The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4022: Xu Feng's countermeasures

Chapter 4022, Xu Feng's Countermeasures

Xu Feng stood up and his body was unfathomable.

Dongyang Zhenzhen looked at Xu Feng's figure, and his heart was shocked.

Although Xu Feng is only the life of the soul, the peak is repaired.

However, the momentum of the body is not weaker than her Dan Yuanyuan.

"Ready to break through!"

Xu Feng gave a command, the spiritual power of the body surged, and the Aurora Magic Knife appeared in the hand.

If it is not unfamiliar with Dongyang Zhenzhen and others, if Xu Feng uses the fire of heaven and earth, it will be easier to kill these red-blooded ants.

However, Dongfeng Zhenzhen, who followed Xu Feng, and the six people of the patrol, he did not trust.

Naturally, it is impossible to use the fires of heaven and earth. If these people are greedy, even if they leave the Dongyang Forest alive, they will go to other people’s sites. They don’t know how to die.

"We eight people, don't separate, raiding on the left hand side! Remember, our aim is not to kill the red blood octopus, but to highlight the encirclement."

Xu Feng said to Dongyang Zhenzhen and others behind him.


Xu Feng took the lead to rush out of the cave.

When the sun sets, it is the time when the red blood octopus is the most exhausted.

Xu Feng and others rushed outside the cave.

The speed of red blood octopus ants has become much slower.

The Aurora Magic Knife continually smashed out and the knife was stretched several dozen feet.

In an instant, dozens of red blood octopus ants will be killed.


When Xu Feng and others just rushed out of the cave, the red **** octopus around them rushed toward them.

Red blood octopus ants are the weakest presence when the sun sets.

However, the number is really too much.

However, Xu Feng and others are also very powerful.

In just ten minutes, I have already rushed out of a **** road.


A group of red-blooded octopus ants are chasing them toward Xu Feng.

"Continue this way, we will all die!"

A man from a patrol couldn’t help but speak.

The red blood octopus behind him is very fast and a lot.

Moreover, the sun in the distance gradually disappears.

If you miss the sunset, the red octopus will restore the strongest strength, and the speed will become extremely fast. They don't know how these people die.

"The number of these red blood octopus ants is too much. We can't escape together like this, we must separate."

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and with dignity.

I thought that I could rush out of the encirclement of red blood octopus.

I know that there are too many red-footed ants.

It is a bit more difficult to get out of the encirclement.

"Sit away separately, isn't it faster to die?"

A man from a patrol has a puzzled look in his eyes.

Xu Feng was too lazy to explain, "If we escape together, we will only die."

"We have eight people in total, two in two, and each escaped from four different directions."

The spiritual flow of Xu Feng’s body has already been thrown out to the left, and the little leopard follows Xu Feng’s back.

Dongyang Zhenzhen looked at the back of Xu Feng's escape and bit his teeth. He said: "You six people measure themselves, I follow the wind. I think he makes sense. If you escape separately, the chances of living are great."

"Wait for me……"

Dongyang Zhenzhen quickly caught up and came to Xu Feng.

The six people in the patrol looked at each other.

The red-blooded octagonal ants behind me have already caught up, and the two of us fled towards this side.


Xu Feng’s aurora killing knife method was used, and the knives and mans continued to erupt, and the strong air waves continued to surge.

It seems that there is an endless wave of surges. Wherever the knife is, it is a group of red blood octopus ants.

Dongyang Zhenzhen's strength is not bad, it is worthy of Dongyang's six-stage top-level power.

The young disciples of a Dongyang family branch in the district have such cultivation and strength. It is indeed not the northern kingdom territory, and the remaining forty collars can be compared.

"This side!"

Xu Feng's eyes suddenly condensed, pulling the wrist of Dongyang Zhenzhen, and jumping to the right hand side not far away, in a very hidden pit, eyes looked toward the place not far away.

"what happened?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen had a puzzled face and pulled his hand out of Xu Feng’s hand.

She was the first distance from a different sex, so close.

Each other can hear each other's breathing and heartbeat.

"The red-blooded ant colony is coming to this side. Let's hide and talk."

Xu Feng converges on the body.

He did not use the formation.

Red blood octopus ants are very sensitive to spiritual fluctuations, and since the array method is running, there must be spiritual fluctuations.

At that time, it is very likely that it will be discovered by the red-blooded octopus. At that time, with the ability of the red-blooded ants, the real spirits of the arranging method and the polylithic stones will be swallowed up. They really It’s a dead end.

"How do I feel that the front is very quiet, nothing?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen could not help but frown.

She just saw it clearly, there was nothing in front.

The heart is still secretly happy.

I feel that it is finally able to rush out of the encirclement of red **** octopus.

"Don't worry!"

Xu Feng is the sensory ability of the third-order soul master.

Although Dongyang Zhenzhen is a four-repair of Dan Yuanjing, but she is aware of the changes around her, she and Xu Feng are not a grade at all.


Dongyang Zhenzhen did not speak, but his look was somewhat unpleasant.

She felt that there was nothing.

Xu Feng is not too cautious.

I am thinking about it inside, and if there is no red **** octopus, she will say it.

I know, when I first thought of it, a scream of miserable snoring came from a distant forest.

I saw only dozens of sixth-order monsters, crazy escape, and the sound behind them sounded.

It seems to be a red-legged octopus in a small hill, and the number is even more terrifying than when they were chased.

"Hurry to hide, do you want to die?"

Xu Feng found Dongyang Zhenzhen, his head is still outside the pit, and his eyes are full of anger.

A pair of Dongyang Zhenzhen was directly pulled in front of him, and the two men squeezed into the pit like this.

As for the little leopard, the guy is very clever, and in a place not far away, he has a pit and buried himself.


Dongyang Zhenzhen’s ear came from Xu Feng’s heartbeat, and Xu Feng’s breathing, wide-eyed, but did not dare to move.


The fleeing beasts are just a few breathful hours, and they are swallowed up by blood and blood.

Xu Feng hid in the pit, and there was a fierce wind blowing from his ear.

The red-blooded octopus ants swept past like this, except that the **** smell in the air seemed to have never happened.

Of course, there are more than a dozen white bones in the distance not far from Xu Feng and Dongyang Zhenzhen.

"Red blood octopus ants are gone!"

Xu Feng felt that the red-footed octopus had left and stood up from the pit.

Looking at Dongyang Zhenzhen still bending his body, kneeling in the pit, immediately reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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