The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4028: White Moon Buddha Lotus

Chapter 4028 White Moon Buddha Lotus

No one expected that Dongyang’s burning face became so fast.

I also said to Dong Yangping that I was right with an outsider.

In a blink of an eye, I know that Dongyang Ping will not retreat.

I immediately looked at Xu Feng and said something completely different.

Many people have changed slightly.

The temptation of Dong Yangzhuo to help Xu Feng join the Dongyang family home, this thing is too big for young people like Xu Feng.

Xu Fengduan sat there and seemed to be very interested. He immediately said, "Hey, don't know how you want me to prove something for you?"

Many people in the Dongyang Ping family are screaming in their hearts.

"The matter is very simple. When the Dongyang family came to investigate, you will prove that the red blood octopus is cultivated by Dongyangping, but it is impossible to control the red **** ants and want to make you filthy. Home, this will bring my son Dongyang just."

Dongyang is not a savage savage, it is a trick of double-edged.

Dongyang is equal, and his face becomes a bit ugly.

Their eyes are all on Xu Feng.

If it is time, Xu Feng really confirms this.

They are really arguing.

However, Dongyangzhuo came again, and their wicked people complained first.

It is really dead!

"Oh... it’s a good trick. It’s a double-edged sword. It’s all about putting their home to death!”

Xu Fengduan sat there and smiled slowly.

"Dongyang Zhuo, you are so poisonous!"

Dongyang Ping's face is full of anger.

"The wind son ... please also raise your hands!"

His heart is afraid, it is Dongyang’s commitment to Xu Feng, and the temptation is too great.

Many young warriors are proud to join the Dongyang family.

"Little brothers are also smart people. You should understand that the people who know the time are Junjie. The heritage of our family is far from what they can compare. As long as the little brothers promise my invitation, I will give you countless benefactors in the future. Practice resources and support you."

Dongyang staring at Xu Feng was very heart-warming, and immediately said that it was even more confusing.

"What you said is quite reasonable."

Xu Feng nodded unfortunately and seemed to be very satisfied.

Dongyang is equal, but his face is pale to the extreme.

Some elders of Dongyang Pingjia are now staring at Xu Feng with anger.

One by one, I want to rush to kill Xu Feng.

However, now killing Xu Feng.

It is equal to killing people.

"But, what you just said is a bad check, and it doesn't have any value to me!"

Xu Feng did not understand why, Dongyang burning old python, want to open a check, is simply thinking of beauty.

I really think that Xu Feng is a three-year-old child. If you are young and straightforward, can you solve it in a few words?

"I am a very practical person. If you can come up with a little sincerity, maybe I will change my mind."

Xu Feng’s mouth is raised, his face is full of smiles, and he looks at Dongyang’s heart. It’s a complete look, look at your sincerity.

"I will give you a hundred good spirits!"

Dongyang Zhuo did not hesitate any more, and opened the way directly.

"It’s only a hundred in the middle of the spirit, it seems that in your eyes, your son’s life is worthless!"

How could Xu Feng let go of such a good chance to rip off the bar.

Since Dongyang Zhuo wants to play with him.

Then see who is playing.

Dongyang gnawed his teeth and said: "If I give you the right conditions, are you really willing to testify to me?"

Dongyang is staring at Xu Feng.

"Do you think it makes sense to bargain with me now? Mainly you can make me happy."

Xu Feng's face is calm.

"it is good!"

Dongyang Zhuo immediately took a flower from the storage ring, and the life-like white petals were coiled around like a Buddha.

It is the white moon Buddha lotus!

Seventh-order best spirit!

Even if Dongyang is equal, his face has changed completely.

This white moon Buddha lotus is a cultivation treasure.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation is the peak of his life, and the temptation of this flower to him is even greater than all the conditions.

"Homeowner, what now?"

An elder asked in the ear of Dongyang Ping.

The value of White Moon Buddha Lotus is too high.

They really can't imagine that Xu Feng is so young, he can still keep his heart, not proof for Dongyang.

After all, Xu Feng and their family did not have much friendship.

"Your cultivation is the peak of the soul, if you have the white moon Buddha lotus, it is easy to break through to Danyuan."

Dongyang was staring at Xu Feng and said.

"You said so emptyly, there is no sincerity."

Xu Feng opened his mouth to Dongyang and said.

"Hey! Kid, want my things, as long as I can save my son, it will be your death."

The deep eyes of Dongyang’s eyes are cold and killing.

Above the white moon Buddha, there is a poison that he placed on it in advance.

This poison will not attack immediately.

It only takes three or five days and it will happen.

However, the main family received the news and came to Dongyang Pingjia. It was only two days, which was enough.

Originally, he was prepared to use the White Moon Buddha Lotus to exchange with Dongyang Ping.

I know that Dong Yangping’s tone is very firm.

No way, he moved to Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng really really moved.

"What do you want?"

Dongyang is staring at Xu Feng.

"I don't think you are a stupid person. Don't you understand?"

Xu Feng is facing Dongyang, if you have something to say.

Immediately stepping forward, walk toward the pavilion not far away.

Dong Yangzhuo looked at Xu Feng's eyes, greedy look, staring at Xu Feng's back, followed by up.

The heart is secretly saying: "In any case, it is just a child!"

He felt that Xu Feng was really heart-warming.

Xu Feng came to a place where no one saw it. He said, "Get it!"

Dongyang is full of smiles, and he is afraid that Xu Feng will not accept gifts.

What's more, this white moon Buddha lotus, but the reminder.

Immediately, the white moon Buddha lotus was taken to Xu Feng's front and handed to Xu Feng. "I also hope that the little brothers will help me a lot. At that time, our family will have a lot of thanks."

Xu Feng took over the lotus of Baiyue Buddha, and the killing in the depths of the eyes disappeared.

This Dongyang Zhuo really is a class axe, dare to play poison in front of his Xu Feng, is simply looking for a dead end.

Those poisons were only a moment of time, and they were absorbed into the body by Xu Feng, using the fires of heaven and earth, and refining into pure spiritual power.

"Thank you for the gift from Dongyang Zhuojia, I am grateful." Xu Feng put the lotus of White Moon Buddha away, his face full of smiles.


"Homeowner, what now?"

Seeing Xu Feng and Dongyang Zhuo, they walked to a place not far away, and they talked very much, and they were worried about their faces.

Dong Yangping’s face also became difficult to look at. He said: “Now I hope that the elders from the Lord’s family will be able to distinguish between good and evil, or else our family will be finished.”

"No! Wind brother can't be such a person!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen can't believe it, he has to rush toward Xu Feng and Dongyang Zhuo.

However, he was dragged by Dongyang Ping and said: "Zhenzhen, don't be impulsive!"

(End of this chapter)

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