The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3994: May you be so happy forever

Chapter 3994, May you be so happy forever

"Hurry up, I will save you, it is a matter of righteousness." Xu Feng's principle of being a man is very strong. The purpose of his cultivation is to become stronger, to protect himself and his loved ones, but not to be bullying.

Some of the people he is most accustomed to are those who are powerful and bully the weak.

Of course, the most hateful thing is the purple frost sect, and the ordinary ordinary people are not let go.

"The line is arrogant, the road is not flat, and the knife is helping!"

Xu Feng said to the people, sincerely.

Lao Litou was helped by Xu Feng.

He did not expect that his own good thoughts would bring such great benefits to Hedong Village.

"Thank you for the lesser man!"

The old Li head stood up, the old face, with a strong smile.

"Citizens, now we are defeating the Purple Frost, we will soon go back to the village, prepare for the celebration feast, thank Xiao Shaoxia, bring us such a big advantage." Lao Litou's words sounded, it can be described as a response.

The entire Hedong Village people shouted.

Will Xu Feng cluster in the middle.

Xu Feng looked at the many people in Hedong Village, and the smile from the heart filled his face.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned, and the heart is full of peace of mind: "I have to say that this is the way to be arrogant and decent."

"You still don't come over and apologize to Shaoxia for your rude behavior."

An old man with more than a dozen people, came to Xu Feng's front, all of them just made a statement and looked down on Xu Feng.

More than a dozen people looked at Xu Feng at the moment, with shame in their hearts and fear.

They are sure that even if Xu Feng kills them all, the entire Hedong Village will not give them a head.

After all, in the hearts of everyone in Hedong Village, Xu Feng at the moment is a hero, that is everything.

"Young man, what happened just now, we are ignorant, you adults do not remember the villain, we are here to apologize to you, waiting for the celebration feast, I prank three cups... No, I will punished a jar."

The most powerful middle-aged man in front of him, he said to Xu Feng.

These ordinary people in Hedong Village, after all, are still afraid of their hearts.

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, there was no previous malice.

Xu Feng is too lazy to care about such people.

Nodded, said: "When you celebrate the feast, everyone can give me a drink, if they don't get drunk, don't let them leave."


The villagers of the entire Hedong Village have all started to rise.

For a moment.

The haze over the village of Hedong Village disappeared.

Instead, it is a lively scene.


Back in Hedong Village, everyone started killing pigs and slaughtering sheep in an instant.

Still others, with fishing nets, headed for the river outside the village of Hedong, apparently preparing to catch some fish.


Xu Feng's eyes slightly picked up, and the method of Hedong Village, although there is still the maintenance of the purple spirit beads, but some recession, coupled with the tears of the strong inside the blood beads, leading to more formation Unstable.

He is very clear that after he helped Hedong Village to process the formation, it is time to leave.

Although the life in Hedong Village is very good and the rhythm is very slow, it is not suitable for him.

What he wants to pursue is to become stronger. Staying in Hedong Village is just a waste of time.

You know, there is a group of people in the southern continent.

Waiting for him.

"Xu Shaoxia, can we repair the law of Hedong Village?" Lao Litou was responsible for repairing the formation with Xu Feng. Others, in the center of Hedong Village, had a busy celebration party.

Xu Feng heard the words, nodded and smiled: "There is no big problem, just take a little time."

It is not much difficult to repair the array method with Xu Feng's array method. What he wants to do is to help Hedong Village improve the formation method and strive to be able to resist the attack of the peak of Danyuan.

Think of it, do it and do it, Xu Feng did not hesitate, began to take out the polylith.

With the control of Xu Feng under the control of Xu Feng, toward the entire Hedong Village, they flew out and merged into it.

Throughout the entire village of Hedong, the formation began to operate.

"Don't be nervous, Xu Shaoxia is helping us to repair the formation in Hedong Village. In the future, we can still live and work in peace and happiness."

An old man from Hedong Village said to many people in Hedong Village.


The people in Hedong Village heard the words of the old man, and immediately shouted and excited.

Xu Feng helped Hedong Village to repair the array, and those spiritual materials were provided by him. After all, Hedong Village could not find it.


Xu Feng continued to integrate the spiritual materials into the array, and the polystones began to operate, mobilizing the purple spirit beads, and the cracks and flaws in the entire array of methods began to slowly repair under the flow of spiritual power.

Until the sunset, the distant horizon, revealing a touch of red sunset red, can be described as glamorous.


Xu Feng's hands waved, and the purple spirit beads flew up in an instant, so floating in the sky above Hedong Village, and the fate of the entire Hedong Village were completely connected. The earth was wrapped in the purple spirit beads at this moment.

"The formation is done!"

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, he was excited.

Hedong Village's formation does not require attack capabilities, the most important thing is to resist external attacks.

This kind of array is white, it is a barrier. Since it is a barrier, naturally the stronger the resistance, the better.

However, Xu Feng's current repair method, Ziqi Lingzhu can continuously absorb the heaven and earth spirits around Hedong Village, and carry out self-repair, naturally there will be no exhaustion of spiritual power.

The entire array will be more orderly.

"Thank you for the lesser man!"

The old Li’s face was grateful and he was deeply embarrassed by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I have smelled the wine, let's drink it..."

Therefore, Xu Feng and Lao Litou, as well as the little leopard, walked toward the center of Hedong Village.


At the beginning of the banquet, there were two or three hundred people in Hedong Village, and they all sat happily together.

The fragrant meal, the wine is also brewed by Hedong Village, and it tastes sweet.

"You, our Hedong Village thanked the Engong Da Ende, I suggest in the center of Hedong Village, to make a statue for the Engong, what do you think?" Lao Li head with a wine glass, said aloud.

"I agree!"

"I agree with it too!"


Xu Feng looked at the people in Hedong Village, and the depths of his eyes, but also a smile from the heart.

The more the wine was drunk, the more late the night, Xu Feng was slightly drunk, sitting on the roof, looking at the distant moon.

"Are you guys okay?"

early morning.

The people in Hedong Village are still asleep.

A figure in the village, he stood there.

Looking at the village behind him, surrounded by the barrier of the array.

I think of those simple and kind smiles in my mind.

"May you be so happy forever!"

(Many times I have encountered a lot of troubles, but many of them have always been very grateful. Maybe only in the novel, a lot of people can straighten their chests and express their heart! Life is not as good as ninety-nine, but that is one or two. It’s very beautiful. Thanks to those who have been chasing many novels, I hope you will always be happy! If you can write it all the time, you will always write it down until you can't write it!)

(End of this chapter)

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