The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3841: Deputy head Tian Shanhai

Chapter 3841 Deputy Gate Master Tian Shanhai

"Don't dare!"

Zhou Zhixuan was full of fear, and quickly held his hands with the token, respectfully sent to Xu Feng.

Deep in the eyes are stunned and fearful, he does not dare to provoke chasing dragons.

You must know that the chasing dragon knives that arrogant temper.

If you really dare to kill Xu Feng.

As Xu Feng said.

Chasing the dragon tyrant is afraid that it will be, and immediately smashed his corpse.

Xu Feng took the token from the hand of Zhou Zhiyi.

He is very clear, to grasp the size.

If it is more than a measure.

It is also inevitable that the other dog will jump into the wall.

"Your disciples are very arrogant in front of me. Do you think they should commit the following crimes, what should they sin?"

Xu Feng asked Zhou Zhiyi.

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, Zhan Hao and others, his face became pale.

One by one, with fear.

Zhou Zhisheng suddenly screamed and said: "Several gangsters, don't hurry to apologize to the doorkeeper?"

Zhou Zhixuan knows better than everyone else that the whole **** knife door, chasing the dragon hegemony is the day of the **** knife door.

Who dares to violate the meaning of chasing dragons, it is equal to a dead end.

Since chasing the dragon tyrant, give the door token to Xu Feng.

It is bound to let Xu Feng inherit the position of the door.

Zhan Hao and others have a thousand in their hearts, but they dare not violate the meaning of knowing.

Immediately, one by one, with a lack of energy, came toward Xu Feng and said: "We have a few eyes that don't know Taishan, but also ask the doorkeeper not to blame."

Xu Feng snorted coldly and said: "It seems that some of your disciples are very convinced, and the apology is so sincere. Do you think I should, should I inform the elders in advance?"

Xu Feng is facing Zhou Zhiyi, his tone is steady, but this discourse makes Zhou Zhiyi and his heart tremble.

He violently said: "A few of you are pigs? Since you apologize to the owner, take your sincerity and give it to me."


Zhan Yu turned his head and looked at Zhou Zhiyi. Before he even talked, Zhou Zhisheng had interrupted: "If you don't want to die, you immediately squat down and apologize to the doorkeeper. I hope that the doorkeeper is generous and can spare you a life."

Zhou Zhixuan’s heart is very clear, and no one can afford to chase the dragon.

This thing, he definitely can not provoke Xu Feng.

Anyway, by the time, naturally someone will take the initiative to find Xu Feng's trouble.

It is also too whimsical to want to be the master of the knife door.

"The door owner, we did not intend to offend before, but also ask the door to forgive sins!" Zhan Yu still looked down at Xu Feng, his eyes were unwilling, but he could not help.

Seeing that Zhan Yu was kneeling down, the rest of the people, Zhu Xi and others, also fell down.

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on Meng Yu, who was not far away. He asked, “What? He is also your disciple. It seems that you are not very obedient to your orders!”

Xu Feng brows a head and says to Zhou Zhisheng.

Zhou Zhixuan looked at Mengyu, not far away, and screamed, "The gangsters, but still come to apologize."

"Master...he killed my brother..."

Meng Yu was full of faces and said to Zhou Zhisheng.

Zhou Zhixuan is cold and cold: "Your two younger brothers are not as good as people, and they should die."

"Not too late to apologize, do you want to destroy the family?" Zhou Zhiyi scolded.

Meng Gang’s heart is full of anger and unwillingness. He does not understand why Qiu’s luck is so good.

Just knowing a young man can not only treat his daughter's body, but also treat Qiu Cheng's injuries and treat him a lot.

Today, this young man is actually the heir to the door of the **** knife door. It is simply a gas-loaded addition and horrible.

Meng Yu felt the pain of an arm that had been cut off. Although he was unwilling to bow down, he also knew about Xu Feng.

If he does not bow down, it is really possible to kill him with his well-behaved character.

"Also ask the door owner to forgive my ignorance."

After all, Meng Yu was kneeling down to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at Zhou Zhiyi and nodded with satisfaction.

"Hey! I am too lazy to care about you. The so-called adults do not count on the villain. Knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dazhen."

Zhou Zhixuan said: "Substituting them, apologizing to the owner, thank you very much."

"Get up!"

Xu Feng said to Meng Yu and others.

"Since you come from the door of the knife, where do you come from?"

"By the way, give me a letter to the deputy master Shi Tong, tell him that I will come to the knife door in the next day, succeed the door position, let him do everything, I don't like too many accidents. ""

Xu Feng itself promised to chase the dragon knives as the lord of the door, it is conditional. Otherwise, he was too lazy to promise to chase the dragon.


Zhou Zhiqi slowly retreated.

"Then I will wait at the door of the knife and wait for the door to come."

Zhou Zhixuan took Zhan and others and quickly turned around and left at the fastest speed.

Seeing that Zhou Zhiyi and others left.

Meng Gang’s face has become gloomy.

Xu Feng slowly said: "Since the person of the knife door has left, then destroy the Mongolian family!"

"Do not……"

Meng Gang just made a snoring noise, don't think that he has high hopes for Mengyu, which knows that this is the result.

Who can think of it, Xu Feng turned out to be the heir to the door of the **** knife, it is incredible.

The top six-order forces like Shendaomen actually chose a young man with five souls and succeeded the doorkeeper.

Throughout the Northern Territory, it is unseen.

Qiu Cheng’s whole body was surging, and he went out to Meng Gang.

This time, he will not be merciless.

Qiu Housheng and others are also killing.

The entire Qingzhou ancient city can be described as a **** hurricane.

"Master, the kid is so arrogant, is it to see him become the door of the knife?"

When Zhan Yigang left the ancient city of Qingzhou, he looked at Zhou Zhiyu and his face was cold.

Meng Yu’s heart is full of anger.

This time I came back to the ancient city of Qingzhou, not only did not help Mengjia, unified Qingzhou ancient city.

On the contrary, it is a great disaster for the family. If it is not for the sake of pleading, he will become a dead person.

Zhou Zhi’s mouth swelled and said: “Hey! How can I let him become a doorkeeper and want me to bring a letter to Shitong? I can pass the message to Tian Shanhai.”


God knife door.

Tian Shanhai looked at the letter in his hand.

His face became gloomy, and the depths of his eyes were the killing of Sen Han.

"The doorkeeper, you summon the subordinates, what is it?"

Not much time.

More than a dozen people, a strong atmosphere.

They all came to Tianshanhai.

These people are the elders of the inner door of the knife.

"You used to know that the old thing that chased the dragon tyrant, the heir to the door he was looking for, is now in the ancient city of Qingzhou."

Shi Tong voice is gloomy.


Suddenly, everyone is a big uproar.

Everyone can see it over the years.

Tian Shanhai’s position on the main door of the knife is very embarrassing.

Now, suddenly there is a successor to the door.

It is no wonder that Tian Shanhai is so anxious.

Convene them to gather.

(End of this chapter)

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