The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3806: Xu Feng's request

Chapter 3806, Xu Feng's Requirements

Xu Feng is clearer than anyone else.

The knife door is not like the Xu house he created.

Such forces are his people.

The top six-order forces like Shendaomen, if he suddenly took over as the doorkeeper of the knife door, he was afraid that he would die.

The door of the sixth-order top forces, that is the symbol of rights, in charge of the power of many people.

The higher the level of power, the more hierarchical and disciplined.

Once Xu Feng succeeded as the owner.

The strongmen like the elders, even if they don’t listen to him in the back, don’t dare to be brazen.

At that time, his Xu Feng will inevitably be killed by many people.

How free is this now.

Xu Feng does not want to be stupid.

Moreover, the **** knife door is also a sixth-order top force.

How many people slam the main position.

Can he sit still?

Chalong Longbao looked at Xu Feng and said: "Kid, don't worry, since the old man makes you a doorkeeper, no one dares to violate it. If anyone dares to violate it, the old man will kill him."

The chasing dragon knives are the potential of Xu Feng. The four souls of the district’s life are rebuilt, and they can escape under the eyes of Dan Yuanjing. They can also cultivate the magical spirit of 鲲鹏九九.

The talent of such a young man is definitely not simple.

Moreover, from Xu Feng and his words and demeanor.

It can be seen that Xu Feng is definitely not just a good talent, the other's head is still very active.

"Predecessors, I still don't want your wine, you look for a high-ranking person." Xu Feng was arrogantly refusing to chase the dragon.

Chasing the dragon tyrant is really stunned. If it is replaced by other equal youths, I am afraid that I will hear the position of the successor, and it will inevitably be elated and forgotten.

Xu Feng chose to categorically refuse, without hesitation.

This shows that Xu Feng is either firmly determined or installed.

However, the chasing dragon knife feels.

Even if it is put out, it can deceive his eyes like this.

In the future, as the gatekeeper of the Knife Gate, there must be something to do.


Chasing the dragon tyrant is more overbearing, watching Xu Feng said: "Little guy, anyway, you have to go to the door of the knife. If you don't go to the door... the old man..."

After chasing the dragon tyrant, I thought about it for a long time, and I didn’t know what threatened Xu Feng. Finally I said: "I have been following you..."

If Hanyang City, the strong people of the Northern Territory, know that the chasing dragons of the Tang Dynasty are actually playing a rogue for a young man, I don’t know if they will be surprised.


Xu Feng looked at the look of chasing the dragon tyrant, and the heart was really hard, how did he meet such an old rogue?

"Hey... little guy, anyway, the old man has nothing, the most time." Chasing the dragon knives around his hands, a pair of look at you as a **** knife door master.

Xu Feng said: "Predecessors, the younger generation is just a four-repair of life, I am the **** of the door, do you rest assured?"

Xu Feng asked the chasing dragon.

Chasing the dragon tyrant smiled: "I naturally rest assured that with your talent, it only takes time, and it must become stronger."

"In recent years, the old man is still very healthy. Whenever I dare to provoke you, I will kill him. I won't have it!"

Chasing the dragon tyrant is completely ironic, and Xu Feng is the doorkeeper.

"Predecessors, but if you are a godsman, do you agree with me as the doorkeeper?" Xu Feng continued to ask for the chasing dragon.

Chasing the dragon knives and swinging hands, said: "Kids, you can rest assured! The whole knife door, no one dares to violate my thoughts, the old man sees you pleasing to the eye, let you be the door of the gods."

"This is the head token of my knives. You take the token to the knives. You only need to find Shitong. Although the old things are stereotyped, but they are very upright, they will definitely help you become a knives." The door owner."

The deputy doorman of the Tangdao Knife Gate was said to be an old thing by the chasing dragon, and it was feared that Shitong knew that he really wanted to vomit blood.

After Xu Feng took the token, he said: "Predecessors, since I became the heir to the door of the knife, I have something, I need to ask for your help."

Xu Feng said to the chasing dragon.

Xu Feng is a matter of heart and mind.

Since I met a strongman like the Dragon Fighter.

It is a great thing for the entire Luo Ze collar to solve the threat of the Yi Mozu as soon as possible.

After chasing the dragon tyrant, Xu Feng promised to become the master of the knives, and immediately smiled: "Don't say one thing, even if it is a hundred things, the old man will solve it for you."

In the past few years, I have long been eager to find a door to God’s knife door. He is a person who can’t live without it.

However, the **** knife door is such a big force. Since more than 20 years ago, the owner of the chasing dragon knives has disappeared.

For so many years, the main position of the door of the knife has been suspended.

Inside the Knife Gate, there are three deputy door owners, all of whom are not capable.

Can not be the door owner.

Shi Tong, who is upright but too rigid, is not suitable for the future development of Shendaomen.

Tian Shanhai, the deputy head of the department, has a lot of cleverness and ambition, but his ability is not enough.

The deputy head Gu Ying, the stinky boy can be regarded as a chasing dragon knives and watched growing up. However, he did not have the heart to become the door of the sacred door. It was simply a martial art. If he became the lord of the knives, he was afraid that it would be a mess.

As for the few later generations of the Knife Gate, they are intriguing with each other, and the talent is also good, but the chasing dragon does not like it.

Ever since, in the past 20 years, the chasing dragon knives have almost turned around the knife, but they have been exhausted.

Xu Feng will be in the depths of the Great Wilderness Desert, and the things that the E-Men appear, from beginning to end, have been said to the chasing dragon.

After listening to the dragon tyrants, his face became a little dignified, and the old eyes were deep, looking at the distant sky.

Chasing the dragon tyrant is very clear. Over the years, it has not only appeared in a demon family.

Today, the situation on the entire spiritual godland has begun to become somewhat confusing.

In the chaotic world, there must be heroes that stand upright.

"Slow! You said that you have seen the stinky boy who broke the East, he did not invite you to join the Purple Pavilion?"

Chasing the dragon's knives and squinting their eyes slightly, and the stinky boy who broke the east stream is the northern king's territory, letting the chasing dragons knives, few young people who appreciate it very much.

In front of the chasing dragon knives, the deputy doorkeepers of the **** knife door are all kiddies, not to mention the east.

"I don't want to be a senior, my trip is to go to the Purple Pavilion to participate in the assessment." Xu Feng said to the chasing dragon.

"Oh! What kind of assessment is you going to take? After that, you are the master of the knife door, and you will be on the same level as the east."

The inner chasing of the chasing dragon knives is secretly excited, and the person who has broken the east, who is fascinated, is inevitably not bad.

This is more certain, he made Xu Feng the determination of the lord of the door.

In recent years, on the green hills of the Purple Pavilion, there have been a few unsuccessful characters, and one of them is one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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