The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3802: End of Aoki Sanctuary

Chapter 3802 End of the Aoki Sanctuary

When many people saw Xu Feng appearing, their hearts were shocked.

Ling Hong looked at Xu Feng's back and his face was full of excitement.

"Xu Shidi is not dead?"

Ling Hong is very clear, as long as Xu Feng is still alive, but also appears here, then the opposite of Xu Xuan, may not be Xu Feng's opponent.

Xu Feng glanced at Ling Hong behind him and said: "Ling brother, it seems that I am just coming!"

Ling Hong heard it and climbed up from the ground: "Xu Shidi, you have just arrived. If you come a few more steps later, I may have died here."

Ling Hong knows that he is not an opponent of Yi Xuan.

Yi Xuan's dark eyes, emitting cold cold.

He stared at Xu Feng: "I don't think you are actually dead. It really surprised me."

"However, you dare to appear in front of me. Are you really tired and tired?"

Yi Xuan does not think that Xu Feng has the qualifications and strength to fight with him and is his opponent.

Immediately facing Xu Feng, a mocking discourse.

Xu Feng laughed happily: "I really want to teach and teach, how strong are you?"

Xu Feng’s voice is full of self-confidence, his spiritual power is surging, and the Aurora Magic Knife appears in his hand.

The soul of the two lives, the four thick lights emerged, making Yi Xuan a glimpse.

"You are not dead, but also repaired to break into the four souls of life?" Yi Xuan is shaking inside.

All faces are sly, he did not expect, Xu Feng fusion seal, not only did not die, but also blessed by misfortune.

“Yes, is it very disappointing?”

Xu Feng smiled and looked at Yi Xuan and asked.

"Hey! Don't you say that you just broke through to the soul of the soul, even if you break through to the soul of the soul, then how? You are not my opponent, then I will let you die here."

Yi Xuan thought of Xu Feng destroying his plan, and his heart was burning with anger.

If it is not the appearance of Xu Feng, once the seal is broken.

He is the hero of the entire Emag.

At that time, he became the patriarch of the demon, almost the fact that it was determined.


On the body of Yi Xuan, the violent magic is like a wave, followed by a wave of surge.

The strength of Yi Xuan is indeed very horrible. It is more than a dozen times stronger than Dai Hongyan.

However, Xu Feng has now broken through to the four souls of his life, and his strength is comparable to Dan Yuanjing.

In addition, Xu Feng realized three kinds of second-order ambiguity, and he has absolute confidence in his knife.

"Today, it is your death!"

B Xuan's magical surging, the moment of body movement, above the hands, as if the magical moments condense, the formation of the violent and horrible momentum, the magic flow constantly.

The moment when Yi Xuan stayed on his body, the magical air wave, swiftly swept toward Xu Feng, and the magic gas would drown Xu Feng in an instant.

However, it is at this time.

Xu Feng clutched the Aurora Magic Knife in his hand and did not dare to have the slightest care.

Going out with a knife, the spirit is stirring.

The whole void seems to have been torn by the knife.

In the void, a screaming sound broke out.

Knife Mang faced the attack of Yi Xuan and suddenly greeted him.

Two violent waves, crazy spread.

The spiritual power of the road continues to spread around.

There are all kinds of cracks on the ground.

Xu Feng and Yi Xuan, while regressing.

Yi Xuan's pupil suddenly contracted, and his heart was full of horror: "This guy broke through to the four souls of life, and the strength has increased so horrible?"

Xu Xuan did not think that the breakthrough to the soul of the four heavy Xu Feng, the strength has increased so much.

Ling Hong and others are stunned, and the look is wrong.

It is terrible that Xu Feng broke through to the four souls of life.

Ling Hong felt that he was afraid that even Xu Feng’s knife could not resist.

"carry on!"

Xu Feng screamed, without any pause, the Aurora Magic Knife slammed, and the second knife had already smashed out.

Yi Xuan bit his teeth, the whole body magically surging, and desperate, attacked Xu Feng.


The attack of Yi Xuan and Xu Feng, the constant collision, the knives of the road, spread toward the surrounding.

Two people are really evenly matched. Xu Feng has the second-order peak killing, and the second-order gravity and the second-order knife, the addition of three second-order ambiguous meanings, the double life soul, and the sixth-order best holy spirit.

The constant use of a variety of means, but it is also a headache for Yi Xuan, he wants to kill Xu Feng's idea, it is impossible to achieve.

Two people fought for one hour, five hours, more than ten hours, and the battle was dark and dark, and there was no victory or defeat.

Yi Xuan was full of faces, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "Why? You are obviously four souls, why consume so long, your spiritual power is still so abundant."

Yi Xuan clearly felt that his magical consumption was severe and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

However, although Xu Feng also feels tired, but he is not as serious as he is, and his combat effectiveness has become stronger.

"Thank you for helping me consolidate!"

Xu Feng said with a smile at Yi Xuan.

Yi Xuan heard that almost no blood was sprayed.


On the top of the Aurora Magic Knife, a new round of offensive broke out again.

The knife is several times more horrible than before.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

When Xu Feng exhibited the Aurora smashing knife method, his face was smiling and said: "Thank you for helping me to temper the knife!"

Xu Feng's aurora smashing knife method, even unconsciously, directly promoted to the realm of fire, the power of the knife method greatly improved.

Ling Hong and others are shocked, looking at Xu Feng one by one, all in the eyes are worship and awe.

In such a battle, Xu Feng not only failed, but the more the war and the more brave, but also gained a lot of strength, it is incredible.


This time, Yi Xuan began to retreat.

"Do not!"

Yi Xuan does not believe that he will lose to Xu Feng, and immediately the whole body is insanely mad and wants to dying.

I know, at this time, several strong people of the E-Men suddenly appeared, saying: "Lord, you hurry to escape, you are not his opponent!"

Several E Mozus rushed out toward Xu Feng, and all of them screamed at the Bing Xuan.

"Get out!"

Xu Feng is not willing to look at Yi Xuan to leave.

The strength of the other party is very strong, and leaving home is a curse.

Yi Xuan was full of face and looked at Xu Feng deeply.

"You wait, I will kill you personally!"

Yi Xuan was in a magical spirit, did not continue to stay, turned and fled.


Xu Feng's speed is very fast, just a few breaths, killing a few E-devil strong.

Unfortunately, the speed of Yi Xuan is also very fast, has disappeared at the end of Xu Feng's line of sight.

"what a pity!"

Xu Feng knows that he can't catch up with Yi Xuan, but he can only help but sigh.

After killing a few Emeralds, his value of good and evil increased to 45,000.

As time goes by slowly.

The energy of the Aoki Sanctuary is also beginning to be exhausted.

There was a strong sway.

The Aoki Sanctuary began to slowly disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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