The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4053: The enemy is coming

Chapter 4053, the enemy is coming

"The North King breaks through the law and the environment is nine!"

"The North King breaks through the law and the environment is nine!"

"The North King breaks through the law and the environment is nine!"

Throughout the Northern Palace, the voice of the road continued to spread.

The people of the Northern Palace, almost in an instant, knew that the North King broke through to the realm of the nine heavens.

We must know that in the entire Northern Territory, the eight heavens and the nine heavens are a divide.

Over the years, there have been more than a dozen strong people in the Northern Territory.

However, there are only two warriors of the nine kings of the law, and they are all in existence.

Now, the Northern King Chen Xianlong has broken through to the legal environment, and the situation in the entire Northern Territory will be completely changed.

"The father has broken through!"

Chen Ba Tian’s face was full of surprise and joy.

As Chen Xianlong became a nine-powerful person in the French realm, many of the great forces in the Northern King's territory would never dare to violate Chen Xianlong's will.

At that time, the entire Northern Territory will be unified by Chen Xianlong to establish a true Northern Dynasty.

For a time, the black-blooded, the swaying days and other strong people belonging to Chen Xianlong, have also been grateful.

The gap between the eight heavens and the nine heavy ones is very big. Once it breaks through, it is a world apart.

Within the scope of the Northern Territory, if you continue to surrender, I am afraid that the end will be very miserable.


"The big prince, Dongyang led the river Luocheng Songjia came a good news."

Chen Ba Tianduan sat on the chair, and his heart was still shocking. When his father broke through the law, a young man hurriedly ran in from the outside, it was Songhe’s eldest son, Song Ming.

"What good news?"

Chen Batian felt that even if it was the good news of Tianda, at this moment, it would be more important than the father’s breakthrough in the law.

"My father sent an urgent document, and He Luocheng found that Yu Feng, the son of Qingshan Bazi, is now in Heluocheng with the city owner and the arena. At the same time, the owners of the gladiatorial and Heluocheng also want to shelter Xu Feng. Fortunately, my father discovered it and quickly sent a message to report it."

When Song Ming’s words just fell, Chen Batian suddenly stood up from the seat and said: “I can’t think of good luck, and the good news came one after another. I’m going to prepare, I will go to see my father in person.”

Chen Batian did not expect that Xu Feng was so courageous that he dared to stay within the scope of the Northern Territory.

Not much time.

Chen Batian took Song Ming and quickly came to the palace. The most magnificent palace was Chen Xianlong’s residence.

The entire northern palace, only Chen Batian, can enter the palace unimpeded.

Chen Xianlong stood on the cultivation platform, his eyes sparkling, and immediately sighed: "All the people in the North Palace, regardless of men, women and children, no matter the strong or the weak, can get a reward of a thousand Chinese spirits."


As Chen Xianlong’s words stirred up in the Northern Palace, countless people were completely boiling.

However, Chen Xianlong turned around, the spirit of his body surging, stepping out, is the place where dozens of feet are open.

Chen Xianlong broke through to the legal environment, he was not complacent, he is very clear about his goals.

I immediately came to my palace, and I just met Chen Batian.

"Heaven, is there something?"

Chen Xianlong immediately looked at Chen Batian. He has many sons and daughters, but his favorite and favorite is Chen Batian. Therefore, he decided to make Chen Batian the successor of the North King.

As for the other sons and daughters, if they dare not obey his orders, they will either kill them directly or exile them.

"The child first congratulated the father and the king to break through the law and the nineths of the heavens, and repaired it further. After that, the whole northern kingdom territory, Shunchangchang, the reverse is dead!"

Chen Batian’s temper is almost the same as that of Chen Xianlong. They are all arrogant and overbearing. They must not allow anyone to become their own heart.

However, from the beginning of birth, it is destined to become the heir of the Northern Territory. But on the top of the green hill, he was rebellious by Xu Feng, who he looked down on. He was not angry, and he could not eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Therefore, when he heard that Song Ming came to report, and found Xu Feng in Heluo City, he could not wait to see Chen Xianlong, arrange for the strong to go to Heluo City and kill Xu Feng.

"Well! Are you sure you have something to come to??"

Since Chen Xianlong is very concerned about Chen Ba Tian, ​​he naturally knows the character of the other party and immediately asks.

"Father Wang, the baby arranged for the news on the eyeliner of Heluo City, Xu Feng on the Qingshan Mountain is in Heluo City."

Chen Batian clearly knows that his father is also hateful of Qingshan.

Chen Xianlong was just preparing to destroy other forces in the Northern Kings. I did not expect that in the Purple Pavilion, he was taught a lesson by Qingshan.

Although the Qingshan was finally destroyed, it was not the devastating effect of Chen Xianlong.

In the end, he suffered from the crazy resistance of the main cloud of Qingshan Mountain and others. Chen Xianlong also suffered heavy losses.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Xianlong can't wait to kill Qingshan Bazi.

"Hey! This Xu Feng is really daring, and the king has issued a killing order within the territory of the Northern Kings. He even dared to stay. It is really courageous."

Chen Xianlong was really impressed by this Xu Feng. According to the report that he had sent the Beiwang Army to kill Qingshan Bazi, the people they chased were trapped by this Xu Feng, and they will be poisoned and killed.

Moreover, even the strong black blood and other people who he sent out were also scared to retreat and dare not chase.

He is really curious about this Xu Feng.

"Father Wang, this Xu Feng's courage is really big, before it was on the green hill. I wanted to accept him as a martial artist, but he refused. If it was then, it was not the Qingshan master brother Tian Hao came, I am afraid he is already a The dead. And, at the time, he was really not afraid."

Chen Batian is still on the top of Qingshan, and Xu Feng is rebellious about his affairs.

When the eyes blinked, the killing in the eyes became extremely strong.

"If I remember correctly, it seems that after a while, is the time for the Dongyang family to hold a grand event?"

Chen Xianlong’s eyes were slightly picked up, and his cultivation was a breakthrough in the nine aspects of the law, and naturally he had to do something to show the majesty of the North King.

"Reporting the father, it is said that the Dongyang family's grand event this year, unusually lively." Chen Batian slowly said.

"I have sent a message to the Dongyang family before asking if they are willing to return. They answered very simply and refused directly, right?"

Since Chen Xianlong has wiped out the Purple Pavilion, he has thought about how to unify the Northern Territory.

All the six-order forces in the Northern Territory will either surrender or destroy.

In the future Northern Territory, only Chen Xianlong could have a voice.

"Well! Dongyang ancestors are obsessed with obscurity."

Chen Batian’s angry way.

"In this case, you bring the Northern Kings Army, and at the same time pass the black blood, and the waves, and your uncle Wang Xianlin. At the fastest speed, go to Heluo City, catch Xu Feng, destroy the river. The city owner of Los Angeles helped the Song family and became the owner of Heluo City."

Chen Xianlong is ready to give Dongyang family a Mawei.

And this time arresting Xu Feng, no more mistakes will be allowed.

Otherwise, you have to be a joke for others.

(End of this chapter)

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