The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3796: How to stand behind

Chapter 3796 does not break how to stand

“Can you really live?”

Xu Feng heard, some excited, looking at Luo Ze.

All faces are full of excitement.

Xu Feng didn't want to die. He still had a lot of wishes and he didn't reach it.

"Since you want to live like this, you can just escape alive, why not escape?"

Luo Ze smiled and looked at Xu Feng and asked.

Xu Feng heard that there was no hesitation and hesitation.

"If you die, what is the use of death, what can't you die? If you want the younger generation to watch the E-devil break open the seal, the poisonous Luo Ze collar, the evil of the Northern King's territory, the younger generation can't do it!"

Xu Feng’s voice is firm.

Between words, they are sincere.

Luo Ze nodded with satisfaction.

"You know, if you chose to escape before, then you are already a dead person now?"

Luo Ze said to Xu Feng.

The seal is derived from the life of Luo Ze.

At that time, he created the seal.

Just think of it.

The Emeralds may try their best.

At the time of the next appearance of the Aoki Sanctuary, the seal was broken.

So, he was in the seal of the incarnation.

It is ready.

Someone must be there to fuse the seal.

If Xu Feng chooses to escape.

Then Luo Ze will be merciless and use Xu Feng to fuse the seal.

Just because the seal is about the life of Luo Zeling, thousands of people.

However, what Luo Ze did not expect was.

He even waited for one, willing to use his life to fuse the youth of the seal.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the talent of this young man, even if he has ever reached the peak of the North Coast, has never seen such a horrible youth, the future is boundless, and the future is limitless.

Xu Feng’s heart is also secret.

However, he has not retreated from beginning to end.

Naturally there is no escape.

Even if he is dead, he will not let Yi Xuan, easily succeed.


Yi Xuan is full of faces.

Even if Xu Feng died, his heart was very angry.

"Since you use life, you also want to merge seals. I will kill all the people in the Aoki Sanctuary, one will not stay."

Yi Xuan's dark eyes are killing.

Going outside the palace, quickly leaving.

He is going to kill.

Only by continually killing these abominable human beings, his inner anger can be alleviated.

In the entire Aoki Sanctuary, Yi Xuan is like this, no matter who you meet, it is directly killed.

His strength, in the sanctuary of Aoki, is the invincible existence, no one can do it, causing harm to him.

"Ling brother, what should I do? The demon is crazy, and it is killing. We must find a way to quickly leave the Aomu Sanctuary. Otherwise, if he is met, he will not know how to die."

Ling Hong, a few young people who have no thoughts, they are closely following Ling Hong, dare not separate.


"Hey! I have to see, who dares to kill in the Aoki Sanctuary. If I can kill the Mozu, then I will become the hero of Luo Ze, and the reputation will be greatly enhanced."

The breath of Zhu Bo became even more terrifying.

He entered the Aomu Sanctuary, which is not a small chance.

Now, just wait to leave the Sanmu Sanctuary.

He can condense Dan Yuan.

Break through Dan Yuanjing.

Zhu Bo immediately called the people of Haoyuanmen.

He wants to rectify everyone and kill Yi Xuan.


The chief disciple of Qing Leizong, Yan Junhua.

The eyes blinked.

He does not have the same thoughts as Zhu Bo.

"All this has nothing to do with me. Why should I ask for trouble? Since the Mozu is there, as long as the Aoki Sanctuary is closed, there will naturally be strong players to deal with, and I don't have to take risks."

Yan Junhua is a shrewd person.

In his opinion, the emergence of the Mozu.

Naturally, there are more powerful people to deal with.

He doesn't want to take risks, he is a little careless, and he doesn't know how to die.


"Predecessors, can I really survive?"

Xu Feng looked at Luo Ze on the opposite side and hesitated.

Clearly only the mind is left.

Even the body is combined with the seal.

How to survive?

"Can you survive, depending on your own creation and ability, I can only help you!"

Luo Ze said to Xu Feng.

The person who died before Luo Ze, who is left behind, is nothing but a soul.

The only thing that can save Xu Feng is Xu Feng himself, that is to use the remaining ideas to reshape the body.

"You have heard that the idea reshapes the flesh?"

Luo Ze asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words, all faces are stunned.

The idea is to reshape the flesh, what is that means.

He really doesn't know.

Luo Ze’s look also became serious and dignified. He knew that Xu Feng would be wiped out with a little carelessness.

"The so-called mind reinvents the flesh, it is a warrior, only the living idea. But use this idea, and then reshape the body. Get a more perfect body and strengthen the body!"

Luo Ze explained to Xu Feng.

"You remember, the only thing you need to stick to, and I will do my best."

Luo Ze said slowly.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Feng asked curiously.

Luo Ze did not continue to say.

Instead, start the action.

I saw that Luo Ze’s hands were floating.

Endless spiritual power, in the place where Xu Feng is located, instantly gathers together to form a human shape.

"Incorporate your mind into the body of the spirit, and then slowly merge the body. Your original body is merged with the seal. Now, it means that you and the seal are one."

"Using your ideas, communicating seals, and feeling the flesh."

"Remember, break and stand, do not break how to stand?"

Luo Ze had already seen that Xu Feng’s body was extraordinary.

It is the body of the soul.

However, after this break.

Once Xu Feng condenses his body, he will inevitably become stronger.

Because the seal now is for him.


Xu Feng constantly uses his ideas and merges with the phantom of spiritual power.

At first, I couldn’t understand it at all.

However, as time goes by.

Even if it is, he feels that his own thoughts will collapse.

Still insisting on integration.

In this way, under the insistence of over and over again.

He began to find some skills.

However, among the seals, energy is also emerging, and the constant convergence of Xu Feng forms a violent vortex.

The seal needs energy, and Xu Feng’s body, under the fusion of seals, begins to slowly recondense.

However, Xu Feng clearly felt.

This body condensed to make his body.

Become more pure and horrible.

Time passes by.

Xu Feng’s body has begun to show its shape.

The spirit of the whole body has also begun to form a network.

Every thread seems to be communicating with each other.

Form a huge net.

Through Xu Feng body.

Xu Feng clearly felt that the flesh became more refined than before.

The spiritual power of the whole body seems to be surging.

He began to feel the existence of the body.

Among them, Luo Ze was shocked.

"Is this kid's idea so powerful?"

Luo Ze did not expect.

Xu Feng’s idea is so terrible.

"The third-order soul master?"

Luo Ze finally understood why Xu Feng’s thoughts were so horrible.

(End of this chapter)

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