The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3979: Persevering

Chapter 3979, Perseverance of Hun


Xu Feng refines and refines the ten veins, the whole body meridians, even every cell, is completely filled with spiritual power.

Among the two souls of life, the strong atmosphere permeates and brings the momentum of terror, but there is no more change.

There is still no sign of a breakthrough in the life of the soul.

"Good guy!"

Xu Feng couldn't help but be shocked. It seems that the strongest road he has taken, the road to perfection, is really not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

Ten mini-spirits, even the three warriors of Dan Yuanjing, can break through to Danyuan.

Without any hesitation, Xu Feng continued to absorb the refining and micro-spirit.


"Hey, is it so simple to break through?"

Hong Hai’s face was smiling, his luck was very good, and he found three micro-spirits.

He did not hesitate any more, and absorbed the micro-spirits directly, and he broke through to the life of the soul.

"When you want to worship Dongyang's ancestors as a teacher, you must upgrade to the life of the three souls. It seems that there is a long way to go!"

Hong Hai took a mask and began to mix around.

However, his luck is good, looking for the pulse.

"Hand over the spirit, I will spare you not to die!"

Hong Hai seized the moment of a miniature spiritual pulse, not far from a young man, looking at Hong Hai with a smug face.

I know that Hong Hai is continually rushing forward, and even rushed forward toward the other side. Before he returned to the other side, he lifted his slap and fell on the face of the youth, imitating the sound of Fei Hecheng, low voice, roaring. : "Are you afraid of being tired? Where is your dog's eyes, I am flying the spirit of the crane, you dare to **** it?"


The young man is a disciple of Yun Chiling. Although he is a life-stricken seven-study, he is only the first time he has seen Fei Hecheng, and he is naturally unfamiliar.


Hong Hai hit his hand and hurt, saying: "I will polish your eyes later, or I will kill you!"

"Hand over the spirit of your body?"

Hong Hai also screamed at the youth.

The young people are very aware of the horror of Fei Hecheng. Although he does not understand why the other person has a mask, he does not dare to ask.

Only from the storage ring, three miniature veins were taken out and handed to Hong Hai. The trembling was shocked and said: "Flying crane brother, this is my three spiritual veins, and I hope that you will not count the villains."

"Because you are interested, then your eyes will shine."

Hong Haizheng infinitely collected three miniature veins and also reached out and took a picture on the face of the youth.

Turned around and swayed and walked toward the front.

"It’s unfortunate, I met someone from the Feihe family!"

The young people in Yun Chiling are depressed and their faces are angry.

Since the youth of the Feihe family came to Yunchiling, the lord of the forest, Lin Da, almost took them up. Where did the young people dare to provoke?

When the young man just walked out of the place more than ten meters away, he saw Fei Hecheng carrying two people and coming towards this side.

He suddenly frightened his face pale and bowed down to the flying crane: "The flying crane brother is forgiving... I really called out the miniature pulse, and beg you not to kill me!"

Fei Hecheng is really a face full of force.

He knows the youth in front of him, and the other is a disciple of Yun Chiling.

"What the **** are you talking about, how can I not understand?"

Fei Hecheng is a bit wrong.

The young man looked up and saw the moment of flying cranes, only to find that the clothes of the two were completely different.

The heart suddenly understood and immediately roared: "Damn, I was actually played!"

"what happened?"

Fei Hecheng suddenly asked.

The young man said what he had just robbed.

Fei Hecheng is full of face, biting his teeth: "If you let me know, who is playing my name and doing such a shameless thing, I need him to die without a place to die."



In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The twin souls of Xu Feng’s head finally began to change.

It became even more horrible, and the two talents of growth and death became stronger.

Full of majestic power, the tenth light is gradually derived from the soul of the double life.

As the light becomes more and more powerful, the momentum of the double life soul becomes more and more horrible.

All the miniature veins that Xu Feng obtained, after thorough refining, will also be able to get the lotus seeds from the nine sons of fire lotus, and then they will be repaired to break through the life of the soul.

He has a shock in his heart. If he continues to cultivate like this, he will be promoted to Dan Yuanjing in the future. It is not a breakthrough in cultivation. The cultivation resources needed are even more horrible. He finally understands why the strongest road is so difficult to walk.

Stand up and collect the souls of the two lives.

Xu Feng looked ahead.

"I don't know Honghai guy, how is cultivation?"

Xu Feng is very clear that Hong Hai wants to worship Dongyang's ancestors as a teacher. This is the best opportunity.

However, thinking of a short period of time, breaking through to the three souls of life, the difficulty is really not small.

However, the place in the central part of Hongcheng’s small secret, a strange place, full of energy and horror.

However, on the lotus cultivation platform, Hong Hai sat on his knees and continued to practice.

He also discovered this place unintentionally, and he went straight to practice, and the effect of cultivation was not too good.

In just a few days, he has been a life-threatening soul, breaking through to the life of the soul.

However, immediately after his nightmare, it began to arrive.

This treasure land of cultivation was discovered by people in Yunchiling.

There are more and more people coming here.

Many young people from the Hong family have also gathered together.

They want to protect Honghai cultivation.

However, it was taken by Fei Hecheng to take a few young people from the Feihe family and the disciples of Yun Chiling, crazy killing.

"If you still don't roll down from above, I will kill him!" Fei Hecheng stared at Hongn, not far from the blood.

Hong En’s shoulders, as well as the legs, were pierced by Fei’s long sword and blood flowed.

I know, when I heard the words of Fei Hecheng, Hong En struggled to get up from the ground and his eyes were firm, so he was in front of the cultivation platform.

"You practice well... as long as you can worship Dongyang ancestors... I am dead... it is worth it..."

Hong En’s voice was intermittent, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

"Ah! You are crazy! You are running away! Leave me alone... I am not practicing..."

Hong Hai got up from the training station. He knew that if Hong En was attacked by Fei Hecheng, he would really die.

"Ha ha……"

Hong En smiled and stood there, still no step back.

"I like this dog very much. Now I am kneeling on the ground and swearing allegiance to my martial arts. You will have a promising future!"

Fei Hecheng looked at Hong En with appreciation. He had to say that such a loyal person, he really rarely saw it.

Unfortunately, Hong En turned a deaf ear to his words.

The body stands up and flows through the body.

Be ready to meet the attack of Fei Hecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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