The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3852: 苟 Live and not shame!

Chapter 3852 is not a shame!

"Good boy, you are playing pigs and eating tigers. It seems that you are still two geniuses?"

Lie Shen came from the Liege of the Liege, and naturally knows that many true geniuses can fight in a leapfrog.

For example, Yu Zhonghai, who was recruited by the Ziyan Academy, can not only be repaired to reach the peak of Danyuan.

More importantly, he is still a genius, can cross three levels and fight opponents.

Today, although Xu Feng is only a five-year-old repair of the soul, he can kill the soul of the seven souls.

This shows that Xu Feng is at least two geniuses. It is no wonder that Xu Feng dared to smash Zhao Li.

The other two young people heard that Xu Feng was a genius and he was shocked.

But all the geniuses are the targets of the major forces.

"Two, since this kid is a genius, we don't have to be polite with him. Now, there is only one way to kill him. You can choose."

Lie Shen spoke to the other two young people.

"Mr. Nie, what advice do you have?"

Both of them asked against Lie Shen.

"The suggestion is simple, kill him!"

The sound of Lie Shen became cold and said: "The three of us will join hands and it will be easy to kill him."

"Okay, let's take it together."

The other two young people have opened their mouths.

"Let's die together!"

On Xu Feng’s body, the second-order gravity is filled with air, and the air seems to be sinking.

Immediately afterwards, among the eyes of Xu Feng, the killing suddenly broke out, and the Aurora Magic Knife appeared in the hand.

"The second-order peak kills the righteousness."

"Aurora kills the knife."

As Xu Feng suddenly slammed out, the aurora magic knife smashed out, and the knife seemed to stretch for dozens of feet.

The void was directly torn by the knife, and the formation was a violent hurricane, as if the heavens and the earth were falling apart.



A screaming voice was issued, and a young man with a seven-year-old soul was directly smashed into two halves by Xu Feng.

Death can't die anymore.


Another young man with a seven-year-old soul, looking at the scene in front of him, where dare to stay.

The token in the hand emerges, and the token is broken, but I don’t know when.

Xu Feng came to his side, with a cold gaze in his cold eyes.


Knife slashed past.

The youth fell to the ground, their eyes rounded, with fear and remorse.

“So strong?”

The heart of the swell is stunned, and the token inside the hand comes out.

Xu Feng’s spiritual power stirred up and said: “I just want to run now, do you think you still have time?”

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, and the Aurora Magic Knife has already been smashed out. The most important thing is that Xu Feng’s gravity and the space are both erupting at the same time.

Knife Mang seems to tear the void, and has not waited for the sorrow to return to God, Knife Mang has worn his chest.

"You... you dare to kill me... I am the person who led the sorcerer in the Liege... My eldest brother is a disciple of the inner court of the Purple House..."


The sorrowful and unwilling fell to the ground.

Xu Feng collected the tokens of the three people and the storage ring.

The three-person token was directly crushed.

Xu Feng's heart shimmered coldly.

"Since Zhao Li wants to kill me, I have to look at it. If he knows, I am not a waste, what would it look like?"

Xu Feng did not want to capture any points.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Li actually issued an order.

Let these people chase themselves.

That being the case.

Next, Xu Feng is in the small secret.

Go everywhere.

But anyone who wants to kill him.

He is never merciless.

that's it.

Xu Feng is in a small secret.

Keep walking.

I met many people who wanted to kill him.

Most of them are disciples of the Purple House.

Most of these people were killed by Xu Feng.

There are only a handful of people who have survived.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days.

Quietly passed away.

In the small mystery, a huge attraction has been continuously hit.

Everyone in the small secrets felt the attraction and went outside the secret.

Xu Feng came outside the small secret.

When Jiao Wenbo saw Xu Feng, he was somewhat wrong.

After all, Xu Feng’s life is five times.

Not being eliminated, it is somewhat unexpected.

Zhao Li, not far away, also noticed Xu Feng.

His face is a bit ugly.

Because, he found out.

Xu Feng is not a waste.

The young people who had been eliminated before told him that Xu Feng was very powerful, and his life was eightfold, not his opponent.

Zhao Li still has some disbelief. At this moment, Xu Feng is safe and sound, and he suddenly believes.

The more it is, the stronger the inner killing.

Being able to beat the soul of the eight levels.

That is three geniuses.

There are not many geniuses in Ziyanyuan.

Today, Xu Feng joined the Wangtianyuan.

He is naturally more reluctant.

Gu Tong came over to Xu Feng and smiled: "Xu brother, you really passed the first round of assessment."

The ancient boy seemed very happy. After all, he and Xu Feng joined the Wangtianyuan. If Xu Feng was eliminated in the first round, he would lose a friend.

"Lucky luck!"

Xu Feng smiled at the ancient boy.

Not far from the ancient manganese face, the angry road: "It is really a shame, the soul of the five times to participate in the first round of assessment, afraid that has been hiding in a corner of a small secret, do not dare to come out?"

The words of ancient manganese are extremely harsh, and they are mocking Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to ancient manganese.

I walked around in a small secret.

Unfortunately, I have not met this guy.

Otherwise, it will let the other party know.

Whether you are hiding in a corner.

"Where the kids come, as long as they can pass the assessment, they will not be shameful if they survive."

Chu Xiang said to the ancient manganese.

Xin Tianyin’s cold road: “Hey, don’t you live without it? I’m afraid you’re the elders of the Heavenly Court, you can say this.”

Xin Tianyin’s displeased face looked at Jiao Wenbo: “Jiao Shidi, you look at the elders of the Tianyuan, it’s getting more and more disappointing.”

Jiao Wenbo looked at Xu Feng with a smile on his face. He smiled and said: "Xin’s brother is very embarrassed and can survive in the secret world. It is also a skill. You must know how many people are facing the enemy and they have not been able to do it. kill."

"Sometimes, being able to be jealous is also a skill."

Jiao Wenbo’s words are clearly excusing Xu Feng.

Xin Tianyin was twitched by Jiao Wenbo’s words.

"I hope that his second round of assessment will also survive."

Xin Tianyin is very clear that the first round of assessment can survive.

However, the second round of assessment.

It is really a real assessment.

There is no room for choice at all.

“Next, I started to clean up the points in the first round of assessments, each taking out my own token and then registering the points.”

"These points will be your contribution to Zige in the future and can be used to exchange various cultivation resources."

Xin Tianyin turned his head and said to the young man who passed the examination at Ziyanyuan.

"I will come first!"

Yu Zhonghai came forward with a trace of pride on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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