The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3781: First reward

Chapter 3781 Reward for the first point


Xu Feng figure, suddenly appeared in the side of Cai Wei.

Looking at the injury of Cai Yan.

Xu Feng's face became gloomy.

Everyone who is outside, he knows everything.

Naturally, Cai Wei is trying to delay his time.

If it is not Cai Wei, delay time.

He could not be promoted to the middle of the second half of his life.

Xu Feng took a few medicinal herbs from the storage ring and stuffed them into Cai's mouth.

"You can rest assured that since you follow me, the next step is my chance to avenge you. Since he wants to kill you, I will let him die!"

After that, Xu Feng stood up straight, his eyes flat, staring at Mu Tianqing on the opposite side.

"Since you want to kill me, let me see, how much strength and strength do you have, can you kill me?"

With a bang, the Aurora Magic Knife appeared in the hands of Xu Feng, and the spiritual power of his body continued to flow.

Immediately after the Aurora Magic Knife, the knife light flashed and it was magnificent.

The three second-order meanings of Xu Feng’s body are also revealed. The Aurora Magic Knife points to Mu Tianqing.

Mu Tianqing’s heart is cold and with a hint of fear.

He is very clear that his strength and Xu Feng have a big gap.

As the chief disciple of Nothing, Dai Hongyan was seriously injured by Xu Feng and almost could not escape.

What's more, his strength is not a small gap compared to Dai Hongyan. Fighting Xu Feng is almost a must.

Mu Tianqing’s heart is also depressed. If he knew that Xu Feng had recovered so quickly, he did not dare to jump.

Who can think of Xu Feng’s breath, in a short period of time, it has become so strong.

Mu Tianqing laughed and said: "Everyone is coming for inheritance, why bother to lose both?"

I know that Xu Feng smiled and said: "I am not afraid of Mu Tianqing's two losses, let alone you?"

"Do you do it, dare to move people around me, you will die today." During the talk, the spirits surging, the aurora magic knife blood red knives, constantly shooting, horrible.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all firm, and it’s all about going to Mu Tianqing and not ending.

"Why bother?"

Mu Tianqing is obviously not wanting to fight with Xu Feng.

It is a pity that he is greeted.

Xu Feng has already shot.

"The Promise!"

Xu Feng not only hands-on, the performance of the Holy Spirit, but also the sixth-order best holy spirit, Aurora kills the knife.

He is not willing to entangle with Mu Tianqing, killing Mu Tianqing at the fastest speed, he has other things.


Knife Mang suddenly broke out, and has already turned to Mu Tianqing, a knife filled with aurora and momentum, strangled out.

Mu Tianqing did not expect that Xu Feng's hands were so determined, and immediately his face became extremely blue.

He is very clear that he is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

Dai Hongyan was seriously injured in front of Xu Feng.

I am afraid that the entire Aoki Sanctuary is inside.

I am afraid that no one is Xu Feng’s opponent.

Unless a few people work together.

"Wind color, Peng Xuan, are you still watching the movie? Do you want to watch him kill me and kill you one by one?"

When Mu Tianqing was ready to deal with Xu Feng, he snorted at the wind and Peng Xuan.

The eyes of the wind are twinkling, and he seems to have a big hatred with Xu Feng, and why is it necessary to lose both sides with Xu Feng?

What's more, even if he helps Mu Tianqing, there is no slight benefit, he is not willing to do it.

The style of the wind is a person who has no interest in the early days.

The wind color hugs his hands and smiles: "Mu Tianqing, why are we going to shoot? Is it ridiculous?"


Mu Tianqing almost had no vomiting blood.

As for Peng Xuan, he will not even do it.

He likes to look at other people and lose both.


Seeing that Xu Feng’s knives have been stretched, the smashing attacks have brought a strong momentum.

As if in the void, they were all slashed and directly torn apart, forming a knife of incomparable horror.

Mu Tianqing did not have any means, but he was able to go all out and bombard the bombardment.

Mu Tianqing's face changed greatly, it is really Xu Feng's three second-order esoteric, really terrible.

Just to resist the first knife method, Mu Tianqing has been continuously regressing, and both of them are unwilling.


At the same time, Mu Tianqing’s heart is also annoyed and feels that he should not start with Xu Feng.

I knew Xu Feng’s strength and horror, and the injury recovered so quickly that he would not do anything about it.


With the attack of the second knife, Mu Tianqing madly regressed, and the knife was smashed from his body.

Blood ran down from him, and his face was gloomy and horrified, constantly turning backwards behind him.

"Xu Feng... How about this stop? My previous danger is my mistake, I am willing to give you compensation?"

Mu Tianqing looked at Xu Feng and reached out to the palm of his hand to signal Xu Feng not to start again.

However, Xu Feng smiled.

"You are an idiot! As long as I kill you, the storage ring in your hand is mine, I need you to compensate me?"

The voice just fell, the Aurora Magic Knife lifted up, and the third knife had fallen.

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife!"

Xu Feng’s third move of the Aurora Killing Knife method appeared as if the heavens and the earth were torn by the Aurora Magic Knife.

The horrible killing momentum has completely revealed the Aurora Magic Knife, the power of the second-order peak of Xu Feng’s killing of the righteousness.

"Do not!"

Mu Tianqing made a snoring, crazy retrograde, and did not want to harden with Xu Feng's knife.

However, Xu Feng’s second-order gravity is justified by his death, and he is not given the opportunity to avoid it.


Mu Tianqing spurted out a blood, and the Aurora Magic Knife carried a strong knife, so he squatted in his chest.

At the moment when blood rushed out, Xu Feng’s left hand condensed into a golden yellow fist, and he had already rushed out to Mu Tianqing.


Unfortunately, Mu Tianqing’s retreat was too slow, so he was hit by Xu Feng’s golden fist on the chest.

The sound of broken bones makes many people feel creepy.

The strength of Xu Feng is so terrible to such an extent.

Mu Tianqing turned out to be, even Xu Feng set a knife, can not be followed.

It is conceivable that Xu Feng’s knife and realm have reached a state of horror.

"Do not kill me……"

"I know it is wrong..."

Mu Tianqing sent a cry of pleading to Xu Feng.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng is indifferent.


Mu Tianqing's body, kneeling on the ground, pale, eyes round, still left a sigh of relief.

But it is also a dead person.


Xu Feng reached out and five fingers opened.

Take Mu Tianqing's storage ring directly into your hands.

"Do not……"

Mu Tianqing felt his storage ring and was taken away by Xu Feng.

More angry.

The moment of rushing to attack the heart, it was impossible to lift it up in one breath, and it was completely ruined.

Xu Feng’s points increased instantly.

The title ranking is the first.

(End of this chapter)

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