The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4034: Is there a traitor in the ancient temple?

Chapter 4034, the ancient temple has a traitor?

"Hurry up and prepare for the dinner."

Dongyang Ping looked at Xu Feng's acceptance of Zhongpin Lingjing, and his heart was excited.

He is really worried.

Xu Feng’s accountant misunderstood him before.

However, how can he understand.

Xu Feng's state of mind.

With Xu Feng’s current strength and cultivation, and his talents, he simply couldn’t do it. He wasted his own thoughts for the Dongyang equals.

"City Lord, thank you for your kindness, my dinner, I will not participate." Xu Feng is ready to rectify tonight, to consolidate and repair, tomorrow morning, you can leave the new dock.

You must know that the purpose of Xu Feng’s coming to Dongyang is to go to Dongyang City and enter the tomb of the infinite monk.


Dongyang equals some people do not understand.

Xu Feng said faintly: "I just broke through to Danyuan and need to consolidate and consolidate the realm. I will leave tomorrow morning."

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Dongyang Ping was slightly indulgent. He had already guessed that Xu Feng should go to Dongyang City: "Would you like to go to Dongyang City?"


Xu Feng nodded and did not hide.

The purpose of his coming to Dongyang is Dongyang City.

Presumably, as the tomb of the infinite monk is about to open, there will be more and more people coming to Dongyang.

"Since the little brothers are going to Dongyang City, I think you are not familiar with life. It is better to take a rest for two days in our home." Dongyang Ping slowly said: "The Dongyang family's three-year grand meeting, our family also has to arrange People go to participate."

"At that time, Zhenzhen must go to Dongyang City. If you are on the same road with them, it is much more convenient."

Dongyang Zhenzhen stood by, with a look on his face: "Yes! Big brother, we have to go to Dongyang City."

"How do you like this?" Dongyang Ping knows that Xu Feng wants to consolidate his cultivation, and there is a spiritual pool in his home. He can provide it to Xu Feng and consolidate it: "Tomorrow morning, I will take you to our home." The spiritual pool cultivation strengthens the realm. When I arrange things, the next morning, I will go to Dongyang City with you."

Dongyangping is the patriarch of a side branch family.

The three-year grand meeting of the Dongyang family.

He naturally wants to take the young talents to participate.

After all, such a grand event is also very lively.

At the same time, it is also the channel for the main family to select talents.

Whether it is his daughter Dongyang Zhenzhen, or his son Dongyangtai, the talent is good.

When you go to the event, there will be a test.

If Dongyang Zhenzhen and Dongyangtai can have a good performance.

Being able to be earned by the main family and become a disciple of the main family.

The future development of their home will only get better and better.

"If you still have some sorrow for the previous things, I am here to apologize to you." Dong Yangping said, really apologizing to Xu Fengqi, the demeanor is sincere.

"That's harassing."

Xu Feng is also not good to continue to refuse.

At the same time, I feel that it is not bad to be able to follow them.

After all, as Dong Yangping said.

He is in Dongyang and he is not familiar with his life.

Xu Feng then returned to his room.

As for the banquet of Dongyang Pingjia, he did not participate.

Going back to the room, he didn't have much hesitation.

I began to sit cross-legged and consolidate.


Qingyang Dynasty.

Alo is wearing a pale green dress and a white face.

She came to the Qingyang Dynasty from the ancient temple.

"I don't know where the guy is?"

Alu is the righteous woman of Xu Pang.

Before Xu Peng asked him to come to Qingyang Dynasty to find Xu Feng.

After all, Bai Xiaoshu did not find Xu Feng when he first came to the site of the Qingyang Dynasty.

According to Xu Pang's guess, Xu Feng is certainly within the scope of the Qingyang Dynasty, but I don't know where it is.

"Hey, the Qingyang Dynasty is so large, I want to find Xu Feng, it is not easy!"

Alo couldn't help but sigh, slightly browing her brow.

"But let's find it first!"


A quaint and desolate palace.

Xu Peng's face is a bit ugly.

Not far from the Nangong Snow, the eyes are flashing.

She also has concerns with her look.

"Looking at your face is not quite right, is the Ziyan Pavilion looking for trouble again?"

Nangong Snow asked.


Xu Pang nodded and said: "Ziyan Pavilion is really deceiving. Our people, yesterday found a large Zhongpin Lingjing vein, which was originally ready to start mining. I know, Ziyan Pavilion actually got the news."

"I have already arranged the manpower and killed all the 30 people we sent out."

Xu Pang locked his brow.

Recently, it seems that every move of the ancient temple is under the control of Ziyan Pavilion.

Nangong Snow slowly said: "Is it a spoiler in our interior?"

Xu Pang shook his head and said: "It's not very likely. Almost every action, only a few people know. They are all my good brothers, and the men I cultivated, I can't betray me."

"If they want to betray, they have already betrayed, and they don't have to wait until now."

Xu Pang knows very well that whether it is Bai Xiaoshu or the 16th Guardian, he will start with his own hands and build a brother who will rise up in the ancient hall.

If these people want to betray him, they don’t have to wait until now.

"The owner, the deputy cabinet owner asked for it."

Just in Xu Pang and Nan Gong Xue, they are thinking.

A guard, came to Xu Pang, and reported.

"I haven't said it many times? Xiaoshu came to see me, no need to report."

Xu Pang is facing the guard, with an angry way.

"The owner of the a misunderstanding, and the deputy director told me to report it..."

The fear of guarding his face.

"Hurry up!"

Xu Pang waved his hand at the guard.

Bai Xiaoshu was dressed in a white robe and came to the yard. He said to Xu Pang: "The owner, I am coming to sin!"


Xu Pang couldn't help but feel a little wrong.

You have to know for so many years.

He and Bai Xiaoshu are both brothers.


Bai Xiaoshu's eyes are deep, and there is a painful color. It is only a moment of time. He also said: "There have been problems in the last three missions. As a deputy cabinet owner, I can't blame it. Please ask my older brother to punish me! ”

Xu Pang couldn't help but take a deep breath and walked to the front of Bai Xiaoshu. He helped Bai Xiaoshu's slightly curved body: "Xiaoshu, my good brother. Where are you talking?"

"When I came to the mainland of Lingshen, the first person I knew was you! For so many years, our brothers and two, how many big winds and waves have experienced. The difficulties in front of the district are nothing."

"I have been in my life for the rest of my life. The most fearless thing is the difficulties and frustrations! Don't be too self-blaming. These few tasks have failed, and they are a bit embarrassing."

Bai Xiaoshu heard that there was a tremor in the depths of both eyes.

"Don't worry too much, Ziyange wants to destroy us, it is not a simple matter."

Xu Peng's look, with confidence, said.

(End of this chapter)

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