The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4037: Another poisoned old man

Chapter 4037 is another poisoned old man.

Dongyang’s face is also in a dilemma.

You know, they have a total of seven people.

If you live in the inn, everyone has an inn.

Just one night, it is seventy Chinese spirits.

Their entire family, only a thousand or so in the middle of a year.

Not to mention, such a big family.

The consumption in one year is also huge.

"We are looking for another."

Dongyang Ping is also helpless.

He has been to Heluo City before, and he is just a person with a middle class.

Unexpectedly, these inns in Heluo City.

Taking advantage of the time of the Dongyang Family Festival.

It’s just starting from the ground.

"With you."

The treasurer was disdainful.

The current inn of Heluo City is good for finding a place to stay.

Also want to be cheaper, unless it is outside of Heluo City.

However, outside of the city of Heluo.

But it is very confusing.

Now, families from all over the Dongyang area are heading towards Dongyang City.

Heluocheng is also a core city, and there are certainly many people coming around, which naturally causes a mixture of fish and dragons.

Even some people, taking advantage of this opportunity, outside the city of Heluo, killing people.

Dongyang Ping took the crowd out of the inn and went to an inn inside.

The innkeeper is a white-haired old man.

The name of the inn is very special.

"May come!"

Seeing that Dongyang Equality entered the inn, the old man sat in the counter and did not look up.

"Boss, there are no rooms, we want to stay." Dongyang Ping asked the old man tentatively.

The old man still didn't look up, but he made a faint voice, saying: "There are a lot of rooms, but my inn is here. People who want to stay in the inn need to answer a question. If the question can be answered, I will stay for free. , do not charge a penny."

Dongyang Equality people are somewhat wrong, and they first asked: "Excuse me, do you know what problems?"

"The problem is very simple. The first-order spiritual condensate and the second-order spiritual material are unintentional. What do the two spiritual materials mix together?"

The voice of the old man sounded.

Dongyang Tai took the lead and said: "The first-order spiritual material condensate grass, ordinary spiritual material, almost no major effect, contains little spiritual power. And the second-order spiritual material is useless, these two low What are the uses of the metaphysical materials?"

"I am afraid that it is mysterious, deliberately indiscriminate, and I don't want us to live in it."

Dongyang blinked and looked at it one after another, unable to find the inn, and the heart was also a little impetuous, could not help but say.

"In this case, please leave!"

The old man still did not look up.

Dongyang Ping couldn't help but sigh, it seems that it is really going to be on the streets.

"Predecessors, the first-order condensate grass does not seem to have much effect, but ordinary people do not know, the liquid grass contains a natural spirit liquid. This spirit liquid can be mixed with the fruit of the heart, if it is slightly forged, It will become a poisonous poison. For severe people, the meridians will slowly erode, and until the meridians of the body, they will completely rot."

The moment when Xu Feng’s words rang, the old man at the counter clearly noticed a slight tremor.

When the old man looked up, everyone almost didn't start to jump.

Dongyang Zhenzhen is even scared and pale, hiding behind Dongyang Ping.

Because the face of the old man is almost always scarred.

The whole person is embarrassed and terrifying.

The eyes, because of the scar, became very prominent, as if they had to fall out of the eyelids.

"Can this poison enter the bone marrow, can it be cured?"

The old man stared at Xu Feng with his eyes fixed.

Xu Feng heard the words and frowned.

He knows the venom caused by condensate grass and figs.

However, he never thought about it.

This venom solution method.

"Predecessors, I don't know the method of resolving for the time being. However, everything in the world is endless, and there is nothing to do with it. No matter what kind of poison, you can find restraint and antidote, but you haven't found it yet."

Xu Feng is facing the old man, his face is calm and the road is slow.


The old man looked at Xu Feng's eyes and squinted slightly. The scar on his face was relieved.

"The channel on the left hand side, you go up the stairs, the room on the second floor, you arrange it yourself."

The old man immediately pointed to the channel on the left hand side.

After looking at Xu Feng, he bent down and leaned against the table.

"Ah! Big brother, you are too powerful!"

Dongyang Zhenzhen looked at Xu Feng with a adoration.

If it weren't for Xu Feng, they would have to sleep on the streets.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Feng did not have any pride, but the look was calm.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Dongyang Ping is deeply envious of the old man, and he is more and more curious about Xu Feng’s identity.

According to Dongyang Zhenzhen's description, Xu Feng's sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, the quality is more than 90%.

Nowadays, the low-order spiritual materials such as first-order condensate grass and fig can be forged into poison, which is simply an invaluable knowledge of medicinal herbs. Xu Feng can actually say it.

"Wind brothers, really thanks to you, or we all have to sleep on the streets."

Dongyang Ping came to the second floor with Xu Feng and others and found that the environment is very good. The central is still a big garden.

The living conditions here are much higher than those of the inn.

"Since I am with you, I naturally have to do my part."

Xu Feng slowly said.

"You choose the room first."

Dongyang Ping knew that Xu Feng had the most credit and took the lead in letting Xu Feng choose the room first.

Xu Feng did not postpone, but directly chose the room on the left hand side.

Just walked into the room.

Dongyang Ping looked at Xu Feng's back and couldn't help but sigh: "Hey... our family missed a great opportunity."

The words of Dongyang Ping sounded, and Dongyangtai and others were somewhat confused.

"When Fengxu first came to our house, he was very convinced of our family. However, afterwards, we all doubted him. In fact, he just wanted to let our family get the most benefit."

Dongyang Ping is very clear.

The youth in front of you is definitely not simple.

Perhaps they could be firm at the time, and they would not doubt Xu Feng.

Maybe, it won't be like this.

"But... we don't know..."

Dongyang Zhenzhen also discovered that since that incident, Xu Feng’s attitude has changed a lot.

"Forget it, everyone is tired, take a break!"

Dongyang Ping greeted everyone.


Xu Feng did not pay attention to Dong Yangping's words.

The depths of the eyes are slightly lifted.

The old man at the counter just now is very strong.

At least, if the other party wants to kill them, it's easy.

He can be sure.

The old man will definitely come to him.

Xu Feng sat down on his knees and began to practice.

The little leopard sleeps not far away.

Until late at night.

It seems that the world has become quiet.

Xu Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw it, a figure, I don’t know when.

Appeared not far from the room.

Even Xu Feng is scared.

(End of this chapter)

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