The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3814: One fell in two

Chapter 3814 is broken into two halves

Qingzhou Ancient City.

The bustling is very, the voice is full of people.

Xu Feng and other seven people entered the ancient city of Qingzhou.

I saw that this ancient city extends in all directions.

There is also no city wall.

Some are all martial artists.

"Xu brothers, we will go to the Allure Restaurant. We will stay in the restaurant. After I tell the lady, Miss will come to see you tomorrow morning. Then you will tell the lady."

Meng Xuan is very clear, he gave Qiu Mansha, but also did not know.

Simply, invite Qiu Mansha to come to the city.

At that time, Xu Feng slowly told Qiu Mansha.

It is also a very good idea.


Xu Feng nodded, all the way, heard a lot of Qiu Mansha's things, he had some pity in his heart.

After all, this Qiu Mansha, according to Meng Xuan, is really kind.

Such a kind-hearted person, suffering from such suffering, is also very pitiful, and most people will give birth to a guilty heart.

The Allure Restaurant is also a very lively restaurant in the ancient city of Qingzhou.

Xu Feng just picked a medium room and stayed.

Meng Xuan they all left the Allure Restaurant directly.

Obviously, I went to see Qiu Mansha.


The morning sun shines into the restaurant.

Xu Feng looked through the window and looked at the light in the distance.

There was a faint smile on his face.

Until noon.

Xu Feng is still practicing in the room.


The knocking of the door sounded.

Xu Feng opened his eyes. He knew that he was afraid of Meng Xuan and others and he has returned.

Immediately, open the door.

Standing outside the door is a person from the Mengxuan Adventure Group.

"Xu brother, Miss Qiu has come, Meng Da Ge let me know you in advance."

The man said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Yeah!"

It’s only half an hour.

The midday sun is very warm.

However, the voice of the Allure Restaurant has gradually become active.

Many warriors are screaming at the hot noon, in the Allure Restaurant, slightly relieved fatigue, drink some wine, talk about life.

Meng Xuan took Qiu Mansha directly to the second floor of the Allure Restaurant, near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Qiu Mansha wore a light blue veil, her face was pale, and her eyes sparkled.

She is somewhat dubious in her heart. After all, the alchemy teacher who asked her to take the red sand to chase the heart of the beast is not simple. It is the seventh-order inferior alchemy teacher. It is also famous throughout the northern kingdom.

However, she felt that Meng Xuan and other people could not deceive her.

Therefore, she followed Meng Xuan and others and came to the Allure Restaurant.

Xu Feng came out of the room.

I know that Qiu Mansha has come.

Xu Feng does not want to delay time.

Just follow the second floor of the Allure Restaurant.

Xu Feng has seen the opposite of Meng Xuan, the handsome woman with a beautiful appearance and a light blue dress.

There is no doubt that this Qiu Mansha is really beautiful. It seems that Meng Xuan is not exaggerating.

On the opposite side of Qiu Mansha, Meng Xuan saw Xu Feng coming, and he went over and said to Shu Mansha: "Miss, the young man opposite, is Xu Feng that I told you. He said the heart of the red sand chasing beast, not only It's not good for your body, it's still endless."

Qiu Mansha heard the words and nodded. Although she was dubious in her heart, she still had basic courtesy.

Qiu Mansha's pale face, with a smile, toward Xu Feng, took the initiative to say hello to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled, not too much mood swings, and glanced at Qiu Mansha in a cold eyes.

There is not much thought in the heart.

Xu Feng is not a woman, she wants to drill down.

It is a kind invitation from Meng Xuan. If he does not come, he will inevitably make Meng Xuan somewhat embarrassed.

"Please sit!"

Qiu Mansha looked at Xu Feng and said.

Xu Feng did not drag, and said: "Miss Qiu, I must have heard you say to Meng Xuan, your situation, if you continue to take the heart of the red sand chasing beast, within half a year, you will consume the whole body. And die."

Qiu Mansha bit his teeth and said: "Dare to ask the master, I am still in this situation?"

Qiu Mansha didn't want to die, but she was born to suffer such a hardship, and there is no other way.

Xu Feng looked at Qiu Mansha and said: "Can you reach out and let me check your physical condition?"

Qiu Mansha did not hesitate, and immediately extended her slender arms, and the skin looked pale.

Meng Xuan and others are holding their breath.

Xu Feng's fingers are placed on the wrists of Qiu Mansha, feeling the creamy skin, but the heart is calm.

However, Qiu Mansha looked a little shy and her face was a little red, and for the first time, she was placed on his skin by a strange man.

Qiu Mansha couldn't help but sneak a sneak peek at Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng looked at the list in his hand.

One side said: "Your situation is not without saving. However, you may have to be sinned. Moreover, you need your Qiu family to find the seven seventh-order spiritual materials I need."

With a smile on her face, Qiu Mansha took out the pen and ink and handed it to Xu Feng: "You son, you can write down those spiritual materials, I am going to find it."


Xu Feng gave Qiu Mansha a start to write dozens of spiritual materials.

Every spiritual material is precious.

Xu Feng began to tell Qiu Mansha about those spiritual materials.

A few people are secretly remembered in their hearts.

After Xu Feng wrote to Qiu Mansha, he handed it to Qiu Mansha.

"I will not stay in Qingzhou for a long time. I hope that you will be able to get together in a few days."

After Xu Feng finished writing, he handed it to Qiu Mansha.

"Thank you for the son."

Qiu Mansha was puzzled, but still answered.

She wants to take Xu Feng’s prescription and take it home to ask for further plans.

After all, it's about her life.

However, Qiu Mansha can also see it.

For her, life may be ending at any time.

It’s not a bad thing for a dead horse to be a living horse doctor.

Otherwise, Qiu Mansha really does not believe that Xu Feng is a powerful alchemy teacher.


Just at this time.

On the second floor of the Allure Restaurant, a group of young people came up.

Among these people, a young man is like a star holding a moon.

The people who follow are the ancient city of Qingzhou, the brother of all major forces.

Meng Wei.

One of the three major families of Qingzhou Ancient City, the third son of the home of Mengjia, Mengwei.

"Three sons, you see, isn't that a traitor to your family?" I saw Meng Wei's side, a young man pointing to Xu Feng in their direction, apparently speaking Mengxuan.

When Meng Wei saw Meng Xuan, his eyes were despised, and the most important thing was that his eyes fell on Qiu Mansha, and he did not hide his feelings of love.

Qiu Mansha was disgusted with Meng Wei’s eyes.

I saw that Meng Wei was full of smiles and walked towards Qiu Mansha.

Qiu Mansha's face is a bit ugly.

"Hey, isn't this Mansa? If you come out to play, why don't you let me know in advance?"

Meng Wei’s face is a greedy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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