The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3793: Die their place

Chapter 3793 is dead


Above the blood knife, blood flows.

A burst of cold and chilly, constantly floating.

The formation is a violent momentum.

There are only the bodies of B.54 and B72 on the ground.

The two Emeralds have turned into two dead bodies.

The blood inside their bodies.

They were swallowed up by the blood knife in an instant.

"The blood knife actually swallowed the blood of the Mozu?"

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

Before the blood knife killed the Terran.

There is no such situation.

Xu Feng only felt that the meridians of the whole body were painful to tear.

Even if it is a breakthrough to the three realms of life and soul.

He still can't control the blood knife now.

The blood knife's counterattack is still very strong.

The violent wind is constantly blowing.

The formation is an unparalleled wave.

Xu Feng bit his teeth.

Still holding the blood knife, rushing out to the depths of the cold palace.

His eyes became blood red.

The blood on his body is also swallowed by the blood knife.

The whole person's cheeks became pale.


Among the eyes of Yi Xuan, the darkness of the light became more and more intense, and the seals in the hands gradually disappeared.

However, on the barrier, there was a crack.

Inside the crack, it continues to penetrate.

It is a kind of breath that makes Yi Xuan feel boiling.


This means that it is only one step away.

Yi Xuan can completely break the seal.

His heart is full of excitement and his face is full of excitement.

"Ha ha ha..."

Yi Xuan wants to laugh at the sky, but he still insists. He knows that he is only one step away.


Magic domain.

One of the most remote places.

The area where the E Mozu is located.

It is almost the worst place in the demon domain. There are fires and thunders everywhere, and there are pits everywhere.

In a somewhat desolate palace, a black-haired Emerald man with dark faces is covered with dark wrinkles.

Among his eyes, he was excited.

Just because he stared at the light in front of him.

"It’s a blessing to my demon family. I didn’t expect Ethan Xu to actually find the seal and break the seal...”

"As long as the seal is completely destroyed, we can use the Devils to shuttle between the spiritual gods and the magic domain."

"At the time, no more than ten years, our E-Devils will be able to have a place in the demon domain."

He is the great elder of the E Mozu.

The Emerald was more than a hundred years ago.

The patriarch is to open up this space channel.

Finally, use life to open up the channel.

Who knows, but Luo Ze also sealed with life.

So many years have passed.

The position of the patriarch of the Emei is still vacant.

“Congratulations to the elders, He Xi’s elders!”

Inside the hall, there are dozens of elders in the surrounding area.

They all fell down.

One by one, with devotion.

The elders nodded and were excited.


Suddenly, a breeze blew.

The old elder's face is constantly shaking.

He is full of excitement.

"This is the smell of the spirit of the spirit of the mainland, and the taste is really intoxicating..."

Among the eyes of the elders, the tears flickered.

The E Mozu is for this space channel.

Almost a loss of hundreds of years of savings.

Today, the space channel is about to open again.

"I feel the breath of Yi Xuan..."

The elders are excited again.

"It really is Yi Xuan, it seems that this kid is really a make-up!"

The elders said incoherently.

The rest of the elders are also very excited.

The living environment of the demon family in the magic domain is really too bad.

There are bombardments of rain and lightning everywhere.

There is hardly a peaceful place.


"Ha ha ha... what about the seal?"

Yi Xuan made a big laugh.

The seal in front of us is constantly shattered.

He knows that the distance is done, only one step.


Yi Xuan suddenly turned back.

That violent momentum, even if it is him, feels dangerous neighbors.

Xu Feng saw the moment of Yi Xuan.

Both eyes are blood red.

However, his heart began to become arrogant.

"The heart is like a rock!"

Fortunately, Xu Feng realized that the heart is like a meteorite, otherwise he does not know whether he can persist.

Yi Xuan stared at the blood knife in the hands of Xu Feng, with fear inside, but also with greed.

Such a knife, how could he not like it?

As long as you can get such a knife.

The strength of his Xu Xuan will rise in an instant.


As the seal gradually breaks.

Yi Xuan was full of excitement.

"How to do?"

Xu Feng looked at the seal and took a decision in his eyes.

"Get out!"

Xu Feng grabbed the blood knife and took a knife to the moment when he went out to the side of Xu Xuan, and the body had already sheltered.

The blood-red knives are simply invincible, unstoppable, and the smell of killing becomes extremely fierce.

Yi Xuan sneered and said: "Want to save the seal, do you think it is possible? I will let you go, how about?"

How can Xu Xuan not see it, Xu Feng came here to mean.

Just want to stop him from breaking the seal.

Yes, the seals are now broken.

He does not believe that Xu Feng has the law of salvation.


Before Xu Feng came to the seal, he looked at the seal barrier.

The heart is touched and shocked.

"It turned out to be a seal of life, casting!"

Xu Feng did not expect.

This seal is actually cast with life.

In other words.

In the year of Luo Ze, there was no way to block the appearance of the passage.

Finally, use life to seal the seal!

Those so-called eases are all carried forward by weight.

Sure enough!

"Since Rosie’s predecessors are willing to use life, casting seals! What fear is there to die? Just die!"

Xu Feng discovered that the breath of his body began to languish.

The anti-bacterial effect of the blood knife is really terrible.

He also began to be unable to support.

There are also many broken places in his meridians.

The power of using a blood knife is more powerful.

The more horrible the counterattack.

"Ha ha ha... You are already at the end of the battle, and then your death."

Yi Xuan stared at Xu Feng, cold and cold.

"Want to kill me? You also match?"

Xu Feng turned back and the blood red in his eyes still did not fade.


The flow of spiritual power of Xu Feng suddenly jumped into the crack of the seal.

"What fear is there, if you die, even if you die, what is my fear?"

Xu Feng screamed at the sky and broke into the crack of the seal.

The spiritual power of the whole body, the madness of the surge.

All of his people are merging toward the seal.

Where did Xu Xuan think that Xu Feng would not even have a life, he would stop him from breaking the seal.

If the seal is really fixed, there is no seal printed by the elders in his hand, and it is impossible to break the seal again.


Xu Feng made a roar.

His body is constantly absorbed by the seal.

In Xu Feng’s mind, I don’t know what I’m thinking.

At this moment, he has only one thought.

That is to give up the righteousness, what fear?

"Do I really want to die here?"

Xu Feng couldn't help but ask himself.

However, Yi Xuan is full of faces.

Looking at my own painstaking efforts, cracked seal cracks.

How did he not be angry when he began to heal?

(End of this chapter)

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