The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3998: Why don't you dare to kill you?

Why isn't you afraid to kill you in Chapter 3998?

Sihan’s mood was not comfortable. I didn’t expect Yin Lin to want to rip.

I rushed into the living room and pointed directly at the opposite Yin Lin. "Oh! If Yin Sanye continues to do this, the lion opens its mouth, and our pharmacy is too big to break with you."

"Not to mention, I would like to advise you that our pharmacy is really not a good bully. Otherwise, I will not dare to come to Silvermoon City to do the drug business."

Although Sihan is reckless, he can't be as cautious as Gao Yu, and his heart is deep.

However, his mind is very delicate.

Today, Yin Lin has taken their benefits.

Coupled with the mystery of the pharmacy, the other party did not find the background.

This way, Yin Lin and the door open the door, the effect may not be bad.

"it is good!"

Where did Yin Lin think, Sihan was so hard.

The heart is also secretly jealous. If his master knows that he is dispatched to negotiate with the pharmacy, he is full of pockets. I am afraid that Zixi’s ancestors will never let him go, and may even kill him.

At that time, it is really a broken net.

"I can't think of the pharmacy, the tone is very hard." Yin Lin said coldly: "But since I want to break the net, I am not afraid of Yin Lin."

"I advise you not to use the background of the pharmacy to deter me. I have arranged for the investigation to be clear."

"Your pharmacy has no background at all, but it comes from an alchemy force Xufu."

Yin Lin did not really think that under his own chance, he even investigated such an important clue.

This is why he dared to come to the pharmacy and openly knocked the second bamboo.

Xu Feng, hiding in the dark, appeared in the depths of his eyes.

To survive in Silvermoon City, the pharmacy must hide its identity.

Especially now, Xu Feng’s identity is very sensitive.

Once it was discovered by someone who was in love, or was investigated by Chen Xianlong, his Xu Feng was in the Ming Xuan collar and established a force of Xu Fu.

At that time, with the means and character of Chen Xianlong, the entire Ming Xuan collar will flow into the river.

"Let's think about it. If I told you the source of your pharmacy, this news told Jiang Meng, or told Lu Yidan, what time would it be?"

Yin Lin is very clear that the reason why everyone does not have a hand in the pharmacy is that there are some taboos.

If you know that the Pharmacy Hall is just a small eighth-order force, they will definitely wait for it to swallow the entire pharmacy.

Yin Lin is full of pride, self-concerned: "You must know that the entire drug business of the entire silver moon is Lu Yidan. Since the arrival of your pharmacy, Lu Yidan can be said to be a serious loss, I have long wanted to The pharmacy is uprooted."

"But the old guy is cautious and will not hesitate to avoid the origins of your pharmacy."

Gao Yu's face is gloomy, deep in the eyes, filled with cold and killing intentions: "I can't think of Yin Sanye as a good means, even able to investigate the origin of my pharmacy."

"However, everyone is doing business, and making money. How can the three masters keep secrets for our pharmacy?"

Although Gao Yu is very angry, he also suppresses the inner anger.

Yin Lin heard the words and smiled: "If the high-ranking deputy is saying this early, why should everyone tear the skin?"

"It's very simple. I will arrange two people to come to the pharmacy in the future. I will have half of the business profits of the whole pharmacy."

Yin Lin is really a big opening for the lion, more than a third of what Jiang Meng wants.


Sihan immediately denied, if so, then Dantang still went on.

It is better to go back to Ming Xuan collar directly.

"Why should the thinker be so determined, or think and think again."

Yin Lin seems to have approved Gao Yu and Sihan.

I know, outside the living room, Xu Feng walked.

"Don't think about it, don't give you half of the profits, even if you want to take one from the pharmacy, it's impossible."

"Because, today you will become a dead person."

Xu Feng’s voice was cold and fierce, and the depths of both eyes were absolutely.

If Yin Lin did not investigate, perhaps Xu Feng would be merciful.

Today, Yin Lin’s investigation has threatened Xu Feng and threatened Xu Fu.

"Where is the unknown boy who came here, can you come here?" Yin Lin was furious.

However, when Sihan saw Xu Feng, his face showed a smile, saying: "See the owner!"

Sihan did not expect that Xu Feng actually came to Silvermoon City.

I didn't even think that I met Xu Feng again and came so fast.

"The owner!"

Gao Yu is also a salute.

"Is it not for you, but also for killing me?"

Yin Lin stared at Xu Feng with both eyes, and asked disdainfully.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Since you have made a clear investigation, the pharmacy is from Xufu. You should know what happened in Xufu?"

"Hey! A weak can't be weak, I don't have the interest to know what is going on."

"Since you are the owner of Xufu, I am too lazy to continue to linger. I have promised, or I will publish the pharmacy's origins, and then I will not blame me for not being sympathetic."

Yin Lin threatened Xu Feng directly.

"I am sorry! I don't like others to threaten me!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng began to flow, and the killing in the depths of the eyes suddenly emerged.

"Take your life and soul to repair, and dare to do it to me. It’s really tired." Yin Lin’s spiritual flow, Dan Yuanjing’s five-fold cultivation is pervasive, step by step, hands toward Xu The peak of the chest, smashed out.

It’s all about running and killing Xu Feng.

"The owner, be careful!"

Gao Yu and Sihan are reminding.

However, Xu Feng was calm and punched out.

Above the fist, there is the power of terror.

In the immediate moment, the second-order peaks kill the ambiguity.

Just a punch, Yin Lin only felt the filth of the internal organs, and a blood was released from the control.

“How is it possible? So strong?”

Yin Lin’s face is stunned, and the other side is clearly a life-threatening soul. The strength is so powerful.


Xu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yin Lin, and she slammed into the body. The double fists slammed out and carried the second-order peaks to kill the righteousness. They did not give Yin Lin any power to fight back. They were bombarded with fists in the chest, and they spurted blood and poured them. On the ground, looking at Xu Feng with a look of horror.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Yin Lin looked at Xu Feng who came step by step, his face pale.

"Nature is killing you!"

Xu Feng said indifferently.

"Do you dare to kill me? I am a disciple of Zixi's ancestors. If I am killed by you, my master will not give up."

Yin Lin looked at Xu Feng’s face and was a little scared.

"Why don't you dare to kill you?"

Xu Feng asked again.

The double fists carry the majestic power of the majestic, crushing Yin Lin’s chest, vomiting blood, and completely dying.

Both Sihan and Gao Yu’s heart are shocked. In a short period of time, Xu Feng’s strength has improved.

(End of this chapter)

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