The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3848: Join Wangtianyuan

Chapter 3848 joins Wangtianyuan

The ancient boy heard the words and suddenly looked at Xu Feng with an apology.

See Xu Feng is not angry.

I began to say: "The elders don't misunderstand. My brother and I are friends who have just made friends. We all came to participate in the Zige assessment."

"Oh, the life of the five souls, but also to participate in the Purple Pavilion assessment?" Zhao Li frowned, looked unhappy with Xu Feng.

"How? Is the purple house stipulated that the examination is restricted? Why can't I come to the assessment?"

Xu Feng’s voice was calm and he looked at Zhao Li and asked directly.

Not humble, no humble knees.

Ancient manganese lined up not far away.

I couldn't help but sneer: "Gu Gu, you look at what friends you have made, don't know how many pounds you have, and dare to smash the elders of the inner court. It's really unrespectable, how can you qualify for the practice in Zige? ”

The words of ancient manganese sounded, Zhao Li looked nod to the ancient manganese nod, his face with appreciation: "You are a good boy, know the honor, what is your name?"

Gu Mang heard Zhao Li asking his name, and suddenly his face was full of excitement. He said: "The elders are reported to the ancient manganese from the ancient river, and later in the Purple Pavilion, I hope that the elders will take care of them."

"Well! If your talent is OK, I don't mind, you can accept you as a disciple."

Zhao Li said to the ancient manganese.

"Tolders thank you Master!"

The ancient manganese is also very savvy, facing Zhao Li, directly squatting down.

"Yes, the blind can teach!"

Zhao Li smiled.

"You don't hurry up, let your so-called friends, and quickly apologize to the elders, who is his identity, and dare to attack the elders."

Ancient manganese is against the ancient boy.

Zhao Li is also looking at Xu Feng, his face is condescending.

The look is smug.

I know, Xu Feng said faintly: "Isn't you a purple sacred hospital, what you need is not a disciple? It is like a flattering dog.

This statement is a sigh of relief.

Especially the young people who lined up at the moment were all angry.

Staring at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s words are really even humiliating.

However, everyone’s eyes are all looking at Zhao Li.

The ancient manganese is indeed somewhat shrewd.

Some people also see it.

"Also, if you are an elder, you will like the disciples who are inferior to the next. If this is the case, I really can't do it. I really don't qualify to be a disciple of the Purple House."

Xu Feng’s voice, when it comes to the back, is powerful and there is no fear.

Zhao Li is full of iron and blue, and her body is shaking.

He has been in the Purple House for so many years.

This is the first time that a disciple dares to attack him.

However, Xu Feng does not give him the opportunity to be angry.

I saw Xu Feng went on to say: "If the elder can't help but want to do it to me, I have nothing to say!"

"It seems that I am afraid that the Ziyan Academy is just like this. It is bullying, leaning against the old and selling the old, and it is all the people who are flattering."

It can be said that Xu Feng’s words completely blocked all the choices of Zhao Li.

If Xu Feng is a teacher at the moment, it is not a statement. Xu Feng is all about the facts. He is even more lost.

However, if he does not teach Xu Feng, his heart is really difficult.

After all, he is an elder of the inner courtyard of the Purple Temple.

But by a young man, in front of so many people.

So accused.

It’s a shame.

"Zhao Li, what happened?"

A gray-haired old man came over here.

Xin Tianyin, deputy dean of Ziyanyuan.

That is, the Purple House is responsible for recruiting disciples.

Zhao Li looked at Xin Tianyin and came up. He immediately greeted him and said: "The deputy dean, the kid who smashed the sable garden here, I am not very good at him as an elder."

Xin Tianyin frowned, feeling that Xu Feng was only the life of the five souls, shaking his head.

"Our Ziyuan Institute recruits disciples, repairs to the minimum requirements, but also the life of the seven souls. If you do not meet the requirements, you can go to the other three hospitals, but in my opinion, you still go back and practice for a few more years."

Xin Tianyin seems to be advising Xu Feng.

However, the kind of high in the words is on.

And Zhao Li, almost exactly the same.


Xu Feng spit out two words, resolutely turned and walked behind him.

Since Zige is also the case.

What is necessary for myself to participate in the Purple Pavilion assessment?

The ancient boy looked at Xu Feng and turned and bit his teeth.

"Xu brother, wait for me..."

Gu Mang looked at the ancient boy and followed Xu Feng to leave the Ziyanyuan. His face was ironic and disdainful.

"This ancient boy is really an idiot. To waste a good future for a waste."

Ancient Manganese is very clear that most of the resources of the entire Purple Pavilion are controlled by the Purple House.

Joining other hospitals is not as good as the Purple House.

"Your talent and cultivation have met the requirements of the Purple House. Why do you want to leave with me?"

Xu Feng spoke to the ancient boy.

"Nothing, anyway, I don't like to bow down. Not to mention, I don't want to fight with Mangan, it is good to avoid him."

Gu Tong smiled at Xu Feng.

There was a trace of regret in the depths of his eyes, but he did not show it.

Xu Feng’s inner heart said: “This ancient boy is also a personality person.”

"Oh, two little guys, wait a moment!"

Just at this time.

A middle-aged man looks very shrewd.

The breath on his body is very strong and unfathomable.

Directly blocking the way of Xu Feng and Gu Tong.


Xu Feng asked the other party directly.

"Hey, since the two can't join the Purple House, why not join us in the Heavenly Court, what do you mean?"

"The next is the deputy director of Wangtianyuan, Jiao Wenbo."

Jiao Wenbo smiled at Xu Feng and Gu Tong.

Especially the ancient boy, the talent is good.

Can be in the northern king of the collar is a forty-nine collar.

At this age, I cultivated to the peak of my life.

Once you join the Wangtianyuan, you will be trained in time.

There must be achievements.

As for Xu Feng.

Jiao Wenbo feels that this feeling for him is not simple.

I can see it from the collision of Zhao Li.

Although the talent is not the same.

However, the head is very smart.

Just a short speech by Xu Feng made Zhao Li a dilemma.

Explain that Xu Feng is not in chaos and calm.

Xu Feng looked at Jiao Wenbo and said directly: "So openly dig the wall?"

Jiao Wenbo heard the words, smiled and looked at Xu Feng: "This is a bad saying, I am not digging the wall, you are all disciples of the Purple House."

Jiao Wenbo found that Xu Feng, very appetite for himself.

Xu Feng also felt that this Jiao Wenbo is smart.

It does not seem hypocritical.

He looked at the ancient boy, his eyes with the color of inquiry.

The ancient boy was slightly hesitant.

After all, the dean of the Wangtianyuan is nosy.

Moreover, Wang Tianyuan is afraid that even the Xuanyin Institute is not as good.

"The little guys don't hesitate, we look at the Tianyuan very good. Once I join the Wangtianyuan, I promise you don't regret it."

Jiao Wenbo said to the ancient boy.

(End of this chapter)

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