The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4032: Kid, do you dare to yin me?

Chapter 4032 Kid, do you dare to yin me?

Dongyang Zhenzhen and others, standing not far away.

They all looked angry at Xu Feng.

One by one with resentment.

"Three elders, you see no." Dongyang couldn't wait, just jumped out and said: "Please also preside over justice, and let Dongyang Ping let my son go. My son is kind and how can he do such a thing." They are framed and framed. It’s really shameless."

Dongyang Zhuo continued to say it.

Dongyang chrome locks the brow.

He looked at Dongyang Ping and said: "Dongyang Ping, do you have any arguments?"

Dongyang Chromium still has some understanding of Dongyangping's character, knowing that the other party can't do such a thing.

However, even Xu Feng is now giving evidence to Dongyang.

He has no way.

"The three elders, my daughter and six of our patrols can be confirmed. The red-skinned ant colony is indeed cultivated by Dongyang."

Dongyang Ping said.

"Oh! You let your daughter and your family testify, are you not telling a joke?"

Dongyang Zhuo stared at Dongyang Ping, the road of sorrow.

"Dongyang Zhuo, good and evil have been reported at the end of the day, not to report the time has not arrived."

Dongyang Ping is full of angry faces.

Dongyang chrome frowned, once again looked at Xu Feng and asked: "This little brother, what is the situation of the matter, you can give me a good explanation."

Xu Feng heard the words, immediately looked like a dodge, secretly looking to Dongyang, the face is fear.

"Predecessors... My courage is a bit small, I can't talk nonsense... Someone asked me how to say, I will say... Here is the site of your Dongyang family. Someone told me that their family background is very powerful, but The servant of your family, the uncle is the elder of your family. If I don't follow what he told me, kill me and throw it into the Dongyang Forest to feed the monster."

Xu Feng’s voice is intermittent and the performance seems to be very fearful.

Dongyang Zhenzhen and others, all of them are stunned and full of mistakes.

They thought that Xu Feng would testify to Dongyang.

I know, Xu Feng’s words are simply putting Dongyang’s heart in the land of eternal annihilation.

"You... what are you talking about?"

Dongyang burned his eyes wide and stared at Xu Feng with a sullen face.

The body was shaking, and the eyes almost did not fall out of the eyelids.

"Ah... I am afraid..."

Xu Feng suddenly stepped back a few steps.

Dongyang chrome old scorpion with anger, the body of the law of the eruption of the momentum: "Who would dare to say more words, interfere with the small brothers to present the facts, then don't blame me."

Dongyang chrome is also full of anger.

He heard about the overbearing and hot of Dongyang.

However, I did not expect Dongyang’s second son to dare to do such a thing.

You should know that the red-blooded ant colony is a monster that is forbidden.

Because the red blood octagonal ant colony is terrible.

Once out of control.

The monsters of the entire Dongyang forest may be swallowed up.

Dong Yangping’s face is full of smiles.

He had previously felt that Xu Feng could not be in harmony with Dongyang.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng’s words were even more powerful.

"What do you know specifically, but you can say no. If someone dares to threaten you, or if you want to kill you, then let him go to the old man. I have to look at it. How much background does his family have? Great."

Dongyang chrome is obviously a little angry.

The Dongyang family has shown signs of decline in these years.

To a large extent, some elders are smuggling their shackles, squandering their pockets and eradicating dissidents.

"Really? Seniors!"

Xu Feng looked at Dongyang Chromium and asked tentatively.

"The old man said a word!"

Dongyang Chrome has just some appreciation for Xu Feng.

However, at this moment, looking at Xu Feng's look and expression, the heart is secretly glad, Xu Feng did not promise to join the Dongyang family.

Such a timid person, even if it is a genius, will not be able to achieve much in the future.

It is really Xu Feng’s acting, too advanced.

"Reporting the predecessors, this Dongyangzhuo is simply bad. He threatened me yesterday. If I didn't follow what he told me, I said that I would smash my body. I also said that you are all Dongyang family, I It’s just an outsider. I don’t really have anything to say if I tell the truth.”

"The most hateful thing is that this guy even took out a white moon Buddha lotus to seduce me."

Xu Feng immediately said smoothly and smoothly, where there is the fear just now.

Even Dongyang chrome cheeks can not help but pumping, white moon Buddha lotus is not a product.

The white-moon Buddha lotus of the seventh-order superb spirits, even if it is a strong person in the heavens, will be very heart-warming.

"But the most hateful thing is not that he threatened me to seduce me, but that he put poison on the lotus of White Moon Buddha. It is still a chronic poison and wants to put me to death."

Xu Feng said that Dongyang chrome almost did not vomit blood.

He has thoroughly understood.

I am afraid that Dongyang Chrome really lost the wife and the soldiers.

The fears and fears of Xu Cai’s are all deliberately testing his attitude from the parents.

The heart is secretly shocked, and the heart said: "This kid is so young, but the work is not leaking, plus talent, it is terrible!"

However, Dongyang Zhuo has completely vomited blood.

I dare to love this little beast, and I am playing pigs and eating tigers from the very beginning.

This special acting is also very good!

"White Moon Buddha Lotus?"

Dongyang chrome looked at Xu Feng and asked.

Xu Feng heard the words, with a sly smile on his face.

"I am not afraid of the poison of the white moon Buddha lotus, and framed it to others. It happened that I was repaired to be at the peak of the soul of life, and simply refining the white moon Buddha lotus. As for the poison above, I was extracted."

Xu Feng said, taking a light blue powder from the storage ring.


Not far from Dongyang Zhenzhen, watching Xu Feng at the moment, did not resist the inner smile and excitement, directly screaming.

"It's really poisonous."

Dongyang Chrome looked at the blue powder and frowned.

"How do you know that there are poisons on the lotus of White Moon Buddha? Don't you know the way of medicine?"

Dongyang Chromium asked Xu Feng.

This blue powder is colorless and odorless.

How did Xu Feng discover it?

"Well! I know a little bit."

Xu Feng said undecidedly.

"you you……"

Dongyang Zhan stood there, his face full of anger and anger, and his eyes were full of crazy killings.

I only felt the internal organs, and they were all angry. He was actually overcast by a hairy boy.

"Oh... don't scare me... I'm afraid..."

Xu Feng stood there, looking at the angry face of Dongyang.

Not just the fear, but calm and calm.

"You dare to yin me!"

Dongyang rushed to attack the heart, and a stream of blood spouted.

"I killed you..."

Dongyang was completely out of control and rushed out toward Xu Feng.

Dongyang chrome old face, with anger.


The moment when I raised my hand suddenly, the wind rushed.

Dongyangzhuo was directly attacked by the earthquake for five or six meters, and fell to the ground and squirted blood.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking and heart-warming: “It’s not a legal world, it’s really strong.”

(End of this chapter)

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