The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3844: Fuyang City

Chapter 3844, Yangyang City

Xu Feng did not hesitate to start using space.

Beginning to slowly refine, the second-order space inside the hand is esoteric.

Xu Feng's first-order space is beginning to absorb the energy of second-order esoteric fragments.

As Xu Feng continued to refine, the second-order space of the hands of the mysterious pieces, the gloss began to slowly become dim.

However, among the spatial esoteric fragments, the space-based energy of the space is becoming weaker and weaker.

As time goes by slowly.

The space is shaking in the entire cultivation room.

The first-order space of Xu Feng’s body is constantly expanding.

The space around the body is under the control of Xu Feng.

Not much time.

Xu Feng's first-order space is uplifted to the second order.

Around Xu Feng's body, that mysterious energy.

Make the voids become more intense.

Xu Feng opened his eyes.

Not far away, the space slammed.

The wind whizzed past.

Xu Feng quickly moved his mind.

Space cracks heal instantly.

"This is the horror of the second-order space?"

Xu Feng's space is uplifted to the second order.

For the strength of Xu Feng, it can be described as a great improvement.

"First familiarize yourself with the second-order space."

Xu Feng began to slowly use the second-order space, and he was constantly proficient.

Inside the creation.

The mysterious woman is a bit stunned.

"How is the space of this guy's space, how come it is passed down?"

"You must know that space as the essence of the spiritual god, one of the most mysterious ones, there are very few people who understand."

"The most important thing is that anyone who feels the meaning of space is coming out of that place."

The mysterious woman is a bit strange inside.

He has seen the horror of space.

Really go further, space will dominate the world.


A few more hours have passed.

Practice outside the room.

The sky is slightly bright, and a shadow, I came to practice outside early.

Among the eyes of Qiu Mansha, with expectations.

She thought about it all night, but in any case, she would give Xu Feng a few.

Therefore, she dressed up for several hours.

Wearing a delicate embroidered dress.

At the moment, Qiu Mansha looks warm and moving.


"It's time to leave!"

Xu Feng opened his eyes and stood up.

The second-order space is synonymous and has been quite skilled.

Next, it is to slowly use the space.

Only then can you be more comfortable.

Xu Fenggang is ready to leave the training room.

I feel the existence of the outside of the cultivation, the presence of Qiu Mansha.

The eyes blinked slightly.

"Hey, there are little beautiful people, waiting for you?"

The mysterious woman didn't know how she would say this.

After she said it, she felt that something was wrong.

How to speak for yourself, it seems a bit sour.

Suo Xu Feng did not care too much.

Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised.

"In this case, try the second-order space."

Xu Feng's eyes are deep, with light.

The second-order space that has just been realized.

Try to use the second-order space esoteric, suddenly disappeared in the void.


With Xu Feng, the second-order space has emerged.

The entire void has violent fluctuations.

I saw Xu Feng's figure flashing.

The whole person is moving toward the outside of the cultivation and disappears.

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, the picture in front of him is constantly emerging.

"Is it a second-order space esoteric, is it so mysterious?"

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

The whole person disappeared in a place more than ten meters away.

Turned around and looked at the back of Qiu Mansha.


I couldn't help but shake my head. After all, I still went outside the Qiujia Mansion and quickly disappeared.

early morning.

Qiu Mansha is full of expectations.

She is waiting for the door of the practice room to open.

Unfortunately, until noon.

Qiu Housheng opened the door of the cultivation room, she couldn't help it.

Finally, I burst into tears.

However, Xu Feng has left the ancient city of Qingzhou.

“It seems that it only takes half a day to go to Xiangyang City.”

Although Xu Feng is going to go to the knife door.

However, he decided to go to Fuyang City first.

After all, within the scope of the Northern Territory.

The seven forces are all around the city of Xiangyang.

"As long as you pass the village in front, it is the scope of Xiangyang City."

Xu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly.

Take a step and walk towards the front.


Xu Feng’s heart suddenly gave birth to an ominous premonition.

"What the **** is going on, why is there such an intuition?"

Xu Feng is very convinced of his instincts.

For so many years, but when his intuition is not good.

There is almost no good thing.


Xu Feng hasn't walked a few steps yet, his eyes are round and round, and he doesn't know when, there is a gray figure.

The other side is looking at himself carefully, and the other person's body is filled with a dangerous atmosphere.


Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

This person's breath is better than the Tianshan Sea that Xu Feng met before.

Still stronger.

"There are five graves in the area, and I can become the heir to the door of the knife. I am curious about you."

Xuan Jie spent the past two days waiting for Xu Feng to arrive.

He is very clear.

Xu Feng is going to the knife door.

Here is the only way.

Xu Feng heard the words, his eyes slightly picked up.

Inside the dark road: "It seems that the person who comes is not good, the good person does not come."

"It seems that the knife door is exactly what I expected, it is completely a mess."

"The old thing that chased the dragon tyrant, let me go to the knife door, and succeed the position of the doorkeeper, and it does not have much deterrent to you."

Xu Feng is facing the slow way of Xuanjie.

Deep inside, but with a hint of dignity.

He knows that he is slightly careless.

Will die here.

"I am discussing something with you, how?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Xuan Jie and asked.

"what's up?"

Xuanjie secretly nodded in his heart, and the eye of chasing the dragon tyrant was really good.

Can face him, but the face does not change color.

It is enough to prove that the youth in front of us are daring to know.

"I was not interested in the main position of the door of the knives, that is, I owe a hunter to the dragon, and I have to come to be the master."

"Since you don't like me to be the master, I don't go to the knife door. This is the token that the dragon chasing me. How about I give it to you?"

In the hands of Xu Feng, take out the main token of the knife door.

Shen Jie’s eyes are deep in greed.

How many swords are strong.

I can't wait to get this token.

However, the youth in front of us are so clouded.

I don't want it at all.

"Kid, token I want, your life, I want."

Xuan Jie is very clear.

Not killing Xu Feng is a scourge.

As for the token.

Take it back and hand it over to Tian Shanhai.

"Why should the predecessors kill me? I have no threat to you."

Xu Feng's eyes are deep and his eyes are shining.

Fortunately, I feel that I am aware of the second-order space.

Plus the wings of Kun Peng.

Kun Peng turned to practice the third turn.

His speed is enough to escape.

"No threats? Then die!"

The depths of Xuanjie’s old eyes are fierce.

Stepping out suddenly, he has already attacked Xu Feng.

"Old things, this is the token of the knife, give it to you!"

Said, Xu Feng will throw the main token of the knife door toward Xuanjie, and throw it out.

(End of this chapter)

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