The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4072: Kill two people

Chapter 4072 kills two people

Xu Feng followed the original road and returned to his residence.

Fortunately, Wuyan and Lu Hongkang seem to have things.

Did not come back.

In this case, Xu Feng will take the battle.

Until the afternoon.

Lu Hongkang came to Xu Feng's room and said: "Kid, let us go! In the afternoon, when everyone is practicing together, we will open the bloodthirsty altar."

Xu Feng heard the words, the heart is full of surprises, full of surprises.

Sure enough, it is still good.

Don't enter the tiger's nest and get a tiger.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation is a peak of Dan Yuanjing. If you can get enough spiritual power and use the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth to cultivate, it is not difficult to upgrade to Dan Yuanjing.

"So good?"

Xu Feng was excited to get out of the room and looked at Lu Hongkang.


Lu Hongkang nodded and said: "I will remember to follow us both, don't go around. You know, every day you use the bloodthirsty altar to practice, there will be some people, death."

"Ah? Someone is dead?"

Xu Feng pretends to be full of fear.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke others, others will not come to you for trouble." Lu Hongkang said: "The main reason is that some people practice restlessness, want to devour others' bloodthirsty monsters, and further enhance Repair. So, it will be on the spot to fight, with one death as the end of the battle."


Xu Feng is shocked inside, no wonder this ghost hand help, the strength is so powerful.

Those who practice the bloodthirsty gods and demons, carry out such means of survival and the fittest, eliminate the weak, naturally strong people, become stronger and stronger, and weak people will be strangled and become strong people's cultivation and nourishment .


With Lu Hongkang and Wu Yan involved with Xu Feng, he came to a huge **** altar in a short time.

Around the bloodthirsty altar, there are people in the crowd.

Xu Feng’s eyes stared at the huge altar in the center.

Rich **** taste, filled the square.

Some people have begun to practice unscrupulously.

"Don't miss such a good opportunity, and quickly absorb these **** qi, which are purified from the bloodthirsty altar."

Wuyan was unable to wait, and began to sit on his knees while running the fifth-order bloodthirsty moth of the body and began to practice.

Lu Hongkang also found a location not far from Wuyan, but also began to operate the bloodthirsty magical law.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart: “I will try it and absorb these **** anger.”

Xu Feng is very clear that he can also use the sixth-order bloodthirsty magic to devour **** qi.

Then, using the Huading Ding, refining the blood of the blood, it is used to improve the repair.

However, Xu Feng knows that he wants to break through the duality of Dan Yuanjing, and the spiritual power required is bound to be huge.

Can't cultivate too much, or it will easily attract the attention of others.


Xu Feng also sank into cultivation and was unable to extricate himself.

This feeling of rapid improvement is really cool.

It is no wonder that so many people would rather become bloodthirsty devils, but also cultivate bloodthirsty gods.

Xu Feng's sixth-order bloodthirsty moth is planted by the moon-protecting method. Of course, if Xu Feng wants to raise the level of the bloodthirsty monster, he can already upgrade the bloodthirsty monster to the fifth order.

However, what Xu Feng wants is how to completely refine the sixth-order bloodthirsty moth, no longer subject to the restraint of the moon.

The bloodthirsty magic species planted by the Moon Protection Method is a time bomb for Xu Feng.


At the time of Xu Feng’s cultivation, it didn’t take long for a scream.

Just seeing the place not far away, two middle-aged men, madly strangled, one person and one knife, will smash the other person's head.

However, the murderer, but very proud, full of arrogance, began to devour blood and the other bloodthirsty species.

There are not too many emotional fluctuations in the people around.

"Sure enough, are they so cruel?"

People who are blood-thirsty, almost treat people as animals, as long as they can improve their cultivation, regardless of men, women and children.

However, nowadays, the same is true of the ghost hand, even if it is between the same door, it is also a crazy kill, leaving no room.

Subsequently, the battle is still going on.

Wu Yan was watching Xu Feng looking around and looking around, secretly coming to Xu Feng's side, whispering: "Boy, if you don't want to die so fast, you will practice quietly. Otherwise, there will be someone waiting to come. Your troubles."


Xu Feng quickly followed the requirements of Wu Yan, and did not continue to look around, but his ability to perceive, but can feel everything that happened around the bloodthirsty altar.

Until the sky gradually dimmed.

The **** red altar in the center is filled with blood.

The blood around it keeps flowing.

The bloodthirsty altar is hidden in the huge square.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocked and heart-warming: “This ghost hand is really powerful. It’s actually a bloodthirsty altar, built in the eye of the entire valley array, unless the valley is broken, otherwise anyone wants to destroy it. The bloodthirsty altar is almost impossible."

"If I can use this bloodthirsty altar to purify it with my life, my cultivation can at least be promoted to Dan Yuanjing!"

Xu Feng is a little excited inside.

Unfortunately, in a short moment, he will directly annihilate his inner thoughts.

Just kidding, he can break the array and find the bloodthirsty altar. However, I am afraid that when he finds the altar, he will be helped by the ghosts and help the dead bones.

"Go! In the evening, let's go out with us to fight the autumn wind." Wu Yan said to Xu Feng.

The people who help them with their ghosts will go out at night and devour the blood of the warriors, calling it the autumn wind.

"Playing the autumn wind?"

Xu Feng gave a slight glimpse and asked.

"It is to go hunting and kill the warrior, devour the blood, and improve the repair."

Lu Hongkang slowly said.

"I hope we don't be as bad as last night, like that."

Wu Yan said.

Until late at night.

Lu Hongkang and Wu Yan, with Xu Feng.

Go outside the ghost hand.

However, along with Xu Feng, they left many other people, all of whom were Dan Yuanwu.

"Continue to the town of yesterday." Wu Yan was full of face suffocation.

Just out of the valley, I saw no one else around.

The depths of Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with cold killings.


Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and took the opportunity to go to Wuyan.

"Ah You……"

When Wu Yan had not had time to react, he was directly killed by the Aurora Magic Knife.

"Kid, let's take you to join the ghost hand, you are ungrateful..."

Lu Hongkang was full of faces, watching Xu Feng kill Wuyan, and suddenly the repair of Dan Yuanjing's Jiuzhong peak was erupted, stepping out, **** gas surging.

Xu Feng’s mouth is rising, cold and cold: “You are just a bloodthirsty demon that wants to devour my body. How come?”

"how do you know?"

Lu Hongkang's eyes widened and he was a little surprised.

"The heart of the defense is indispensable. You don't understand this simple truth?"

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and went out to Lu Hongkang.

"Ah... I want to kill you!"

Lu Hongkang's face is full of embarrassment.

He suddenly discovered that from the beginning to the end, Xu Feng was playing with him and Wu Yan.

Damn, they thought that Xu Feng had been playing with the applause.

The two are preparing to devour Xu Feng’s bloodthirsty demon species tonight after Xu Feng absorbs enough blood!

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng first started to be strong!

(End of this chapter)

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