The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4030: Someone in your family broke through the law?

Chapter 4030 Does your family break through the law?

"I didn't read it wrong. If you break through to Danyuan, you can also lead to a robbery?"

Looking at the top of Xu Feng's head, the lightning gathered gradually.

Everyone was stunned and stunned.

They all know that some people break through the cultivation and will indeed lead to catastrophe.

Yes, it is all cultivated as a strong existence, it is possible to attract the robbery.

Now, Xu Feng is only breaking through to Dan Yuanjing.

It’s incredible to attract such a powerful catastrophe.

"You really didn't read it wrong. He broke through Danyuan and really attracted the day."

The people next to them were full of shock.

It is horrible to be able to break through to Danyuan and attract the catastrophe.

Outside the city gate.

Many people have looked at the city government.

“Did anyone break through to the legal world? Is it even a day?”

"If Dongyang Ping their home, someone broke through to the legal world, then it is really, one person has a way, the chicken dog ascended to heaven."

"I clearly remember that Dongyang was burning yesterday, and I went inside. Why didn't I have any news?"

Everyone is still waiting to eat melon!

After all, Dongyang Pingjia and Dongyang Zhuojia are also conflicting words. It is really a bit interesting.


Dongyang City.

Dongyang family.

"You said that someone is in the Dongyang Forest, training red blood octopus ants?"

A few old men are full of anger.

You must know that Dongyang Forest is the foundation of the Dongyang family.

The Dongyang family is the alchemy family.

Relying on Dongyang Forest, I don't know how much spiritual material I get.

Moreover, Dongyang Forest is a place where young disciples of Dongyang family have experienced.

They are all prohibited by the text, and the red blood octopus ants are cultivated in the forest.

Who is so courageous and doesn't want to live?

"Three elders, you go with him to see, what is going on?" A middle-aged man not far away, with a majestic face, all face is gloomy.

Seeing that the festival of Dongyang family is getting closer and closer, there can be no mistakes.

After all, the top forces of the entire Northern Territory will come to Dongyang City. If you are jokes, it will not be good.

"Follow, home!"

On the left hand, a pale old man with a pale breath is unpredictable. He looks at the person who sent a message to Dongyang Ping and said, "Let's go, I will handle this matter with you."

"Don't delay time. There are still a lot of things to deal with. I think you know that the upcoming event of the Dongyang family will definitely not be a bit wrong."

As Dongyang Chromate left with the reporter.

Dongyangji, the owner of the Dongyang family, looked at the other people in the main hall.

Openly said: "Everyone should not waste time and make all preparations. The grand event of our Dongyang family will definitely be vigorous. Don't let people gossip."

Speaking of this, Dongyangji slowly said: "The tomb of the infinite monk is open, and people who come to our Dongyang City will have more and more."

Dongyang Ji is very clear.

The grand event of the Dongyang family was largely the opening of the infinite monk's tomb, inviting everyone to come together to compete.

Of course, his father Dongyang’s ancestors still had an idea, that is, to find a better fiance for the granddaughter.

Dongyang chrome with people reporting, the flow of spiritual power, the speed of the movement of the law, is simply terrible.

The person who reported the news, only heard a burst of noise, felt the constant changes in the surrounding environment.

In just one hour, I have already traveled almost the day and night of the news.



Xu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and his body suddenly exploded.

Dan Yuanjing’s heavy atmosphere is terrible.

If everyone knows that Xu Feng’s body has two Dan Yuan, whose breath is completely different, I don’t know if I will be surprised to say nothing.

However, Xu Feng at the moment is very excited, the breath brought by the twin Danyuan is too strong.

Xu Feng felt that with his current cultivation and strength, it was not difficult to kill Dan Yuanjing.


Just in Xu Feng’s mind, when I was constantly thinking about it.

The robbery of the top of the head broke out with a booming sound.

Silver-white lightning, constantly surrounded.

Xu Feng stared at the emergence of the robbery, his mouth slightly raised, with the realm of his current soul.

It’s very difficult to hurt him at the top of the head.

"Good, long-lost feeling!"

Xu Feng still remembers that when he was in the southern continent, he broke through the repairs and will lead to catastrophe.

However, the intensity of the catastrophe at the top of the head is inevitably not enough for the current Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stood up from the ground and smiled with a smile in his eyes. "This is a catastrophe, I want to hurt me, ridiculous!"

It seems that the day of the robbery felt the provocation of Xu Feng, the moment when the roaring sound suddenly sounded, a violent thunderstorm erupted, so that it fell toward the top of Xu Feng’s head.

The entire space, it seems that the thunder and lightning that were formed by the catastrophe directly caused cracks in the cockroaches.

Seeing that the thunder and lightning went out toward Xu Feng, many people thought that Xu Feng would avoid or resist.

I know, Xu Feng stood there like this, letting lightning bombard him on him.

Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes. I couldn't bear to see Xu Feng. I felt that the other party would be miserable.

I know, when the thunderbolt was on Xu Feng, it was a squeaky sound, as if it were a wave of silver lightning, so it was surrounded by Xu Feng’s body.


Everyone was completely stunned.

Xu Feng is safe and sound.


Then, the second lightning continued to fall.

Xu Feng still did not do it.

"This guy, is quenching the flesh with lightning?"

"It's just a metamorphosis!"

Everyone found that Xu Feng used the thunder of the sky to rob the flesh, and it was completely forced.

Is that human being?

Outside the new dock.

Dongyang Chromate, who brought the news, just came outside the city.

Staring at the city, the robbery.

“Does someone in your family break through the legal world?”

The first thought of Dongyang Chromium is that someone broke through the law.

"No! It's impossible!"

"Our family is the strongest person, but it is only a matter of Dan."

The person reporting the news frowned.

"Go, go see what's going on!"

Dongyang chrome old and deep in the eyes, sparkling surprise and doubt.

Since no one has broken through the legal world.

How can it bring annihilation?


"come on!"

Xu Feng looked up and looked at the robbery.

Only the last lightning is left.


The robbery broke out completely, the thunder and lightning rolled, and the squatting down toward Xu Feng.

The void is thundered and twisted into two halves.

Xu Feng’s legs slammed into the ground and the fists were lifted up.

"Crash me!"

The double fists went out like a lightning bolt.

The moment when the fist and the lightning collide.

The ground began to tear, and the cracks in the road extended out.

And, as the lightning began to collapse.

Xu Feng stood there and never moved from start to finish.

The whole scene has become silent.

(End of this chapter)

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