu Feng boxing method could explode such a powerful force, causing his arm meridians to be violently trembled, and there was no small tear and some pain.

Xu Feng looked dull, but smiled: "It seems that your strength is just that!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the rut almost blew his breath, and his look became even more embarrassing.

"I just yelled at you, but next, I won't give you any chance."

The rut of the car slammed the word, the momentum of the nine-fold peak of the soul, without any convergence, broke out completely.

The lion beats the rabbit and uses the principle of full force. Xu Feng is naturally very clear.

Therefore, even if he just took a little advantage.

But it will not despise the rut.

The power of the body surging, ready to meet the attack of the rut.

(End of this chapter)

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