The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4015: Can this survive?

Chapter 4015, can this all survive?


Both Sihan and Zhuo Yunzhao were pale and covered in sweat.

Xu Feng’s current situation is simply too serious.

"Hurry up and send me the best spiritual materials from our pharmacy."

Sihan screamed at a few guys in the pharmacy.

There are so many places in the house now.

Dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Xu Feng only has the last breath.

Just a few minutes.

A few guys, holding a precious box of spiritual materials.

Quickly sent to Sihan's body.

Sihan took out the seven-order spiritual materials and took out the brain.

In this way, I was pushed into the body of Xu Feng.

"Master Lu... can this really save the owner?"

Shimao’s eyes are deep and awe.

If it was before, they followed Xu Feng to be threatened.

Then, after the previous battle.

Shimao has been completely subdued by Xu Feng.

Lu Yidan as the sixth-order elite alchemy teacher, the old face with despair.

Xu Feng's physical condition, he is clearer than anyone present.


The meridians are broken, the flesh and blood are broken, and the bones are smashed.

Mo said that he is only the sixth-order best alchemy teacher.

He felt that it was the ninth-order elite alchemy teacher who could not save Xu Feng.

"Xu brother, you must not die..."

Sihan madly sent dozens of seven-level spiritual materials into Xu Feng's body.

Even Sihan did not think that his unintentional behavior really helped Xu Feng a big favor.

That is Xu Feng's body, with artifacts such as the creation of Ding.

As long as he has a sigh of relief.

Chenghua Ding will be able to refine and refine all kinds of medicinal herbs and spiritual materials in Xu Feng's body.

Then it is transformed into pure spiritual power, moisturizing Xu Feng's meridians and body, helping Xu Feng to recover.

"This big man saved you in disguise!"

The mysterious woman in the creation of the tripod, feel the operation of the creation of the tripod.

Coupled with the strength of Xu Feng's body.

Causes spiritual power to flow.

All that comes with pure spiritual power.


The Thousand-Handed Ghost King received the letter of help from Sihan and returned to Xufu, and immediately rushed to Silvermoon City at the fastest speed.

When he came to the pharmacy, he found that there were quite a few people on the scene, and some people were very strong.

Immediately, I thought that it was late for me, and the pharmacy had a big crisis.

“Gao Yu? What is the situation?”

The thousand hands and ghosts went straight to the backyard of the pharmacy, and they saw Gao Yu not far away, and asked directly.

"See the elders."

The Thousand Hands Ghost King is the elder of Xu Fu.

The current thousand hand ghost king, the strength is very strong.

It has been restored to the realm of the peak of Danyuan, and its strength is very strong.

There is resource support throughout Xufu.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King wants to collect the treasures of the haze, but it is much more convenient.

In particular, many precious spiritual materials can be found for him.

"Before the elders, the owner is inside, I don't know if I can hold on?"

Gao Yu came to the front of the thousand hands and ghosts, and looked a little sad.

If Xu Feng died.

I am afraid that the whole Xufu is really scattered.

He saw it, whether it was a strong man like a thousand hands, or an alchemist in Cangjing years, and the existence above the Wanghe Tower, as well as those genius disciples, all centered on Xu Feng.

If Xu Feng dies, the entire Xufu will fall apart completely, and everyone will go their own way.

"what happened?"

The gloomy voice of the thousand hands and ghosts sounded, and the suffocating suffocation of the body suddenly broke out.

Not far from Zhuo Yunzhao and others are stunned, Xu Fu actually has such a strong existence.

The thousand hands of the ghost king did not have time to wait for Gao Yu to describe in detail, and rushed into the room where Xu Feng was in front.

When I came to the room and saw the bed, my face was pale, and Xu Feng, who was full of breath, was deep and cold, and it was cold and killing.

It can be said that since he followed Xu Feng, although he was initially reluctant.

However, he later felt that following Xu Feng was quite good.

This little boy is a wizard, and he is kind.

It is good to treat yourself.

If it wasn't for Xu Feng, he couldn't recover so fast.

"Sihan, what is going on?"

Thousand-handed ghost king looked at the side of his eyes without a god, with desperate Sihan.

"God elders... you killed me... I shouldn't let the head of the house fight... I should stop him..."

Among the eyes of Sihan, tears flowed out.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

"You told me, what the **** is going on?"

The thousand hand ghost king asked Sihan.

Immediately, Sihan intermittently told the story of the king and the ghost king.

After a thousand hands, the ghost king listened, and his face was blank.

"This kid is really awkward!"

Thousand-handed ghost king looked at Xu Feng lying in bed, could not help but nod.

It’s just a matter of being willing to take the emperor down.


Thousand-handed ghost kings found that Xu Feng’s body had a breath of self-flowing power.

Immediately came to Xu Feng's body and began to feel Xu Feng's meridians and spiritual power.

In a short time, among his eyes, with horror, said: "Don't be anxious, the owner may not die."

"Hey? Can this be alive?"

Zhuo Yunzhao and others are stunned.

"Sihan, hurry up and bring me all kinds of spiritual supplements, as well as the healing of the Holy Spirit Dan, and send them all directly into the body of the owner. At the same time, you can use spiritual power to help him refine."

After all, the Thousand Hands Ghost King is a well-informed strongman.

Feel Xu Feng, there is a trace of spiritual power, slowly flowing, repairing the meridians.

He knew that Xu Feng did not necessarily and would really die.


Sihan immediately flew out to the outside.

Just a few minutes.

The buddies of several pharmacies, with dozens of bottles of Holy Spirit, are the best healing Dan.

At the same time, there are dozens of spiritual materials that restore spiritual strength, all of which are precious and precious.

Thousand-handed ghost king began to send the medicinal herbs into Xu Feng's mouth, running the powerful spirit of the body, helping Xu Feng refine the medicinal herbs.

The spirit material was also sent into the body of Xu Feng.

that's it.

The hand of the ghost king is almost full of spiritual power, and it lasts for almost an hour.

It’s all sweat.

Although he is not a human body, he is exhausted.

"A few of you come on!"

Thousand-handed ghost king said to Zhuo Yunzhao and others.


Several people took turns in this way, constantly helping Xu Feng refine the Holy Spirit Dan, refining the spiritual material.

The madness of the creation of the madness transforms those spiritual powers and repairs the broken meridians and bones of Xu Feng.

Three days and three nights.

Thousand-handed ghost king, Zhuo Yunzhao, Lu Yidan, and Yin Xia Bing, as well as Shi Mao, Gao Yu Sihan and others.

They have taken turns to help Xu Feng refine the Holy Spirit and the spiritual materials, and almost no pause for a minute.

Until the early morning of the fourth day.

Thousand-handed ghost king stared at Xu Feng's face.

Found that the other person's pale face, has recovered blood.

The spiritual power of the whole body began to flow automatically.

Everyone is stunned.

This will also survive and repair itself.

This is too abnormal!

(End of this chapter)

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