The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3829: Eighteen cave days

Chapter 3829 Eighteen Caves


Mengchuan fell directly outside the 36-hole day.

His face is pale, life and death are unknown.

His eyes are round and clear, obviously it is incredible.

Why, Xu Feng just entered the 36-day sky.

I can feel the six caves.

This kind of sentimental ability is not necessarily widened but more terrifying.

You must know that you have been able to understand the thirty-six days before.

Up to now, I have only realized three places.

Xu Feng is almost a step by step.

Meng Gang's face became gloomy.

Qiu Housheng smiled and said: "Meng Jiazhu, it seems that you are somewhat disappointed with your family."

Meng Gang’s heart is killing himself, staring at Xu Feng in the 36-hole day, with a shock inside.

Step by step, this kind of sentimental ability, afraid that even his eldest son, Meng Yu, is far behind.


I heard Qiu Housheng’s ironic words.

Meng Gang snorted coldly.

"I hope you can laugh at the end."

Meng Gang hugged his hands.


Xu Feng realized that after six cave days.

Deep in his eyes, he was horrified.

Mind: "I don't think of these thirty-six-hole days. It is really mysterious. Each statue contains a special kind of energy. You can use the statue to understand the Holy Spirit, and you can improve the cultivation and the realm."

Xu Feng felt very clear that he had just realized that when he was in the six caves, his cultivation was not a small improvement.

Xu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to Meng Gang and others outside, but to the seventh hole and walked away.

The second hole is on the second floor.

It is much higher than the six holes that Xu Feng had before.

As Xu Feng came to the first hole outside the sky.

His eyes sparkled.

Quickly broke into the hole in the sky.

Sitting cross-legged.

Xu Feng stared at the statue above.

Above the statue, a soft glow, slowly derived from Xu Feng.

Xu Feng only felt that the meridians of the whole body were instantaneous tremors, and then the three hundred veins in the body also emerged, as if the meridians of Xu Feng were all built.

In Xu Feng's body, a huge network is formed, and the constant operation makes Xu Feng stronger.

Time passes by one minute.

Xu Feng stopped in this seventh hole for a long time.

As a result, Mengkuo has reached the ninth hole.

Qiu Duan and Qiu Yi also reached the eighth hole.

The rest of the Qingzhou Qijie, ranked second.

Yan Jia's most powerful genius, Yan Xudong.

He is also broad and broad, reaching the ninth hole.

"Qiu Duan and Qiu Yi, are you two together, or one by one?"

Among the wide-eyed eyes, there was a burst of cold light, staring at Qiu Duan and Qiu Yi.

The momentum of the nine caves is all condensed on him, and it looks terrible.

"It’s really necessary to start with the people of Qiu’s family. It seems that Qiu Duan and Qiu Yi are afraid that they will suffer."

"Hey, I thought that kid was very powerful. I didn't expect that it would take almost half a day to enter the seventh hole."

"It seems to be a big thunder, a little rainy guy, and I don't know what to do."

Everyone looked at the hole in the sky from time to time.

"When you are wide, do you feel that thirty-six holes are not good?"

"Do you have to fight like this to kill you?"

Qiu Duan looked at the opposite.

"There are so many nonsense, I will send you two to die today."

The wide-ranging momentum broke out.

He realized that he had a unique momentum in the nine caves.

Stepping out in one step, the nine caves are surging at the same time.

In an instant, among the nine caves, there is a strong momentum.

Heaven and earth seem to be shaking.

Above the 36-hole sky, the statue is filled with light.

Meng Gang’s face with a proud smile.

"Qiu Jiazhu, it seems that you Qiu’s people are going to disappoint you. If you are a hard-working genius, you will die in thirty-six days. It’s a pity."

Meng Gang’s voice, with a threat.

Qiu Housheng had deep worries in his eyes, but he also smiled: "Life and death have a life. If they are not as good as people, they should die if they die."

"I don't want to intervene in the matter between the younger generations like a family owner. It would be a shame."

The words of Qiu Housheng’s words are obviously ironic.

Meng Gang snorted coldly.

"Will you Qiu's two young geniuses be killed, I see if you still have a mood, arrogant here?"


The momentum of the broad body, horror, and the impact of Qiu Yi and Qiu Duan, the embarrassing out.

I saw him on the body, the momentum added, the fists toward the two, slammed out, seems to tear the world.

Qiu Yi and Qiu Duan are very clear that if they do not join hands, they are definitely not the opponents of Meng Gang.

Suddenly the two men shot at the same time, the momentum of the body, also directly diffused out, toward the broad attack, rushed out.

The two are also the seven masters of Qingzhou. Although the strength is not so powerful, it is not much weak.

At this moment, the two people and the two caves are different from each other. Under the joint efforts, they are even suppressed.

However, it is unlikely that you want to be short-term, to defeat two people, or to kill two people.


Xu Feng was sitting in front of the statue in this way.

Open your eyes.

No one found out.

Throughout the 36-hole day, half of the statues of the caves seem to be filled with light at the same time.

The breath of Xu Feng’s body has risen to the realm of the four peaks of the life of the soul.

I only need to take the purple phoenix Tianbao Dan that Feng Xi gave him, which can completely break through the five souls of life.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and shining.

On his body, a mysterious momentum rose up.

"If the heart is a rock!"

Xu Feng is actually feeling the state of mind.

If you let those who are strong in Dan Yuan know.

However, it is the four-strong warrior of the soul, and he began to feel the state of mind, do not know whether he will vomit blood.

The bursts of light on the body, the eighteen statues, each with a different atmosphere, gathered toward Xu Feng.


Inside Xu Feng’s body, the mysterious woman in the creation of Ding felt that Xu Feng was actually raising her mood.

Although she is well-informed, she always feels that the North Coast is very junk, and she can't help but spit out two words at the moment.

Only she is clear, she feels her state of mind, and how much help she can improve in the future.

If the two strong fighters fight, one side realizes that the state of mind is very high, then the battle will surely win a total victory.

The most important thing is that the state of mind is a cultivation of the military, a mysterious and mysterious realm of cultivation.

The strongman of the high-order life and soul, barely able to get some of the state of mind, can only understand the state of mind.

It can be imagined that Xu Feng’s life is fourfold, and he feels the state of success. If it is passed out, it will inevitably cause a sensation.

The breath is constantly surging, and the heart-wrenching state of mind is constantly condensing, making Xu Feng's heart experience tempering.

(End of this chapter)

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