The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3981: Fei Hecheng’s remorse

Chapter 3981 Fei Hecheng's remorse

"How could this be?"

Everyone was shocked and full of horror.

No one expected that Lin and fighting power were so bad.

It was actually punched by Xu Feng, giving birth to a spike.

In the depths of Hong En’s eyes, there was a horror.

He had heard that Hong Hai brought back a "big brother". He thought that people would gather together and share things.

Xu Feng’s strength is not so good, at most it’s just a scorpion.

I know that Xu Feng was able to punch and kill Lin and directly.

Lin Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was some fear in the heart.

Lin He’s strength is not as good as him.

However, Xu Feng was able to kill Lin He with a punch.

Suffice to say that Xu Feng did not have much difficulty in killing him.

The people of Lin’s family just yelled at Zhang.

Now all of them are like defeated cocks, directly smashed.

Their hearts are shocked, and they don’t understand why the Hong family suddenly emerged such a powerful young man.

Xu Feng stood there, his eyes fell on Lin Yu's body, cold and cold: "You just want to kill me? How to stand still, don't you?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, making everyone a vibrate.

This is the face of the red fruit of Lin Yuyu.

You must know that Lin Yu is a genius disciple of the Lin family.

However, at this moment, I dare not start with Xu Feng.

Isn't this ironic?

However, Lin Yu also vowed to kill Xu Feng.

It’s ridiculous.

"What? Don't you?"

Xu Feng mouth raised and asked.

Lin Yu is very clear that he alone is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

Immediately said: "I admit that your talent and strength are really strong, but we are not alone here."

"If everyone is together, I don't think you are our opponent."

"It's better for you to listen to me and not to win the Hong family. We are inevitably grateful to the Yunjialing Lin family."

"Presumably, you should know that our Miss Dayun is the wife of the core disciple of the Feihe family. And our Xiaogongzi in Yunchiling is also the martial artist of the core disciple of the Feihe family."

"Hello, in order to make a Hong family, it is a harm to our Lin family."

Lin Yu directly moved out of the Feihe family to threaten Xu Feng.

After all, the entire Northern Territory, the Flying Crane family is one of the three major families, the top six-level peak force.

For anyone, even if it is related to the Feihe family, it is not easy to involve a little bit of relationship.

If you are someone else, if you hear the Feihe family, you must be scared.

However, Xu Feng is different.

He is not afraid of the threat of Chen Xianlong, why should he be afraid of the Feihe family?

Immediately disdainful words: "Don't feel that everyone like your cartilage head, fear of the flying crane family! I Xu Feng even the North King Chen Xianlong are not afraid, how can you fear the Feihe family?"

"What? He is Xu Feng?"

However, a young man from the Feihe family stared at Xu Feng with his eyes full of shock.

It was a surprise to see each other in the eyebrows. For the name of Qingshan Bazi, they were all stunned.

Of course, the number of people who know Xu Feng is relatively small. After all, the time he joined Qingshan was too short.

"What? He is very powerful?"

Fei Hecheng asked the young man.

The young man was helpless and looked at Fei Hecheng. He said: "Fei Hecheng Big Brother, can you still remember Qingshan Bazi?"

"What? Aoyama Hachiko?" Fei Hecheng was full of horror and jokes. If Xu Feng on the opposite side is really one of the eight sons of Castle Peak, don't say that they are even a few genius disciples of the Feihe family. You may not be sure to beat each other.

"Well! This Xu Feng is the end of Qingshan Bazi, and one of the people who was chased by Chen Xianlong. I don't think he dared to stay in the Northern Territory. It is really courageous."

Many people have analyzed before, I am afraid that Castle Peak, who has left the Northern Territory, has gone to other places to experience.

"What? Five top talents Xu Feng?"

The face of Fei Hecheng has completely changed.

Not only him, but the young disciples of the entire Feihe family are now as dead.

Although Lin Yu didn't know what Qingshan Bazi, but he could see it, even if it was Dan Yuanjing's heavy Fei Hecheng, the look at the moment was also fearful, which he did not expect.

"Do it! Maybe you still have a chance." Xu Feng stared at Lin Yu, a faint road.

"Flying crane brother, please ask for help!"

Lin Yu opened the door.

Fei Hecheng is full of regrets, knowing that Xu Feng is in Hong.

Even if he is given a hundred courage, he will not come to Hongcheng.

Now, Lin Yu even wants him to help.

Isn't this looking for death?

"Roll! Lao Tzu has nothing to do with your Lin family. You are dead or alive, what are you doing with me?"

Fei Hecheng immediately slammed, and many of Lin’s youths had completely changed their faces.

They understand, I am afraid they are Lin family, and they are attracted to what they can not afford.

"This brother, we didn't know this beforehand, but please raise your hands and give us a way to live."

Fei Hecheng was very interested and immediately asked Xu Feng for help.

Xu Feng said faintly: "If you have such a strong desire to survive, I can give you a chance."

"You are now killing all the young crane families around you, and will be my people in the future."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Fei’s face suddenly changed.

However, Xu Feng smiled and said: "You don't bother to promise me, as long as you don't leave."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng began to flow, and his eyes fell on Lin Yu and others. He said: "I am sorry, the next is your death."


Xu Feng’s heart is very clear. If the big forces such as the Feihe family can be inserted into the spies, they may be able to use them one day.

As for killing Fei Hecheng, it is too simple for him, he is too lazy to do it.

At the moment he shot, the youth of the Lin family began to flee.

Unfortunately, the strength of Xu Feng is really too strong.

One punch.

"No... don't kill me, I am wrong..."

Lin Yu’s fear of his face squatted on the ground and asked Xu Feng for help.


"I am sorry, you have not used value!"

After Xu Feng finished, he punched out and Lin Yu fell to the ground. He could not die anymore.

"Fei Hecheng Big"

On the other side, Fei Hecheng suddenly shot, killing several young people in the Feihe family.

"Don't blame me, I want to live..." Seeing Xu Feng's decisive and decisive, Fei Hecheng is very clear, hesitant to continue, and he is dead, so he immediately shot and killed the Feihe family.


In a short time, the six young people of the Feihe family were killed by Fei Hecheng.

He came to Xu Feng's front and respectfully said: "See the master, thank you for your master's death!"

Xu Feng was surprised inside, and this flying crane was so decisive, it was a good traitor.

(I came back from work at noon, and quickly wrote a chapter, thank you for your support and love! There is an update at night!)

(End of this chapter)

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