The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4108: Amazing will

Chapter 4108, The Astonishing Will

"How can Xu Feng's knife pressure be so strong?"

"It's incredible, his knife, distance, and fear is also a step away."

"His holy spirit technique is displayed, giving people a sense of flowing water."

The young people onlookers are young disciples of the Dongyang family, and their eyes are full of horror.

At the beginning, they thought that Dongyang Teng would win.

Unexpectedly, the battle was just beginning and the judge was judged.

"This Xu Feng is not a genius, it is a horror."

"Even if it is my shot, I am afraid it is not his opponent." Dongyang anger is the fifth heir to the Dongyang family. Dan Yuanjing's five-year mid-term repair is even more genius, and he can't help but say.

"It's really so powerful."

I heard the words of Dongyang’s anger, the hearts of the people.



Endless knives, condensed into dragon shadows, forming a violent knife.

The dragon shadow knife knuckles toward Xu Feng, the sly attack.

For a moment, the power of Tamron's knife method is revealed.

"There is no end."

"Tear the knife."

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife."

The Aurora killing knife method is displayed, forming a knife-shaped knives, endless tears.

With Xu Feng's knife method displayed, Dongyang Teng's knife method was thoroughly crushed.

For a moment, the power of the knife broke out.


Knife Mang broke out, and in an instant, Dongyang Teng, the cockroach's cockroach flew out.


Dongyang took a bite of blood and spewed it out of his mouth. His face was pale and he fell heavily on the ground.

The heart is bitter, he did not expect that the gap between himself and Xu Feng is so big.

Thinking of myself three times and five times, provoking Xu Feng, my heart is mocking.

"Look at the Dongyang ancestor, I am too lazy to kill you. After all, you consume a lot of resources, killing you, when the old man is distressed." Xu Feng opened his mouth to Dongyang: "Is advise you to be self-sufficient."

After that, in the eyes of the public, Xu Feng walked toward the higher part of the Tower of Will.

Dong Yang Teng's heart is unwilling, but it is also a bit shocking.

It is really Xu Feng's cultivation and strength, which far exceeds everyone's expectations.

"There is a good show, let's go."

Dongyang’s anger is very clear, Xu Feng will inevitably meet Dongyang and others, and then there will be a wonderful matchup.


The more the tower of will is above, the greater the pressure it faces.

However, the higher the height, the fewer people there are.

Dongyang is very fast.

Originally, Dongyang had to climb the tower of will, without any opponents.

However, not far from the harsh Dongyang, the three figures are very close.

Dongyang Yunzhi, Dongyang Jie, and Lie Dahua are all closely following Dongyang’s harshness.


Just as a few people climbed, a horrible hurricane, from the top down, madly filled.

The hurricane formed a violent violent wave, as if the endless wave of tumbling, horrible.

Even if Dong Yang’s harsh face changed, he did not expect the inside of the tower of will, but the wind of will.

Be aware that the wind of will is the most dangerous test in the tower of will.

If you are a little careless, you will be swept by the wind of will. You don't know how to die.

Dongyang spurs the body to flow, forming a huge spiritual mask outside the body.

Dongyang Yunzhi and I Dongyang Jie did not dare to care about it, and they all worked hard.

Lie Dahua squinted slightly and was waiting for it.

He also felt the horror of the hurricane that was about to hit.

"Not good, the wind of the will has hit."

Dongyang anger and others, his face is dignified.

"Everyone is careful, it is the wind of will."

Dongyang Nighthua made a scream.

The wind of will in the tower of will, once swept, will inevitably cause damage.

Xu Feng alone is still moving forward.

"Xu Feng, you are stopping, the wind of will is terrible."

Dongyang Nighthua reminded Xu Feng.


A burst of violent voice came.

The foremost Dongyang harsh people are the first to bear the brunt.

One by one, they are madly running, and they stand in the same place to resist the wind of the will.

"Is that guy crazy? The wind of the will is the most dangerous difficulty in the tower of will."

"If you are a little careless, you will die without a place of burial. If you are blown by the wind of will, you will die very badly."

Seeing Xu Feng, Ming knows that the wind of the will is coming in, not only did not stop, but rushed out against the wind of will.

Many young people from the Dongyang family are full of horror and pity.

They are very clear that the end of the hard wind will become very miserable.


The gust of wind is constantly surging, as if the void is distorted and carries endless pressure.

Dongyang's harsh face is dignified. He has also encountered the wind of will before, but he is not as strong as his eyes.


The spiritual power of Dongyang’s harsh body is running against the will of the will.

Dongyang Yunzhi and others are no exception.

Xu Feng has come to Dongyang Yunzhi, not far from them.

Dongyang Jie first saw Xu Feng and immediately opened his eyes. "Xu Xiong, be careful..."

Dong Yang Jie thinks that Xu Feng certainly does not know that the horror of the wind of will will continue to advance in this way, and immediately promptly speak out.

Dong Yangjie’s reminder has just ended, the wind of will has already hit him. He dare not have any intentions, the whole body is spiritually flowing, and Dan’s six-fold cultivation has broken out and become more powerful.


The wind of the will swept in front of Xu Feng, and everyone could not help but scream.

The golden light of Xu Feng's body broke out, and the power of the peak of the soul of the soul broke out. Standing there, letting the wind of the will strike, not only did not stop, but instead continued to move forward against the wind of will.


Many people thought that Xu Feng would suffer, and know that Xu Feng’s willpower is so terrible.

Everyone is stunned, when the wind of will becomes so easy.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng began to flow, and he continued to move forward against the strong will of the will.


Dongyang Jie couldn't help but swallow the mouth, it is worthy of five talents. No matter the willpower or the level of spiritual power, it is far more than ordinary people.

Even Dong Yangjie has sincere admiration at this moment.

"Xu Big Brother?"

Dongyang Yunzhi’s eyes wide open, and the eyes are shining, with incredible.

She knows that Xu Feng's strength is very powerful, and she did not expect the willpower to be so terrible.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng is constantly working. He is using the wind of will to temper the spiritual strength of suicide.

"Why can Xu Feng be able to temper himself with the wind of will, but we must fight to fight against it?"

Many people have such an idea in their hearts.


Dongyang Jie took the lead in running the spiritual power, and like Xu Feng, faltering forward.

The wind of the will attacks, the skin and bones of the whole body seem to fall apart.

However, with the power of the spirit, Dong Yang Jie felt that the spiritual power of the whole body became soaring.

(End of this chapter)

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