The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4096: Competition of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 4096, St. Spiritual Skills Competition

"I didn't get it wrong, the young man said, his knife method, to crush the knife of Dongyang Teng?"

Behind the harshness of Dongyang, a young man is a bit wrong. He does not know the strength and identity of Xu Feng.

Immediately with a smirk on his face, he said: "Thorth, who is this young man, so arrogant?"

"Don't dare to say that the knife of Dongyang Teng is crushed. Is he afraid that he is not dreaming?"

Dongyang has turned too hard, and said faintly: "You don't talk, no one is when you are dumb."

The young people are a little wrong, and they don’t understand why they suddenly angered Dongyang.

Immediately, someone around him said softly: "You still don't know who the young man is?"

"That is Xu Feng of Qingshan Ba ​​Zi, his knife is very powerful, not necessarily for the loss to Dongyang Teng."

The young man heard the words, and suddenly there was some mistakes. His face was full of horror and swallowed.

Unexpectedly, it was Xu Feng, but he was very clear that Xu Feng’s life was very valuable.

The killing order issued by Chen Xianlong is too rich.


Feihe was sitting there, his short figure, deep in the eyes, filled with cold light.

"Two young masters, this young man is Xu Feng who is going to be chased by the North King." Fei Hekang was in the depths of his eyes, killing the silence, and said: "If the Dongyang Teng is not his opponent, I will go to fight with him." I took the opportunity to kill him and I will get the reward of the North King."

The Feihe family is now colluding with Chen Xianlong.

As long as Fei He Kang killed Xu Feng, the rewards he got at that time were terrible.

With the help of Chen Xianlong, his position in the Feihe family will also rise in a straight line.

Feihe sighed, nodded, and his tone was low: "I have heard that Xu Feng is not easy. I have to look at it. Why is he not simple? Can North King be given such a high killing order?"

Feihe’s cultivation is also a knife method. After learning about Xu Feng, he is deep in the depths of his eyes and filled with majestic warfare.

He did not believe that Xu Feng’s knife method was even better than him.

"Well! You will challenge first, I guess, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

Although Feihe is confident, it is not arrogant.

He is very clear that Xu Feng must have something to offer.

Otherwise, it will not become a green mountain.

It is rumored that the Qingshan Eight Sons are like a dragon.

He is really curious, how powerful it is.

"Two young masters are relieved, I will learn from him and then kill him."

Fei Hekang’s eyes are deep, and his killing is stunned.


"Hua Ge, is this Xu Feng really amazing?"

Behind Lie Dahua, a young man couldn’t help himself.

You must know that the knife method that Dongyang Teng has just shown is already very strong.

Now, Xu Feng is still so vocal, to crush Dongyang Teng.

This is a bit arrogant.

Lie Dahua smiled faintly and said: "I don't know, just rumors, he is the best of Qingshan Bazi talent."

"Don't worry, the good play has only just begun. If you want to go out and discuss it, even if you go up."

Lie Dahua is very clear that they represent the sects and come to participate in the Dongyang family's youth tea party.

Nature is the exchange between youth. If you don’t show the style of the young people, it’s really a glimpse.

"Hey! I want to go up now."

The young man smiled and some of them clenched their hands.


Dongyang’s face is full of anger, and there is anger between his faces.

He did not expect that he showed such a powerful Tenglong knife.

Xu Feng even dared to say that he crushed himself.

It’s arrogant!

Immediately, the evil road said: "If you have the ability, you will get out quickly. I will see it. How do you crush my Tamron knife?"

Dongyang Teng does not believe that among his peers, someone can suppress and repair, and he can crush his knife.

He is self-proclaimed in the entire Dongyang family, and his knife can surpass his people, no more than one hand.

As for the person who wants to suppress the knife that is used to crush him, the entire Dongyang family does not.

Everyone has looked at Xu Feng, they know that Xu Feng is a force in the end, or really dare to compare with Dongyang Teng.

Xu Feng heard the words, slowly stood up and smiled: "Since you want to find abuse, I will fulfill you."

Between the talks, Xu Feng has already walked toward the center, and he came to the center of the crowd, standing there, and looking calm.

From his look, there is no panic or fear, and some are calm as water.

Dongyang’s face was disdainful and smiled: “Who is going to find abuse, maybe?”

Said, grabbing the knife inside the hand, exudes a strong knife, and it contains all the horrible momentum.

Endless swords and swords, constantly emerged, for a time Dongyang Teng body, as if the dragon is in the shadow.

"is it?"

The peak of Xu Feng’s mouth rises, and the aurora magic knife appears in his hand, which will be completely suppressed and calm.

The only opposite Dongyang Teng, the depths of the eyes are cold and cold, and the look is anger.

The five elders looked at Dongyang Teng and looked at Xu Feng. "The rules of the first round of comparison, you all know that you can't use spiritual power. Whoever uses spiritual power, whoever loses."

"Five elders, you have to announce the beginning, I can't wait to tell this kid, what is the knife."

Dongyang can't wait, and urged the five elders.

He can't wait, and wants to teach Xu Feng.


The five elders are too lazy to continue nonsense and say.

The knives of Dongyang Teng's body are pervasive, and it seems that the knife and shadow are cohesive, forming the momentum of the dragon.

The horror of the knife, so it condensed into a fierce knife shadow, and smashed toward Xu Feng.

"I don't know what to do, I have to see, how do you resist my dragon knife?"

Dongyang took a step out of the way, the knife in his hand, filled with knife shadow, as if the dragon shadow flashed, and smashed out toward Xu Feng.

Many people could not help but scream, and have to say that this knife of Dongyang Teng is really strong.


The attack of Knife Mang, the Dragon Dragon Knife method is the sixth-order upper-class spirit, and it has also been cultivated by Dongyang Teng to the realm of getting better.

Many people think that Xu Feng is impossible, and compares with Dongyang Teng.

"But so!"

However, Xu Feng is slowly.

Between the gods, with a disdainful color.

At the moment of grasping the Aurora Magic Knife, there is no hesitation, and the Aurora kills the knife.

You must know that Xu Feng's aurora killing knife method is the sixth-order supernatural spirit, not to mention Xu Feng's cultivation to the realm of fire, and Dongyang Teng's knife method may be Xu Feng's opponent.

"The Promise!"

The moment of a knife to go out, the confrontation of the knife.

Dongyang’s big eyes are wide, and his face is full of sorrow.

Because, his knife, the knife that was attacked by Xu Feng, the crushing of the bombardment.

The whole person went crazy and quit, and Xu Feng’s mouth raised, saying: “Now, can you admit that your knife is not flashy?”

Wen Yan, Dongyang Teng almost did not rush to vomit blood, face full of sputum, cast a dragon knife method, the strongest move, toward Xu Feng.

(Thank you for your support, ask everyone to come to QQ to read a lot of support!)

(End of this chapter)

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