The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4039: Arrogant Dongyang

Chapter 4039 嚣张的东阳磐

"Can you really restrain?"

The old man looked at Xu Feng and looked worried.

Xu Feng can know the toxins of figs and condensed grass.

However, this toxin is very strange.

Even the eighth-order alchemy master can do nothing.

Dongyang's ancestors can only slowly suppress this toxin, but can't lift it.


Xu Feng nodded and looked firm.

Sitting directly in the knees, both eyes are surprised.

Those toxins have just entered Xu Feng's body.

It is like the meridians and bones near Xu Feng.

How could Xu Feng make them succeed?

The fires of heaven and earth suddenly surged and wrapped those toxins.

Those toxins face the burning of the heavens and the earth, and there are some fears.

However, Xu Feng found one thing.

That is, the heavens and the earth seem to be unable to refine those toxins.

At most, the toxins are wrapped and sent out of the body intact.

"I don't think there is a world of fire, no toxins that can't be refining?"

Xu Feng’s heart is full of surprises, and his face is wrong.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of the old man, but it became painful.

"Little brother, is it okay?"

Although the old man wants Xu Feng to help him detoxify, but in the event that the other party has three long and two short, he will be uneasy inside.

Xu Feng did not answer the old man, but sent the toxin into the building.

"I still don't believe that Chenghua Ding can't refine it?"

Xu Feng just used the Huading Ding to try to refine the toxins. What constitutes this toxin?

How can we not refine the fires of heaven and earth?

As the toxin is sent into the building.

Chenghua Ding began to rotate.

The kind of squirming toxins are involved in this.

The toxin turned out to slowly break down.

Transformed into countless pieces.

Those fragments are not spiritual, but small particles.

"I didn't think it was a particulate toxin. I really didn't expect it."

Granular toxin is a very special toxin.

This method of removing toxins is not particularly difficult.

It is only necessary to find the spiritual material that can decompose the particles, and refine it into a spiritual liquid, after swallowing it.

The spirit fluid reacts with these particulate toxins to consume the toxins inside.

The toxin naturally decomposes into granules, and in the end there is no threat and can be easily eliminated from the body.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

The particles inside the Ding Ding were sent to the outside world.

Inside the palm, a pile of black powder appeared.

The old man is a little surprised and wrong.

Look at those powders.

It seems to be similar in color to the toxins forged by figs and condensate.

"This is the toxin?"

The old man is a little surprised.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes! This is the toxin made from figs and condensed grass."

The old man took the powder in his hand like dust, without any special features.

Looking at Xu Feng with a curious look, asked: "Little brother, please also express!"

"It is not difficult for you to resolve the toxins of the body." Xu Feng said to the old man: "You can see if you can find two kinds of spiritual materials, namely the third-order supernatural spirits, the carnivorous insects, and the spirits." ""

The worms that Xu Feng said are also the spirits that can break down the toxins of the particles.

As long as these two spiritual materials are refined into spirit liquid, after swallowing. The corrosive effects contained in it can be revealed.

"The third-order spiritual material and the fourth-order spiritual material are too simple to find. I can find it for you now."

The old man immediately said to Xu Feng.

"You don't have to worry."

Xu Feng waved his hand and said: "Your toxins are not too difficult. The difficulty is that you have been poisoning for too long, and the toxins are attached to your meridians and bones. If the toxins are broken down, your meridians and Bone, it is also possible to suffer damage."

"As long as the little brother can help me to remove the toxins, I can survive, and the rest don't matter."

The old man has long been afflicted by this toxin, and he used to be a young man.

In just over a decade, the face is horrible, and the body is aging. It is like a dead person.

"You don't worry."

Xu Feng said to the old man.

"I will give you a list. If you can make a complete set of spiritual materials, configure it to become a spirit. When you resolve toxins, the degree of damage to the body can be minimized."

The old man's face was full of excitement, said: "Little brother, if it can, I am not interested in this life, willing to go through the fire for you."

"You don't have to be polite, just raise your hand." Xu Feng said faintly: "Since I promised to help you detoxify, naturally it will not force you. This is my principle of being a man. Would you like to follow me, that is your business."

Xu Feng is very clear about the character of the old man in front of him. If he forces himself to follow himself, it is counterproductive.

On the contrary, this will make the effect better.

"I don't want to be ungrateful."

The old man patted his chest and said.

"Let's go out, tomorrow night, you will get together, I will deal with you." Xu Feng will write down the spiritual materials needed for the spirit, write it to Xiao, and slowly.


Go out of the Chamber of Secrets.

The sun is shining outside.

"Is it all over the night? Time is really fast."

Xu Feng was secretly surprised.

Immediately, walk toward the front room.

"Big Brother, where are you going, we thought..."

Dongyang Zhenzhen looked at Xu Feng and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"I just walked around."

Xu Feng smiled.

"We will go to Heluo City and go for a trip. Tomorrow, we are ready to go to Dongyang City."

Dongyang Ping came forward and looked at Xu Feng with a smile on his face.

"it is good!"

Xu Feng nodded and agreed.

Several people walked outside the inn.

A street with inns on both sides.

In the morning, everyone came out of the inn and went to Heluo City.

They are all a group of people, and they must all come from the branches of the Dongyang family.

Walking, a little irony sounded.

"Hey... Dongyang Ping, your family is really not as good as a year, how many people are this year?"

I saw a middle-aged man not far away, with a national face and a small body.

Behind him, he followed more than a dozen young people.

Everyone's breath is not weak.

There are even young people who have reached the top of the mountain in Danyuan.

Each one is full of arrogance.


Dongyang Ping’s eyes are all condensed.

I did not expect to meet Dongyang磐 here.

"Ha ha!"

The plane in Dongyang is calm and calm: "There are more people, they are mediocrity, what is the use?"

"Ha ha ha... It’s not bad." Dongyang laughed and said, "I am afraid that there are fewer people, and they are all mediocrity."

"Everyone is a scorpion is a horse, it is better to pull out the yo. Waiting for the arena, we two, play a bet, take a better test, how?"

Dongyang’s face is full of arrogance, and his looks are arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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