The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3785: Red water quenching

Chapter 3785 Red water quenching body

"Human boy, don't mess, we have a lot of strong people. If you kill me, you don't know how to die."

The strongest of the E Mozu also really do not know how to threaten Xu Feng.

Only then can you survive in peace.

Xu Feng heard the words, haha ​​smiled.

"I am really sorry! If you say this, I am afraid that we are more powerful, and you are afraid to kill me. Why don't you know how to die?"

"Unfortunately, you are still killing people everywhere, and you are unscrupulous. Why is this?"

Xu Feng is not a three-year-old child. If the other party speaks a few words, he will be scared.


Among the eyes of the strong demon of the E-Men, there was a cold and fierce killing, and immediately screamed, saying: "Since you want to lose both, I will fight with you!"

After that, the strongest of the E Mozu suddenly attacked Xu Feng.

The magic is stirring, the dark claws.

In the heart of Xu Feng, I grabbed it.

Obviously, I want to be fatal.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng has been prepared.

The Aurora Magic Knife swept out, forming a strong knives, and directly shaking the claws of the Emo.

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and the Aurora Magic Knife followed, and it was a knife, suddenly smashed out.

The gas waves are constantly stirring around, and the strongest of the Devils are constantly regressing, trying to avoid Xu Feng’s knife.

Xu Feng does not want to kill each other directly. He wants to use the purple konjac and the power of the soul to explore and explore each other. He wants to find some of the sects and come to the secret of the Aoki Sanctuary.


The Aurora Magic Knife continually smashed out, and the strongman of the B-Devils went crazy.

But it can't resist Xu Feng's knife.

A stream of blood spouted and went backwards.

Among the eyes, the twinkles are shocking.

"You can't die!"

After Xu Feng seriously injured the strong demon of the demon, he stepped on the Emei family with one foot and shattered the meridians on his body.

Immediately, the other party will be directly arrested.

I saw his eyes, a burst of purple light, constantly flowing out.

Not far from Cai Wei, I only felt dizzy. I don't know why. When he saw Xu Feng's eyes, the whole body's blood seemed to be in the opposite direction. The whole person seemed to be on the verge of collapse.


The strongest of the E Mozu made a miserable snoring, and the pupils of the eyes continued to enlarge, and the dark blood flowed from the inside.

Xu Feng used the shock of the purple pole konjac to constantly devour the memory of the other party from the other side's mind.

Sitting cross-legged, he did not hesitate any more, and began to use the help of the Huading Ding to extract the other's memory.

Also served a lot of medicinal herbs, as well as Xu Feng's state of mind, to reach the heart of the heart.

Otherwise, digesting and engulfing the memory of the Mozu is really a dangerous thing that can collapse at any time.


About half an hour later, Cai Wei took a deep breath and recovered from the shock.

Xu Feng, who was sitting on his knees, was shocked in his heart. He said: "What happened to the son of the son, it was really unbelievable."

He quickly walked to the woman's body not far away, only to find that the woman had passed out.

Quickly take out some of the medicinal herbs and send them into the woman's mouth.


Xu Feng opened his eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

Deep in the eyes, the eyes are constantly changing.

Luo Yuanming emerged in his mind, and Shang Qi has told him.

The heart is cold.

"It seems that these two people are all sorrowful. I obviously want to use me? Especially Shang Qi. If there is no accident, he is afraid that he has become a running dog of the Yi Mozu, and he wants me to break the seal."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng is afraid of the heart.

If you do not meet the strong of the Emag.

From the memory of the other party, get the memory of the other party.

Know the conspiracy of the E-Men to plan for hundreds of years.

It is to open the barrier of the space.

Later, Luo Ze sealed the barrier.

Today, over the years, the E-Devils still do not give up.

This time I entered the Aoki Sanctuary to break the seal inside the Aoki Sanctuary.

"However, although Luo Yuanming also wants to use me, it should not be the people of the Evil."

There are still many doubts in Xu Feng’s heart.

That is, the inheritance of Luo Ze, really need a soul teacher, can you get it?

at this time.

Xu Feng did not continue to delay time, he knew that things should not be delayed.

If you wait for Xu Xuan, seal it to the ruin.

At that time, the entire E-devil can, from this space crack, to the Lingshen continent.

This is a huge disaster for the spiritual gods.

Xu Feng naturally wants to stop this from happening.

"Cai Wei, let's get out of here, don't delay time here."

Xu Feng gave a message to Cai Wei.


Cai Wei promised to come to Xu Feng.

"The son, she was more seriously injured. I gave her some medicinal herbs. The wounds on my body also recovered, but the light in front of them caused her to faint..."

Cai Wei said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng thought of this, when he used the purple pole konjac.

Did not avoid Cai Wei and the woman.

He immediately appeared in front of the woman.

I found that the other side is also good, it is no wonder that the B-King strong stare.

Immediately, check it out.

"There is no big problem, just fainting, and it will take a long time to wake up."

After that, Xu Feng simply arranged a battle method and said: "Go!"

After all, people come here and there are people.

If there is no formation, the woman may not wake up yet.

It is already dead.


Xu Feng and Cai Wei quickly moved toward the center of the Aoki Sanctuary.

The jungle in front of him was swiftly swept by Xu Feng.

He doesn't want to be here, delaying time.


Xu Feng and Cai Wei, through the jungle, saw a piece of burning flame, which is everywhere.

However, the center of the sea of ​​fire seems to be a huge palace, which looks dark and cold.

Xu Feng’s inner heart said: “The dark palace of this place must have been built by the demon family.”

At that time, the strongest of the demon family was prepared to use the Aomu Sanctuary as the base camp to erode the spiritual gods from here.

But it was sealed by Luo Ze.

"I don't know where the seal is. I want to bless the seal, which is very difficult."

Xu Feng slightly frowned, and walked toward the front of the sea of ​​fire.

The flames around are burning intensely.

It seems to be a flame that turns over the river and is shocking.

“Go ahead and take a step.”

When I came to the sea of ​​fire.

Xu Feng found that there are still some figure drivers not far away.

They are all going to the center, the cold palace.

"Well? What is that?"

Xu Feng's eyes are fixed not far away, and there is a vague flow of water in the burning flame.

(End of this chapter)

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